LexiTopic: Music & Musicians
The LexiConnexxions analysis has identified 258 words related to Music & Musicians in the Spelling Bee lexicon.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Words Related to MUSIC & MUSICIANS in the Spelling Bee lexicon
Composition and Scores:
ACCOLADE: music: a brace or a line used in music to join two or more staffs carrying simultaneous parts
ADAGIO: at a slow tempo —used chiefly as a direction in music
ANDANTE: moderately slow usually used as a direction in music
BINARY: music: duple, used of measure or rhythm; or having two musical subjects or two complementary sections
BIND: a tie: a curved line that joins two musical notes of the same pitch to denote a single tone sustained through the time value of the two
BOOK: music: a book of arrangements for a musician or dance orchestra: musical repertory
BRIO: In music, usually as part of “con brio”
CADENCE: a musical chord sequence moving to a harmonic close or point of rest and giving the sense of harmonic completion
CANON: a contrapuntal musical composition in which each successively entering voice presents the initial theme usually transformed in a strictly consistent way [a round]
CANONIC: of or relating to musical canon
CATCHY: a melody easily retained in memory
CHART: a musical arrangement; also: a part in such an arrangement
CLEF: a sign placed at the beginning of a musical staff to determine the pitch of the notes
CODA: a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure
DEVELOP: to elaborate (a musical idea) by the working out of rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme
DEVELOPED: to elaborate (a musical idea) by the working out of rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme
DIATONIC: of, relating to, or being a musical scale (such as a major or minor scale) comprising intervals of five whole steps and two half steps
DICTATION: the performing of music to be reproduced by a student; also, the music so reproduced
DOMINANT: the fifth tone of a major or minor scale [and the harmonies built thereon]
DOTTED: a point after a note or rest in music indicating augmentation of the time value by one half, or a point over or under a note indicating that it is to be played staccato
DUPLE: marked by two or a multiple of two beats per measure of music
duple time
EPILOG: epilogue: the concluding section of a musical composition: coda
FALL: a musical cadence or a falling-pitch intonation in speech
FEMININE: of a musical cadence: ending on an unaccented beat
FIFTH: the musical interval embracing five diatonic degrees, or the a tone at this interval; also, the harmonic combination of two tones at this interval
FILL: a bit of instrumental music that fills the pauses between phrases (as of a vocalist or soloist)
FINALE: the last section of [a] musical composition
FINE: used as a direction in music to mark the closing point after a repeat
FLAG: one of the cross strokes of a musical note less than a quarter note in value
FLAT: of a musical tone: lowered a half step in pitch (e.g., B-flat), or lower than the proper pitch; or a character ♭ on a line or space of the musical staff indicating a half step drop in pitch
FLATTEN: to lower in pitch especially by a half step
HARMONY: the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord, or the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords, or the science of the structure, relation, and progression of chords
HEAD: the oval part of a printed musical note
HOLD: in music: a fermata or pause
HOMOPHONIC: chordal; of, relating to, or suggesting a chord; also, relating to music characterized more by harmony than by counterpoint (i.e., not polyphonic)
HOOK: a device especially in music or writing that catches the attention
HOOKY: music: appealing and easy to remember: catchy
INTRO: introduction
LARGO: at a very slow tempo —used as a direction in music
LEGATO: in a manner that is smooth and connected (as between successive tones) —used especially as a direction in music; also, a passage of music so performed
LENTO: at a slow tempo, used especially as a direction in music
LINE: any of the horizontal parallel strokes on a music staff on or between which notes are placed
LOCO: music: in the register as written —used as a direction in music
Genres, Forms, Styles, and Motifs
ADAGIO: a musical composition or movement in adagio tempo
ANDANTE: a musical composition or movement in andante tempo
ATONAL: marked by avoidance of traditional musical tonality; especially: organized without reference to key or tonal center and using the tones of the chromatic scale impartially
ATONALLY: marked by avoidance of traditional musical tonality; especially: organized without reference to key or tonal center and using the tones of the chromatic scale impartially
BAGATELLE: a short literary or musical piece in light style
BALLAD: an art song accompanying a traditional ballad; or a simple song; or a popular song, especially: a slow romantic or sentimental song
BALLADRY: the composing or performing of ballads
BALLET: music for a ballet
BEBOP: bop, jazz characterized by harmonic complexity, convoluted melodic lines, and constant shifting of accent and often played at very rapid tempos
BLUE: music: of, relating to, or used in [the] blues
BOOGALOO: a genre of Latino popular music of especially New York in the 1960s influenced by soul and rhythm and blues
BOOGIE: short for boogie-woogie: a percussive style of playing blues on the piano characterized by a steady rhythmic ground bass of eighth notes in quadruple time and a series of improvised melodic variations
CANARY: a lively 16th century court dance; Middle French canarie, from Old Spanish canario, from Islas Canarias Canary Islands
CARIOCA: a variation of the samba, or the music for this dance
CAVATINA*: a songlike instrumental piece or movement
COOL: of jazz: marked by restrained emotion and the frequent use of counterpoint; of a musical tone: relatively lacking in timbre or resonance
DANCE: a piece of music by which dancing may be guided
DANCEHALL: dancehall: a genre of Jamaican music derived from reggae in which an artist improvises vocals over a recorded or live beat
ELEGY: a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead; or a short pensive musical composition
ETUDE: a piece of music for the practice of a point of technique; also, a composition built on a technical motive but played for its artistic value
FOLK: folk music
FUGUE: a musical composition in which one or two themes are repeated or imitated by successively entering voices and contrapuntally developed in a continuous interweaving of the voice parts
GALOP: a lively dance in duple measure; also: the music of a galop
GAVOTTE: a tune for the gavotte in moderately quick ⁴/₄ time
GIGUE: a lively dance movement (as of a suite) having compound triple rhythm and composed in fugal style
GOTH: often not capitalized: rock music marked by dark and morbid lyrics; also, a fan or performer of goth
IDIOM: a style or form of artistic expression that is characteristic of an individual, a period or movement, or a medium or instrument
IDIOMATIC: a style or form of artistic expression that is characteristic of an individual, a period or movement, or a medium or instrument
IMITATION: the repetition by one voice of a melody, phrase, or motive stated earlier in the composition by a different voice
IMITATIVE: characterized by repetition by one voice of a melody, phrase, or motive stated earlier in the composition by a different voice
INVENTION: a short keyboard composition featuring two- or three-part counterpoint
JIVE: swing music or the dancing performed to it; also, to dance to or play jive or swing
JUJU: a style of West African music that is characterized by a rapid beat, the use of percussion instruments, and vocal harmonies
LAMENT: a dirge, an elegy
LARGO: a largo movement
LEITMOTIF: an associated melodic phrase or figure that accompanies the reappearance of an idea, person, or situation especially in a Wagnerian music drama
Instruments: Brass:
BUGLING: to sound a bugle
HORN: a brass wind instrument or any a wind instrument used in a jazz band; also, an animal's horn used as a wind instrument
Instruments: Ensembles:
BAND: a group of musicians organized for ensemble playing
BANDWAGON: a usually ornate and high wagon for a band of musicians especially in a circus parade
BOTTOM: music: the bass or baritone instruments of a band
CHAIR: a position of employment usually of one occupying a chair or desk, specifically: the position of a player in an orchestra or band
CHOIR: a group of instruments of the same class (e.g., a brass choir)
COMBO: a usually small jazz or dance band
GAMELAN: an Indonesian orchestra made up especially of percussion instruments (such as gongs, xylophones, and drums)
Instruments: General Terms:
ACTION: the degree of resistance of a musical instrument to being played, especially: the response or resistance of keys in a keyboard-operated instrument to the player's or operator's fingers
ALTO: a member of a family of instruments having a range lower than that of the treble or soprano; especially: an alto saxophone
BODY: the sound box or pipe of a musical instrument
Instruments: Keyboard:
ACCORDION: a portable keyboard wind instrument in which the wind is forced past free reeds by means of a hand-operated bellows
FLUE: a flue pipe, an organ pipe whose tone is produced by an air current striking the lip and causing the air within to vibrate
GRAND: a grand piano
IVORY: the key of a piano, organ, etc.
Instruments: Percussion:
BELL: a hollow [metallic] device that gives off a reverberating sound when struck; also, the flared end of a wind instrument; also, a percussion instrument consisting of metal bars or tubes that when struck give out tones resembling bells —Used in Plural, orchestra bells; also, a glockenspiel
BONE: plural: thin bars of bone, ivory, or wood held in pairs between the fingers and used to produce musical rhythms
BONGO: one of a pair of small connected drums of different sizes and pitches played with the hands
CHANGE: an order in which a set of bells is struck in change ringing
CHIME: a musically tuned set of bells; an apparatus for chiming a bell or set of bells; one of a set of objects giving a bell-like sound when struck; the sound of a set of bells; a musical sound suggesting that of bells; also, to make a musical and especially a harmonious sound; to make the sounds of a chime
CHIMING: to make a musical and especially a harmonious sound; to make the sounds of a chime
CLAVE: one of a pair of cylindrical hardwood sticks that are used as a percussion instrument
CONGA: a tall barrel-shaped or tapering drum of Afro-Cuban origin that is played with the hands; American Spanish, probably from feminine of congo, meaning black person, from Congo, region in Africa
CYMBAL: a concave metal plate (as of brass or bronze) that produces a brilliant clashing tone and that is struck with a drumstick or is used in pairs struck glancingly together
DRUM: a percussion instrument consisting of a hollow shell or cylinder with a drumhead stretched over one or both ends that is beaten with the hands or with some implement (such as a stick or wire brush)
DRUMROLL: a roll on a drum or its sound
GAMELAN: an Indonesian orchestra made up especially of percussion instruments (such as gongs, xylophones, and drums)
GONG: a disk-shaped percussion instrument that produces a resounding tone when struck with a usually padded hammer
GONGING: playing a gong
KETTLE: kettledrum, a percussion instrument that consists of a hollow brass, copper, or fiberglass hemisphere with a calfskin or plastic head whose tension can be changed to vary the pitch
Instruments: Stringed:
ARCO: Re: stringed instruments: playing with the bow
BALALAIKA: a usually 3-stringed instrument of Russian origin with a triangular body played by plucking or strumming
BANJO: a musical instrument with a drumlike body, a fretted neck, and usually four or five strings which may be plucked or strummed
BOWED: Said of string instruments that are played with a bow
BOWING: the technique or manner of managing the bow in playing a stringed musical instrument
CAPO: a movable bar attached to the fingerboard of a fretted instrument to uniformly raise the pitch of all the strings; short for capotasto, from Italian, literally, head of fingerboard
CELLI: plural, shortened form of violoncelli; the bass member of the violin family tuned an octave below the viola
CELLO: shortened form of violoncello, the bass member of the violin family tuned an octave below the viola
FIDDLE: a violin
FIDDLED: played the violin
FIDDLING: playing the violin
FROG: the nut of a violin bow
HARP: a plucked stringed instrument consisting of a resonator, an arched or angled neck that may be supported by a post, and strings of graded length that are strung between the soundboard and the neck; also, a harmonica; also,
HARPING: to play on a harp
LUTE: a stringed instrument having a large pear-shaped body, a vaulted back, a fretted fingerboard, and a head with tuning pegs which is often angled backward from the neck
Instruments: Wind:
ACCORDION: a portable keyboard wind instrument in which the wind is forced past free reeds by means of a hand-operated bellows
BAZOO*: M-W’s 1st def.: a kazoo, an instrument that imparts a buzzing quality to the human voice and that usually consists of a small metal or plastic tube with a side hole covered by a thin membrane
FIFE: a small transverse flute with six to eight finger holes and usually no keys
FIFED: playing the fife
FIFING: playing the fife
FLUE: an air channel leading to the lip of a wind instrument
FLUTE: a keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone and having a range from middle C upward for three octaves
FLUTED: to play a flute, or to produce a flutelike sound
KAZOO: an instrument that imparts a buzzing quality to the human voice and that usually consists of a small metal or plastic tube with a side hole covered by a thin membrane [also called bazoo]
LIPPING: embouchure: the position and use of the lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrument
ALTO: countertenor or contralto voice; the second highest voice part in a 4-part chorus [sometimes]
AXMAN: slang: a guitarist especially in a jazz or rock band
CHAIR: a position of employment usually of one occupying a chair or desk, specifically: the position of a player in an orchestra or band
CHOIR: an organized company of singers
CHOIRBOY: a boy member of a choir
CHOIRGIRL: M-W does not include choirgirl, a girl member of a choir
COLORATURA: elaborate embellishment in vocal music, or more broadly, music with ornate figuration, or a singer specializing in coloratura
CONDUCT: to direct the performance of (conduct an orchestra, conduct an opera)
CONDUCTED: to direct the performance of (conduct an orchestra, conduct an opera)
CONDUCTOR: the leader of a musical ensemble
CONTRALTO: a singing voice having a range between tenor and mezzo-soprano, or a person having this voice; also, the part sung by a contralto
DEEJAY: initialism from disc jockey
DEEJAYED: initialism from disc jockey
DIVA: a prima donna: a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization
EXECUTANT: one who executes or performs, especially: one skilled in the technique of an art: a performer
FRONT: to be the leader of (a musical group)
FRONTMAN: M-W has this as an open compound, front man: a person serving as a front or figurehead, or the lead performer in a musical group
GIGGED: to work as a musician
GIGGING: to work as a musician
GRIOT: any of a class of musician-entertainers of western Africa whose performances include tribal histories and genealogies; a storyteller
JOCK: a disc jockey, an announcer of a radio show of popular recorded music; also: one who plays recorded music for dancing at a nightclub or party
Performance and Sounds:
ACCENT: in music: greater stress given to one musical tone than to its neighbors; also, a musical accent mark; also, to accent a note
ACCOMPANY: to perform an accompaniment to or for, or to perform an accompaniment
ACCOUNT: a performance (e.g., a straightforward account of the sonata)
AMBIENT: of or relating to ambient music; also, a noun: music intended to serve as an unobtrusive accompaniment to other activities (as in a public place) and characterized especially by quiet and repetitive instrumental melodies
AMPLIFY: to make louder, esp by electronic or electrical means
ATTACK: music: the act or manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
ATTUNE: to bring into harmony; to tune
ATTUNED: to bring into harmony; to tune
BACK: to provide musical accompaniment for —often used with up
BACKING: to provide musical accompaniment for; also, the music that is played along with someone who is singing or playing the main tune: the music that accompanies the lead musician
BACKUP: musical accompaniment
BATON: a hollow metal rod with a weighted bulb at one or both ends that is flourished by a drum major or drum majorette
BATON: a slender rod with which a leader directs a band or orchestra
BEAT: music: the tempo indicated (as by a conductor) to a musical performer; also, a metrical or rhythmic stress in music or the rhythmic effect of these stresses; also, to strike repeatedly in order to produce music or a signal (beat a drum)
BLEND: to produce a harmonious effect
BLENDED: to produce a harmonious effect
BLEW: of a wind instrument, horn, etc: to sound; to make a sound by or as if by blowing; to play (something) on a wind instrument (blow a tune)
BLOW: of a wind instrument, horn, etc: to sound; to make a sound by or as if by blowing; to play (something) on a wind instrument (blow a tune)
BLOWING: of a wind instrument, horn, etc: to sound; to make a sound by or as if by blowing; to play (something) on a wind instrument (blow a tune)
BLOWN: of a wind instrument, horn, etc: to sound; to make a sound by or as if by blowing; to play (something) on a wind instrument (blow a tune)
BODY: music: fullness or resonance of a musical tone
COLLAB: short for collaboration: a musical collaboration
CONCORD: a simultaneous occurrence of two or more musical tones that produces an impression of agreeableness or resolution on a listener (opposite of discord)
CONCORDANT: consonant; marked by musical consonances
DEEP: having a low musical pitch or pitch range
DUET: a composition for two performers, or to perform such a composition
DUETTED: a composition for two performers, or to perform such a composition
DULCET: pleasing to the ear
EXECUTE: to perform (execute a piece of music)
FLAT: below the proper musical pitch; a musical note or tone one half step lower than a specified note or tone; also, to lower in pitch especially by a half step; to sing or play below the true pitch
HIGH: in music: elevated in pitch
INTONATION: the ability to play or sing notes in tune
JAMMING: to improvise on a musical instrument with a group: to take part in a jam session
KEEP: music: to stay in accord with (a beat) (keep time)
KEEPING: music: to stay in accord with (a beat) (keep time)
KEPT: music: to stay in accord with (a beat) (keep time)
LEGATO: a smooth and connected manner of performance (as of music)
LENGTH: relative duration or stress of a sound (such as a vowel or syllable in prose or a note in music)
LICK: a musical figure, specifically: an interpolated and usually improvised figure or flourish
LILT: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner
LILTED: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner
LILTING: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner
LINE: a succession of musical notes especially considered in melodic phrases
LIQUID: being musical and free of harshness in sound (the liquid song of the robin)
LIQUIDLY: being musical and free of harshness in sound (the liquid song of the robin)
LIVE: of or involving a presentation (such as a play or concert) in which both the performers and an audience are physically present (a live record album, live entertainment, live audience)
LOOP: a continuously repeated segment of music, dialogue, or images (a drum loop)
Publication and Recording
ACETATE: a phonograph recording disk made of an acetate or coated with cellulose acetate
AIRPLAY: the playing of a musical recording on the air by a radio station
ALBUM: one or more recordings (as on tape or disc) produced as a single unit
BOOMBOX: M-W shows as an open compound: boom box, a usually large portable stereophonic radio and tape or CD player
BURN: to record digital data or music on (an optical disc) using a laser (burn a cd); also: to record (data or music) in this way (burn songs onto a disk)
BURNT: to record digital data or music on (an optical disc) using a laser (burn a cd); also: to record (data or music) in this way (burn songs onto a disk)
CUTOUT: a record album no longer in production that is sold at a discount
INDIE: one that is independent, especially: an unaffiliated record or motion-picture production company; also, something (such as a record or film) produced by an indie; by shortening & alteration from independent
LABEL: a brand of commercial recordings issued under a usually trademarked name; also, a company issuing such recordings (she records with three labels); also, a recording so issued
Vocal and Choral
ALTO: countertenor or contralto voice; the second highest voice part in a 4-part chorus [sometimes]
ANTHEM: a song or hymn of praise or gladness; a usually rousing popular song that typifies or is identified with a particular subculture, movement, or point of view
ARIA: Italian: air, meaning song
BELT: to sing in a forceful manner or style
BELTING: to sing in a forceful manner or style
CANTATA: a composition for one or more voices usually comprising solos, duets, recitatives, and choruses and sung to an instrumental accompaniment
CAROL: an old round dance with singing, or a song of joy or mirth, or a popular song or ballad of religious joy
CARRY: to sing with reasonable correctness of pitch (carry a tune)
CARRYING: to sing with reasonable correctness of pitch (carry a tune)
CATCH: a round for three or more unaccompanied usually male voices often with suggestive or obscene lyrics
CAVATINA*: an operatic solo simpler and briefer than an aria
CHANGE: of the voice: to shift to lower register: to break (His voice started to change when he turned 13.)
CHANGED: of the voice: to shift to lower register: to break (His voice started to change when he turned 13.)
CHANGING: of the voice: to shift to lower register: to break (His voice started to change when he turned 13.)
CHANT: to make melodic sounds with the voice, especially: to sing a chant; also, a song, or plainchant
CHANTEY: a song sung by sailors in rhythm with their work
CHANTY: a song sung by sailors in rhythm with their work
CHOIR: an organized company of singers
CHOIRBOY: a boy member of a choir
CHOIRGIRL: M-W does not include choirgirl, a girl member of a choir
COLORATURA: elaborate embellishment in vocal music, or more broadly, music with ornate figuration, or a singer specializing in coloratura
CONTRALTO: a singing voice having a range between tenor and mezzo-soprano, or a person having this voice; also, the part sung by a contralto
CROON: to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner; especially: to sing in a soft intimate manner adapted to amplifying systems; to sing (something, such as a popular song or a lullaby) in a crooning manner
CROONING: to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner; especially: to sing in a soft intimate manner adapted to amplifying systems; to sing (something, such as a popular song or a lullaby) in a crooning manner
DICTION: pronunciation and enunciation of words in singing
DITTY: an especially simple and unaffected song
DIVA: a prima donna: a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization
GLEE: a part-song for usually male voices
GLIDE: portamento: in music, a continuous gliding movement from one tone to another (as by the voice)
GRADUAL: often capitalized: a book containing the choral parts of the Mass
HUMMED: to sing with the lips closed and without uttering speech sounds distinctly
HYMN: The music composed for a hymn setting
INTONATION: something that is intoned, specifically: the opening tones of a Gregorian chant; also, the act of intoning and especially of chanting
INTONE: to utter in musical or prolonged tones: recite in singing tones or in a monotone
INTONED: to utter in musical or prolonged tones: recite in singing tones or in a monotone
INTONING: to utter in musical or prolonged tones: recite in singing tones or in a monotone
LILT: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner; to sing or speak rhythmically and with fluctuating pitch
LILTED: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner; to sing or speak rhythmically and with fluctuating pitch
LILTING: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner; to sing or speak rhythmically and with fluctuating pitch
LITANY: a resonant or repetitive chant
LULLABY: a soothing refrain; specifically, a song to quiet children or lull them to sleep; also, to quiet with or as if with a lullaby
LYRIC: the words of a song —often used in plural; also, suitable for singing to the lyre or for being set to music and sung; also, of, relating to, or being drama set to music, especially: operatic (the lyric stage)
LYRICAL: having an artistically beautiful or expressive quality suggestive of song; of or relating to song lyrics
LYRICALLY: having an artistically beautiful or expressive quality suggestive of song; of or relating to song lyrics
ACCOLADE: music: a brace or a line used in music to join two or more staffs carrying simultaneous parts
ADAGIO: at a slow tempo —used chiefly as a direction in music
ANDANTE: moderately slow usually used as a direction in music
BINARY: music: duple, used of measure or rhythm; or having two musical subjects or two complementary sections
BIND: a tie: a curved line that joins two musical notes of the same pitch to denote a single tone sustained through the time value of the two
BOOK: music: a book of arrangements for a musician or dance orchestra: musical repertory
BRIO: In music, usually as part of “con brio”
CADENCE: a musical chord sequence moving to a harmonic close or point of rest and giving the sense of harmonic completion
CANON: a contrapuntal musical composition in which each successively entering voice presents the initial theme usually transformed in a strictly consistent way [a round]
CANONIC: of or relating to musical canon
CATCHY: a melody easily retained in memory
CHART: a musical arrangement; also: a part in such an arrangement
CLEF: a sign placed at the beginning of a musical staff to determine the pitch of the notes
CODA: a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure
DEVELOP: to elaborate (a musical idea) by the working out of rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme
DEVELOPED: to elaborate (a musical idea) by the working out of rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme
DIATONIC: of, relating to, or being a musical scale (such as a major or minor scale) comprising intervals of five whole steps and two half steps
DICTATION: the performing of music to be reproduced by a student; also, the music so reproduced
DOMINANT: the fifth tone of a major or minor scale [and the harmonies built thereon]
DOTTED: a point after a note or rest in music indicating augmentation of the time value by one half, or a point over or under a note indicating that it is to be played staccato
DUPLE: marked by two or a multiple of two beats per measure of music
duple time
EPILOG: epilogue: the concluding section of a musical composition: coda
FALL: a musical cadence or a falling-pitch intonation in speech
FEMININE: of a musical cadence: ending on an unaccented beat
FIFTH: the musical interval embracing five diatonic degrees, or the a tone at this interval; also, the harmonic combination of two tones at this interval
FILL: a bit of instrumental music that fills the pauses between phrases (as of a vocalist or soloist)
FINALE: the last section of [a] musical composition
FINE: used as a direction in music to mark the closing point after a repeat
FLAG: one of the cross strokes of a musical note less than a quarter note in value
FLAT: of a musical tone: lowered a half step in pitch (e.g., B-flat), or lower than the proper pitch; or a character ♭ on a line or space of the musical staff indicating a half step drop in pitch
FLATTEN: to lower in pitch especially by a half step
HARMONY: the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord, or the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords, or the science of the structure, relation, and progression of chords
HEAD: the oval part of a printed musical note
HOLD: in music: a fermata or pause
HOMOPHONIC: chordal; of, relating to, or suggesting a chord; also, relating to music characterized more by harmony than by counterpoint (i.e., not polyphonic)
HOOK: a device especially in music or writing that catches the attention
HOOKY: music: appealing and easy to remember: catchy
INTRO: introduction
LARGO: at a very slow tempo —used as a direction in music
LEGATO: in a manner that is smooth and connected (as between successive tones) —used especially as a direction in music; also, a passage of music so performed
LENTO: at a slow tempo, used especially as a direction in music
LINE: any of the horizontal parallel strokes on a music staff on or between which notes are placed
LOCO: music: in the register as written —used as a direction in music
Genres, Forms, Styles, and Motifs
ADAGIO: a musical composition or movement in adagio tempo
ANDANTE: a musical composition or movement in andante tempo
ATONAL: marked by avoidance of traditional musical tonality; especially: organized without reference to key or tonal center and using the tones of the chromatic scale impartially
ATONALLY: marked by avoidance of traditional musical tonality; especially: organized without reference to key or tonal center and using the tones of the chromatic scale impartially
BAGATELLE: a short literary or musical piece in light style
BALLAD: an art song accompanying a traditional ballad; or a simple song; or a popular song, especially: a slow romantic or sentimental song
BALLADRY: the composing or performing of ballads
BALLET: music for a ballet
BEBOP: bop, jazz characterized by harmonic complexity, convoluted melodic lines, and constant shifting of accent and often played at very rapid tempos
BLUE: music: of, relating to, or used in [the] blues
BOOGALOO: a genre of Latino popular music of especially New York in the 1960s influenced by soul and rhythm and blues
BOOGIE: short for boogie-woogie: a percussive style of playing blues on the piano characterized by a steady rhythmic ground bass of eighth notes in quadruple time and a series of improvised melodic variations
CANARY: a lively 16th century court dance; Middle French canarie, from Old Spanish canario, from Islas Canarias Canary Islands
CARIOCA: a variation of the samba, or the music for this dance
CAVATINA*: a songlike instrumental piece or movement
COOL: of jazz: marked by restrained emotion and the frequent use of counterpoint; of a musical tone: relatively lacking in timbre or resonance
DANCE: a piece of music by which dancing may be guided
DANCEHALL: dancehall: a genre of Jamaican music derived from reggae in which an artist improvises vocals over a recorded or live beat
ELEGY: a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead; or a short pensive musical composition
ETUDE: a piece of music for the practice of a point of technique; also, a composition built on a technical motive but played for its artistic value
FOLK: folk music
FUGUE: a musical composition in which one or two themes are repeated or imitated by successively entering voices and contrapuntally developed in a continuous interweaving of the voice parts
GALOP: a lively dance in duple measure; also: the music of a galop
GAVOTTE: a tune for the gavotte in moderately quick ⁴/₄ time
GIGUE: a lively dance movement (as of a suite) having compound triple rhythm and composed in fugal style
GOTH: often not capitalized: rock music marked by dark and morbid lyrics; also, a fan or performer of goth
IDIOM: a style or form of artistic expression that is characteristic of an individual, a period or movement, or a medium or instrument
IDIOMATIC: a style or form of artistic expression that is characteristic of an individual, a period or movement, or a medium or instrument
IMITATION: the repetition by one voice of a melody, phrase, or motive stated earlier in the composition by a different voice
IMITATIVE: characterized by repetition by one voice of a melody, phrase, or motive stated earlier in the composition by a different voice
INVENTION: a short keyboard composition featuring two- or three-part counterpoint
JIVE: swing music or the dancing performed to it; also, to dance to or play jive or swing
JUJU: a style of West African music that is characterized by a rapid beat, the use of percussion instruments, and vocal harmonies
LAMENT: a dirge, an elegy
LARGO: a largo movement
LEITMOTIF: an associated melodic phrase or figure that accompanies the reappearance of an idea, person, or situation especially in a Wagnerian music drama
Instruments: Brass:
BUGLING: to sound a bugle
HORN: a brass wind instrument or any a wind instrument used in a jazz band; also, an animal's horn used as a wind instrument
Instruments: Ensembles:
BAND: a group of musicians organized for ensemble playing
BANDWAGON: a usually ornate and high wagon for a band of musicians especially in a circus parade
BOTTOM: music: the bass or baritone instruments of a band
CHAIR: a position of employment usually of one occupying a chair or desk, specifically: the position of a player in an orchestra or band
CHOIR: a group of instruments of the same class (e.g., a brass choir)
COMBO: a usually small jazz or dance band
GAMELAN: an Indonesian orchestra made up especially of percussion instruments (such as gongs, xylophones, and drums)
Instruments: General Terms:
ACTION: the degree of resistance of a musical instrument to being played, especially: the response or resistance of keys in a keyboard-operated instrument to the player's or operator's fingers
ALTO: a member of a family of instruments having a range lower than that of the treble or soprano; especially: an alto saxophone
BODY: the sound box or pipe of a musical instrument
Instruments: Keyboard:
ACCORDION: a portable keyboard wind instrument in which the wind is forced past free reeds by means of a hand-operated bellows
FLUE: a flue pipe, an organ pipe whose tone is produced by an air current striking the lip and causing the air within to vibrate
GRAND: a grand piano
IVORY: the key of a piano, organ, etc.
Instruments: Percussion:
BELL: a hollow [metallic] device that gives off a reverberating sound when struck; also, the flared end of a wind instrument; also, a percussion instrument consisting of metal bars or tubes that when struck give out tones resembling bells —Used in Plural, orchestra bells; also, a glockenspiel
BONE: plural: thin bars of bone, ivory, or wood held in pairs between the fingers and used to produce musical rhythms
BONGO: one of a pair of small connected drums of different sizes and pitches played with the hands
CHANGE: an order in which a set of bells is struck in change ringing
CHIME: a musically tuned set of bells; an apparatus for chiming a bell or set of bells; one of a set of objects giving a bell-like sound when struck; the sound of a set of bells; a musical sound suggesting that of bells; also, to make a musical and especially a harmonious sound; to make the sounds of a chime
CHIMING: to make a musical and especially a harmonious sound; to make the sounds of a chime
CLAVE: one of a pair of cylindrical hardwood sticks that are used as a percussion instrument
CONGA: a tall barrel-shaped or tapering drum of Afro-Cuban origin that is played with the hands; American Spanish, probably from feminine of congo, meaning black person, from Congo, region in Africa
CYMBAL: a concave metal plate (as of brass or bronze) that produces a brilliant clashing tone and that is struck with a drumstick or is used in pairs struck glancingly together
DRUM: a percussion instrument consisting of a hollow shell or cylinder with a drumhead stretched over one or both ends that is beaten with the hands or with some implement (such as a stick or wire brush)
DRUMROLL: a roll on a drum or its sound
GAMELAN: an Indonesian orchestra made up especially of percussion instruments (such as gongs, xylophones, and drums)
GONG: a disk-shaped percussion instrument that produces a resounding tone when struck with a usually padded hammer
GONGING: playing a gong
KETTLE: kettledrum, a percussion instrument that consists of a hollow brass, copper, or fiberglass hemisphere with a calfskin or plastic head whose tension can be changed to vary the pitch
Instruments: Stringed:
ARCO: Re: stringed instruments: playing with the bow
BALALAIKA: a usually 3-stringed instrument of Russian origin with a triangular body played by plucking or strumming
BANJO: a musical instrument with a drumlike body, a fretted neck, and usually four or five strings which may be plucked or strummed
BOWED: Said of string instruments that are played with a bow
BOWING: the technique or manner of managing the bow in playing a stringed musical instrument
CAPO: a movable bar attached to the fingerboard of a fretted instrument to uniformly raise the pitch of all the strings; short for capotasto, from Italian, literally, head of fingerboard
CELLI: plural, shortened form of violoncelli; the bass member of the violin family tuned an octave below the viola
CELLO: shortened form of violoncello, the bass member of the violin family tuned an octave below the viola
FIDDLE: a violin
FIDDLED: played the violin
FIDDLING: playing the violin
FROG: the nut of a violin bow
HARP: a plucked stringed instrument consisting of a resonator, an arched or angled neck that may be supported by a post, and strings of graded length that are strung between the soundboard and the neck; also, a harmonica; also,
HARPING: to play on a harp
LUTE: a stringed instrument having a large pear-shaped body, a vaulted back, a fretted fingerboard, and a head with tuning pegs which is often angled backward from the neck
Instruments: Wind:
ACCORDION: a portable keyboard wind instrument in which the wind is forced past free reeds by means of a hand-operated bellows
BAZOO*: M-W’s 1st def.: a kazoo, an instrument that imparts a buzzing quality to the human voice and that usually consists of a small metal or plastic tube with a side hole covered by a thin membrane
FIFE: a small transverse flute with six to eight finger holes and usually no keys
FIFED: playing the fife
FIFING: playing the fife
FLUE: an air channel leading to the lip of a wind instrument
FLUTE: a keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone and having a range from middle C upward for three octaves
FLUTED: to play a flute, or to produce a flutelike sound
KAZOO: an instrument that imparts a buzzing quality to the human voice and that usually consists of a small metal or plastic tube with a side hole covered by a thin membrane [also called bazoo]
LIPPING: embouchure: the position and use of the lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrument
ALTO: countertenor or contralto voice; the second highest voice part in a 4-part chorus [sometimes]
AXMAN: slang: a guitarist especially in a jazz or rock band
CHAIR: a position of employment usually of one occupying a chair or desk, specifically: the position of a player in an orchestra or band
CHOIR: an organized company of singers
CHOIRBOY: a boy member of a choir
CHOIRGIRL: M-W does not include choirgirl, a girl member of a choir
COLORATURA: elaborate embellishment in vocal music, or more broadly, music with ornate figuration, or a singer specializing in coloratura
CONDUCT: to direct the performance of (conduct an orchestra, conduct an opera)
CONDUCTED: to direct the performance of (conduct an orchestra, conduct an opera)
CONDUCTOR: the leader of a musical ensemble
CONTRALTO: a singing voice having a range between tenor and mezzo-soprano, or a person having this voice; also, the part sung by a contralto
DEEJAY: initialism from disc jockey
DEEJAYED: initialism from disc jockey
DIVA: a prima donna: a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization
EXECUTANT: one who executes or performs, especially: one skilled in the technique of an art: a performer
FRONT: to be the leader of (a musical group)
FRONTMAN: M-W has this as an open compound, front man: a person serving as a front or figurehead, or the lead performer in a musical group
GIGGED: to work as a musician
GIGGING: to work as a musician
GRIOT: any of a class of musician-entertainers of western Africa whose performances include tribal histories and genealogies; a storyteller
JOCK: a disc jockey, an announcer of a radio show of popular recorded music; also: one who plays recorded music for dancing at a nightclub or party
Performance and Sounds:
ACCENT: in music: greater stress given to one musical tone than to its neighbors; also, a musical accent mark; also, to accent a note
ACCOMPANY: to perform an accompaniment to or for, or to perform an accompaniment
ACCOUNT: a performance (e.g., a straightforward account of the sonata)
AMBIENT: of or relating to ambient music; also, a noun: music intended to serve as an unobtrusive accompaniment to other activities (as in a public place) and characterized especially by quiet and repetitive instrumental melodies
AMPLIFY: to make louder, esp by electronic or electrical means
ATTACK: music: the act or manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
ATTUNE: to bring into harmony; to tune
ATTUNED: to bring into harmony; to tune
BACK: to provide musical accompaniment for —often used with up
BACKING: to provide musical accompaniment for; also, the music that is played along with someone who is singing or playing the main tune: the music that accompanies the lead musician
BACKUP: musical accompaniment
BATON: a hollow metal rod with a weighted bulb at one or both ends that is flourished by a drum major or drum majorette
BATON: a slender rod with which a leader directs a band or orchestra
BEAT: music: the tempo indicated (as by a conductor) to a musical performer; also, a metrical or rhythmic stress in music or the rhythmic effect of these stresses; also, to strike repeatedly in order to produce music or a signal (beat a drum)
BLEND: to produce a harmonious effect
BLENDED: to produce a harmonious effect
BLEW: of a wind instrument, horn, etc: to sound; to make a sound by or as if by blowing; to play (something) on a wind instrument (blow a tune)
BLOW: of a wind instrument, horn, etc: to sound; to make a sound by or as if by blowing; to play (something) on a wind instrument (blow a tune)
BLOWING: of a wind instrument, horn, etc: to sound; to make a sound by or as if by blowing; to play (something) on a wind instrument (blow a tune)
BLOWN: of a wind instrument, horn, etc: to sound; to make a sound by or as if by blowing; to play (something) on a wind instrument (blow a tune)
BODY: music: fullness or resonance of a musical tone
COLLAB: short for collaboration: a musical collaboration
CONCORD: a simultaneous occurrence of two or more musical tones that produces an impression of agreeableness or resolution on a listener (opposite of discord)
CONCORDANT: consonant; marked by musical consonances
DEEP: having a low musical pitch or pitch range
DUET: a composition for two performers, or to perform such a composition
DUETTED: a composition for two performers, or to perform such a composition
DULCET: pleasing to the ear
EXECUTE: to perform (execute a piece of music)
FLAT: below the proper musical pitch; a musical note or tone one half step lower than a specified note or tone; also, to lower in pitch especially by a half step; to sing or play below the true pitch
HIGH: in music: elevated in pitch
INTONATION: the ability to play or sing notes in tune
JAMMING: to improvise on a musical instrument with a group: to take part in a jam session
KEEP: music: to stay in accord with (a beat) (keep time)
KEEPING: music: to stay in accord with (a beat) (keep time)
KEPT: music: to stay in accord with (a beat) (keep time)
LEGATO: a smooth and connected manner of performance (as of music)
LENGTH: relative duration or stress of a sound (such as a vowel or syllable in prose or a note in music)
LICK: a musical figure, specifically: an interpolated and usually improvised figure or flourish
LILT: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner
LILTED: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner
LILTING: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner
LINE: a succession of musical notes especially considered in melodic phrases
LIQUID: being musical and free of harshness in sound (the liquid song of the robin)
LIQUIDLY: being musical and free of harshness in sound (the liquid song of the robin)
LIVE: of or involving a presentation (such as a play or concert) in which both the performers and an audience are physically present (a live record album, live entertainment, live audience)
LOOP: a continuously repeated segment of music, dialogue, or images (a drum loop)
Publication and Recording
ACETATE: a phonograph recording disk made of an acetate or coated with cellulose acetate
AIRPLAY: the playing of a musical recording on the air by a radio station
ALBUM: one or more recordings (as on tape or disc) produced as a single unit
BOOMBOX: M-W shows as an open compound: boom box, a usually large portable stereophonic radio and tape or CD player
BURN: to record digital data or music on (an optical disc) using a laser (burn a cd); also: to record (data or music) in this way (burn songs onto a disk)
BURNT: to record digital data or music on (an optical disc) using a laser (burn a cd); also: to record (data or music) in this way (burn songs onto a disk)
CUTOUT: a record album no longer in production that is sold at a discount
INDIE: one that is independent, especially: an unaffiliated record or motion-picture production company; also, something (such as a record or film) produced by an indie; by shortening & alteration from independent
LABEL: a brand of commercial recordings issued under a usually trademarked name; also, a company issuing such recordings (she records with three labels); also, a recording so issued
Vocal and Choral
ALTO: countertenor or contralto voice; the second highest voice part in a 4-part chorus [sometimes]
ANTHEM: a song or hymn of praise or gladness; a usually rousing popular song that typifies or is identified with a particular subculture, movement, or point of view
ARIA: Italian: air, meaning song
BELT: to sing in a forceful manner or style
BELTING: to sing in a forceful manner or style
CANTATA: a composition for one or more voices usually comprising solos, duets, recitatives, and choruses and sung to an instrumental accompaniment
CAROL: an old round dance with singing, or a song of joy or mirth, or a popular song or ballad of religious joy
CARRY: to sing with reasonable correctness of pitch (carry a tune)
CARRYING: to sing with reasonable correctness of pitch (carry a tune)
CATCH: a round for three or more unaccompanied usually male voices often with suggestive or obscene lyrics
CAVATINA*: an operatic solo simpler and briefer than an aria
CHANGE: of the voice: to shift to lower register: to break (His voice started to change when he turned 13.)
CHANGED: of the voice: to shift to lower register: to break (His voice started to change when he turned 13.)
CHANGING: of the voice: to shift to lower register: to break (His voice started to change when he turned 13.)
CHANT: to make melodic sounds with the voice, especially: to sing a chant; also, a song, or plainchant
CHANTEY: a song sung by sailors in rhythm with their work
CHANTY: a song sung by sailors in rhythm with their work
CHOIR: an organized company of singers
CHOIRBOY: a boy member of a choir
CHOIRGIRL: M-W does not include choirgirl, a girl member of a choir
COLORATURA: elaborate embellishment in vocal music, or more broadly, music with ornate figuration, or a singer specializing in coloratura
CONTRALTO: a singing voice having a range between tenor and mezzo-soprano, or a person having this voice; also, the part sung by a contralto
CROON: to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner; especially: to sing in a soft intimate manner adapted to amplifying systems; to sing (something, such as a popular song or a lullaby) in a crooning manner
CROONING: to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner; especially: to sing in a soft intimate manner adapted to amplifying systems; to sing (something, such as a popular song or a lullaby) in a crooning manner
DICTION: pronunciation and enunciation of words in singing
DITTY: an especially simple and unaffected song
DIVA: a prima donna: a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization
GLEE: a part-song for usually male voices
GLIDE: portamento: in music, a continuous gliding movement from one tone to another (as by the voice)
GRADUAL: often capitalized: a book containing the choral parts of the Mass
HUMMED: to sing with the lips closed and without uttering speech sounds distinctly
HYMN: The music composed for a hymn setting
INTONATION: something that is intoned, specifically: the opening tones of a Gregorian chant; also, the act of intoning and especially of chanting
INTONE: to utter in musical or prolonged tones: recite in singing tones or in a monotone
INTONED: to utter in musical or prolonged tones: recite in singing tones or in a monotone
INTONING: to utter in musical or prolonged tones: recite in singing tones or in a monotone
LILT: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner; to sing or speak rhythmically and with fluctuating pitch
LILTED: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner; to sing or speak rhythmically and with fluctuating pitch
LILTING: a rhythmical swing, flow, or cadence; also, a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune; also, to sing or play [music] in a lively cheerful manner; to sing or speak rhythmically and with fluctuating pitch
LITANY: a resonant or repetitive chant
LULLABY: a soothing refrain; specifically, a song to quiet children or lull them to sleep; also, to quiet with or as if with a lullaby
LYRIC: the words of a song —often used in plural; also, suitable for singing to the lyre or for being set to music and sung; also, of, relating to, or being drama set to music, especially: operatic (the lyric stage)
LYRICAL: having an artistically beautiful or expressive quality suggestive of song; of or relating to song lyrics
LYRICALLY: having an artistically beautiful or expressive quality suggestive of song; of or relating to song lyrics