LexiTopic: Intoxicants
The LexiConnexxions analysis has identified 138 words related to Intoxicants in the A-L portion of Spelling Bee lexicon, which comprises 63% of the entire lexicon.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Alcoholic Beverages
ALCOHOL: containing alcohol; also, ethanol especially when considered as the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquorsALCOHOLIC: of, relating to, or caused by alcoholALCOPOP: a flavored beverage containing usually 4 to 6 percent alcoholAPPLEJACK: brandy distilled from hard cider; also: an alcoholic beverage traditionally made by freezing hard cider and siphoning off the concentrated liquorAROMA: the odor of a wine imparted by the grapes from which it is made (e.g., the wine has a fruity aroma)BARBACK: a worker whose job is to assist a bartender (as by setting out glasses and restocking beverages)BEADY: of liquor: marked by bubbles or beadsBOCK: a dark lager beer with a high alcohol content that has a strong flavor of malt and a mild flavor of hops and is typically sold in the winter or early springBOND: alcohol: a 100-proof straight whiskey aged at least four years under government supervision before being bottled; called also bonded whiskeyBOOZE: intoxicating drink, especially: hard liquor; also, to drink intoxicating liquor especially to excessBOTTLE: intoxicating drink: the practice of drinking (slipped deeper and deeper into the bottle)BOURBON: a whiskey distilled from a mash made up of not less than 51 percent corn plus malt and rye; probably named after Bourbon County, Kentucky, or its pre-statehood predecessor, a county of Virginia that included much of northeastern KentuckyBRANDY: an alcoholic beverage distilled from wine or fermented fruit juiceBRUT: of champagne: very dry; or a very dry champagne or sparkling wineBUBBLY: a sparkling wine, especially ChampagneBUTT: a large cask especially for wine, beer, or waterCANARY: a Canary Islands usually sweet wine similar to Madeira; Middle French canarie, from Old Spanish canario, from Islas Canarias Canary IslandsCAVA: a sparkling wine produced in CataloniaCHARD: Short for chardonnay (sometimes capitalized), a dry white table wine typically made from a single white grape variety originally grown in France; believed to be named after the village of Chardonnay in the Mâconnais region of FranceCHIANTI: M-W and NOAD both capitalize this dry usually red wine named for the Tuscany region of Italy where it is producedCHICA: M-W: variant of chicha, a South American and Central American beer made chiefly from fermented maizeCOCKTAIL: a usually iced drink of wine or distilled liquor mixed with flavoring ingredients; also, of, relating to, or set aside for cocktails (a cocktail hour)COGNAC: a brandy from the departments of Charente and Charente-Maritime distilled from white wine; French, from Cognac, FranceCORDIAL: a liqueurCORKY*: resembling cork, or having an unpleasant odor and taste (as from a tainted cork)CORN: corn whiskeyCURACAO: a liqueur flavored with the dried peel of the sour orange; Dutch curaçao, from Curaçao, Netherlands AntillesDRAFT: being or having been ready to be drawn from a receptacle: being or having been on draft (draft beer)DROP: a small quantity of drink (hasn't touched a drop of alcohol in three years)ETHANOL: a colorless volatile flammable liquid C2H5OH that is the intoxicating agent in liquors and is also used as a solvent and in fuelFILM: a thin skin or membranous covering: a pellicle: a slimy or gelatinous film that contains bacteria, yeasts, or both and that may form on the surface of a liquid (such as beer, wine, or kombucha) during the process of fermentationFLIGHT: a selection of alcoholic drinks (such as wines, beers, or whiskeys) for tasting as a groupFLIP: a mixed drink usually consisting of a sweetened spiced liquor with beaten eggsFORTIFY: to add distilled grape spirits to (wine) during fermentation to increase the alcohol contentFORTY: or 40 US, informal: a forty-ounce bottle or other container of an alcoholic beverage (such as beer or malt liquor)FRUIT: the flavor or aroma of fresh fruit in mature wineGIMLET: a drink consisting of sweetened lime juice and gin or vodka and sometimes carbonated or plain waterGRAPPA: a dry colorless brandy distilled from fermented grape pomaceGROG: alcoholic liquor, especially: liquor (such as rum) cut with water and now often served hot with lemon juice and sugar sometimes added, named for Old Grog, nickname of Edward Vernon †1757 English admiral responsible for diluting the sailors' rumGROUT: synonym for lees or dregs: the sediment of a liquor (such as wine) during fermentation and agingHARD: of beverages: containing alcoholHARD: of wine or beer: having a bitter or acidic tasteHEAD: the foam or scum that rises on a fermenting or effervescing liquid (such as beer)HEADY: tending to intoxicate or make giddy or elated (e.g., a heady wine)HEELTAP: a small quantity of alcoholic beverage remaining (as in a glass after drinking)HOCK: often capitalized, chiefly British: Rhine wine, a usually white wine produced in the Rhine valley; from modification of German Hochheimer, from Hochheim, GermanyHOOCH: slang: alcoholic liquor especially when inferior or illicitly made or obtained; short for hoochinoo, a distilled liquor made by the Hoochinoo (Hutsnuwu) Indians, a Tlingit tribeHOPPED: flavored with hops, the ripe dried female cone-like flower clusters of a north-temperate zone twining plant (Humulus lupulus) of the hemp family used especially to impart a bitter flavor to beerHOPPY: having the taste or aroma of hops —used especially of ale or beerJACK: applejack or brandyLACE: to add a dash of liquor toLACED: to add a dash of liquor toLACING: to add a dash of liquor toLETHAL: having a high alcohol content (a lethal rum punch)LETHALLY: having a high alcohol content (a lethal rum punch)LONGNECK: beer served in a bottle that has a long neck
Drinking Places
BARMAID: a woman who serves liquor at a barBARMAN: a bartenderBARROOM: room or establishment whose main feature is a bar for the sale of liquorCAFÉ: barroom, cabaret, nightclubCANTINA: Southwestern US: a small barroom: saloonCLUB: a nightclub
ACID: LSDBETEL: a climbing pepper (Piper betle) of southeastern Asia whose leaves are chewed together with betel nut and mineral lime as a stimulant masticatoryBLOW: slang: cocaineBLUNT: a cigar that has been hollowed out and filled with marijuana, or a marijuana cigaretteBONG: a simple water pipe consisting of a bottle or vertical tube partially filled with a liquid (such as water or liqueur) and a smaller offset tube ending in a bowlCAFFEINE: a bitter alkaloid C8H10N4O2 found especially in coffee, tea, cacao, and kola nuts and used medicinally as a stimulant and diureticCANNA: adj.: containing or infused with cannabisCOCA: dried leaves of a coca (especially Erythroxylon coca) containing alkaloids including cocaineCOKE: cocaineCRACK: crack cocaine: a potent form of cocaine that is obtained by treating the hydrochloride of cocaine with sodium bicarbonate to create small chips used illicitly for smokingDECK: a packet of narcoticsDIME: slang: a packet containing 10 dollars worth of an illicit drug (such as marijuana); called also dime bagDOOBIE: slang: a marijuana cigaretteDOPE: informal: an illicit drug (such as heroin or cocaine) used for its intoxicating or euphoric effects especially: marijuana; or to take such a drug; or to give a narcotic or intoxicating drug to, or to surreptitiously put a sedating drug intoDROP: to take (a drug) orally: to swallow (drop acid)DROPPING: to take (a drug) orally: to swallow (drop acid)DRUG: something and often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousnessFLAKE: slang: cocaineHEMLOCK: a drug or lethal drink prepared from the poison hemlockHEMP: marijuana or hashishHUFF: to inhale (noxious fumes) through the mouth for the euphoric effect produced by the inhalantHUFFED: to inhale (noxious fumes) through the mouth for the euphoric effect produced by the inhalantJOINT: a marijuana cigaretteLACE: to adulterate with a substance (laced a guard's coffee with a sedative)LACED: to adulterate with a substance (laced a guard's coffee with a sedative)LACING: to adulterate with a substance (laced a guard's coffee with a sedative)LINE: an amount of cocaine that is arranged in a line to be inhaled through the noseLOAD: to alter (something, such as an alcoholic drink) by adding an adulterant or drugLOADED: to alter (something, such as an alcoholic drink) by adding an adulterant or drug
Tobacco and Smoking
BRIAR: a tobacco pipe made from a woody root outgrowth of a shrub-like Mediterranean heath (Erica arborea)CHAW: a chew especially of tobaccoCHEW: to chew tobacco; also, a chew of tobaccoCHEWED: to chew tobaccoCHEWING: to chew tobaccoCIGAR: a small roll of tobacco leaf for smokingCORONA: a long cigar having the sides straight to the end to be lit and being roundly blunt at the other endHOOKAH: a water pipe, a smoking device that consists of a bowl mounted on a vessel of water which is provided with a long tube and arranged so that smoke is drawn through the water where it is cooled and up the tube to the mouth
Use, Behavior, and Addiction
ACIDHEAD: an individual who uses LSDADDICT: one exhibiting a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activityADDICTED: exhibiting a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activityADDICTION: a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity …ADDICTIVE: causing or characterized by addictionALCOHOLIC: affected with alcoholismBACCHANAL: drunken revelry or excessive indulgence; also, a devotee of Bacchus; also, of, relating to, or suggestive of the Bacchanalia; named for Bacchus, the Greek god of wineBACCHANALIA: drunken revelry or excessive indulgence; also, a devotee of Bacchus; also, of, relating to, or suggestive of the Bacchanalia; named for Bacchus, the Greek god of wineBACCHANALIAN: related to, or suggestive of, drunken revelry or excessive indulgence; also, a devotee of Bacchus; also, of, relating to, or suggestive of the Bacchanalia; named for Bacchus, the Greek god of wineBACCHIC: of, relating to, or suggestive of Bacchus or the Bacchanalia: bacchanalian; named for Bacchus, the Greek god of wineBAKED: slang: under the influence of a drug and especially marijuanaBENT: chiefly us slang: intoxicated, drunkBLIND: intoxicated; blind drunkBLOTTO: slang: drunkBOOZING: intoxicating drink, especially: hard liquor; also, to drink intoxicating liquor especially to excessCANDYMAN: M-W does not list this either as a closed compound or open compound or a hyphenated word. A drug dealer.DABBED: dab, verb: to inhale the vapors of a heated concentrate of cannabis (slang)DABBING: dab, verb: to inhale the vapors of a heated concentrate of cannabis (slang)DEPENDENT: affected with a drug dependenceDETOX: short for detoxified, to free (someone, such as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or an addictive substance in the body or from dependence on or addiction to such a substance; also, to remove a harmful substance (such as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such fromDETOXED: short for detoxified, to free (someone, such as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or an addictive substance in the body or from dependence on or addiction to such a substance; also, to remove a harmful substance (such as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such fromDETOXIFIED: to free (someone, such as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or an addictive substance in the body or from dependence on or addiction to such a substanceDOPED: informal: an illicit drug (such as heroin or cocaine) used for its intoxicating or euphoric effects especially: marijuana; or to take such a drug; or to give a narcotic or intoxicating drug to, or to surreptitiously put a sedating drug intoDOPEY: dulled by alcohol or a narcoticDOPING: informal: an illicit drug (such as heroin or cocaine) used for its intoxicating or euphoric effects especially: marijuana; or to take such a drug; or to give a narcotic or intoxicating drug to, or to surreptitiously put a sedating drug intoDOPY: dulled by alcohol or a narcoticDRUGGY: less common spelling of druggie: a person who habitually uses drugsFUDDruDLE: to make drunk: intoxicateFUDDLED: to make drunk: intoxicateHABIT: addiction (a drug habit)HIGH: intoxicated by or as if by a drug or alcoholIMBIBE: to drink alcoholic beveragesIMBIBED: to drink alcoholic beveragesIMBIBING: to drink alcoholic beveragesKICK: to free oneself of (something, such as a drug habit)KICKED: to free oneself of (something, such as a drug habit)KICKING: to free oneself of (something, such as a drug habit)LIGHTWEIGHT: a person who becomes inebriated after consuming relatively small amounts of alcohol or drugsLOAD: slang: an intoxicating amount of liquor drunkLOADED: chiefly US slang: intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, especially: drunk
Alcoholic Beverages
ALCOHOL: containing alcohol; also, ethanol especially when considered as the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquorsALCOHOLIC: of, relating to, or caused by alcoholALCOPOP: a flavored beverage containing usually 4 to 6 percent alcoholAPPLEJACK: brandy distilled from hard cider; also: an alcoholic beverage traditionally made by freezing hard cider and siphoning off the concentrated liquorAROMA: the odor of a wine imparted by the grapes from which it is made (e.g., the wine has a fruity aroma)BARBACK: a worker whose job is to assist a bartender (as by setting out glasses and restocking beverages)BEADY: of liquor: marked by bubbles or beadsBOCK: a dark lager beer with a high alcohol content that has a strong flavor of malt and a mild flavor of hops and is typically sold in the winter or early springBOND: alcohol: a 100-proof straight whiskey aged at least four years under government supervision before being bottled; called also bonded whiskeyBOOZE: intoxicating drink, especially: hard liquor; also, to drink intoxicating liquor especially to excessBOTTLE: intoxicating drink: the practice of drinking (slipped deeper and deeper into the bottle)BOURBON: a whiskey distilled from a mash made up of not less than 51 percent corn plus malt and rye; probably named after Bourbon County, Kentucky, or its pre-statehood predecessor, a county of Virginia that included much of northeastern KentuckyBRANDY: an alcoholic beverage distilled from wine or fermented fruit juiceBRUT: of champagne: very dry; or a very dry champagne or sparkling wineBUBBLY: a sparkling wine, especially ChampagneBUTT: a large cask especially for wine, beer, or waterCANARY: a Canary Islands usually sweet wine similar to Madeira; Middle French canarie, from Old Spanish canario, from Islas Canarias Canary IslandsCAVA: a sparkling wine produced in CataloniaCHARD: Short for chardonnay (sometimes capitalized), a dry white table wine typically made from a single white grape variety originally grown in France; believed to be named after the village of Chardonnay in the Mâconnais region of FranceCHIANTI: M-W and NOAD both capitalize this dry usually red wine named for the Tuscany region of Italy where it is producedCHICA: M-W: variant of chicha, a South American and Central American beer made chiefly from fermented maizeCOCKTAIL: a usually iced drink of wine or distilled liquor mixed with flavoring ingredients; also, of, relating to, or set aside for cocktails (a cocktail hour)COGNAC: a brandy from the departments of Charente and Charente-Maritime distilled from white wine; French, from Cognac, FranceCORDIAL: a liqueurCORKY*: resembling cork, or having an unpleasant odor and taste (as from a tainted cork)CORN: corn whiskeyCURACAO: a liqueur flavored with the dried peel of the sour orange; Dutch curaçao, from Curaçao, Netherlands AntillesDRAFT: being or having been ready to be drawn from a receptacle: being or having been on draft (draft beer)DROP: a small quantity of drink (hasn't touched a drop of alcohol in three years)ETHANOL: a colorless volatile flammable liquid C2H5OH that is the intoxicating agent in liquors and is also used as a solvent and in fuelFILM: a thin skin or membranous covering: a pellicle: a slimy or gelatinous film that contains bacteria, yeasts, or both and that may form on the surface of a liquid (such as beer, wine, or kombucha) during the process of fermentationFLIGHT: a selection of alcoholic drinks (such as wines, beers, or whiskeys) for tasting as a groupFLIP: a mixed drink usually consisting of a sweetened spiced liquor with beaten eggsFORTIFY: to add distilled grape spirits to (wine) during fermentation to increase the alcohol contentFORTY: or 40 US, informal: a forty-ounce bottle or other container of an alcoholic beverage (such as beer or malt liquor)FRUIT: the flavor or aroma of fresh fruit in mature wineGIMLET: a drink consisting of sweetened lime juice and gin or vodka and sometimes carbonated or plain waterGRAPPA: a dry colorless brandy distilled from fermented grape pomaceGROG: alcoholic liquor, especially: liquor (such as rum) cut with water and now often served hot with lemon juice and sugar sometimes added, named for Old Grog, nickname of Edward Vernon †1757 English admiral responsible for diluting the sailors' rumGROUT: synonym for lees or dregs: the sediment of a liquor (such as wine) during fermentation and agingHARD: of beverages: containing alcoholHARD: of wine or beer: having a bitter or acidic tasteHEAD: the foam or scum that rises on a fermenting or effervescing liquid (such as beer)HEADY: tending to intoxicate or make giddy or elated (e.g., a heady wine)HEELTAP: a small quantity of alcoholic beverage remaining (as in a glass after drinking)HOCK: often capitalized, chiefly British: Rhine wine, a usually white wine produced in the Rhine valley; from modification of German Hochheimer, from Hochheim, GermanyHOOCH: slang: alcoholic liquor especially when inferior or illicitly made or obtained; short for hoochinoo, a distilled liquor made by the Hoochinoo (Hutsnuwu) Indians, a Tlingit tribeHOPPED: flavored with hops, the ripe dried female cone-like flower clusters of a north-temperate zone twining plant (Humulus lupulus) of the hemp family used especially to impart a bitter flavor to beerHOPPY: having the taste or aroma of hops —used especially of ale or beerJACK: applejack or brandyLACE: to add a dash of liquor toLACED: to add a dash of liquor toLACING: to add a dash of liquor toLETHAL: having a high alcohol content (a lethal rum punch)LETHALLY: having a high alcohol content (a lethal rum punch)LONGNECK: beer served in a bottle that has a long neck
Drinking Places
BARMAID: a woman who serves liquor at a barBARMAN: a bartenderBARROOM: room or establishment whose main feature is a bar for the sale of liquorCAFÉ: barroom, cabaret, nightclubCANTINA: Southwestern US: a small barroom: saloonCLUB: a nightclub
ACID: LSDBETEL: a climbing pepper (Piper betle) of southeastern Asia whose leaves are chewed together with betel nut and mineral lime as a stimulant masticatoryBLOW: slang: cocaineBLUNT: a cigar that has been hollowed out and filled with marijuana, or a marijuana cigaretteBONG: a simple water pipe consisting of a bottle or vertical tube partially filled with a liquid (such as water or liqueur) and a smaller offset tube ending in a bowlCAFFEINE: a bitter alkaloid C8H10N4O2 found especially in coffee, tea, cacao, and kola nuts and used medicinally as a stimulant and diureticCANNA: adj.: containing or infused with cannabisCOCA: dried leaves of a coca (especially Erythroxylon coca) containing alkaloids including cocaineCOKE: cocaineCRACK: crack cocaine: a potent form of cocaine that is obtained by treating the hydrochloride of cocaine with sodium bicarbonate to create small chips used illicitly for smokingDECK: a packet of narcoticsDIME: slang: a packet containing 10 dollars worth of an illicit drug (such as marijuana); called also dime bagDOOBIE: slang: a marijuana cigaretteDOPE: informal: an illicit drug (such as heroin or cocaine) used for its intoxicating or euphoric effects especially: marijuana; or to take such a drug; or to give a narcotic or intoxicating drug to, or to surreptitiously put a sedating drug intoDROP: to take (a drug) orally: to swallow (drop acid)DROPPING: to take (a drug) orally: to swallow (drop acid)DRUG: something and often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousnessFLAKE: slang: cocaineHEMLOCK: a drug or lethal drink prepared from the poison hemlockHEMP: marijuana or hashishHUFF: to inhale (noxious fumes) through the mouth for the euphoric effect produced by the inhalantHUFFED: to inhale (noxious fumes) through the mouth for the euphoric effect produced by the inhalantJOINT: a marijuana cigaretteLACE: to adulterate with a substance (laced a guard's coffee with a sedative)LACED: to adulterate with a substance (laced a guard's coffee with a sedative)LACING: to adulterate with a substance (laced a guard's coffee with a sedative)LINE: an amount of cocaine that is arranged in a line to be inhaled through the noseLOAD: to alter (something, such as an alcoholic drink) by adding an adulterant or drugLOADED: to alter (something, such as an alcoholic drink) by adding an adulterant or drug
Tobacco and Smoking
BRIAR: a tobacco pipe made from a woody root outgrowth of a shrub-like Mediterranean heath (Erica arborea)CHAW: a chew especially of tobaccoCHEW: to chew tobacco; also, a chew of tobaccoCHEWED: to chew tobaccoCHEWING: to chew tobaccoCIGAR: a small roll of tobacco leaf for smokingCORONA: a long cigar having the sides straight to the end to be lit and being roundly blunt at the other endHOOKAH: a water pipe, a smoking device that consists of a bowl mounted on a vessel of water which is provided with a long tube and arranged so that smoke is drawn through the water where it is cooled and up the tube to the mouth
Use, Behavior, and Addiction
ACIDHEAD: an individual who uses LSDADDICT: one exhibiting a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activityADDICTED: exhibiting a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activityADDICTION: a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity …ADDICTIVE: causing or characterized by addictionALCOHOLIC: affected with alcoholismBACCHANAL: drunken revelry or excessive indulgence; also, a devotee of Bacchus; also, of, relating to, or suggestive of the Bacchanalia; named for Bacchus, the Greek god of wineBACCHANALIA: drunken revelry or excessive indulgence; also, a devotee of Bacchus; also, of, relating to, or suggestive of the Bacchanalia; named for Bacchus, the Greek god of wineBACCHANALIAN: related to, or suggestive of, drunken revelry or excessive indulgence; also, a devotee of Bacchus; also, of, relating to, or suggestive of the Bacchanalia; named for Bacchus, the Greek god of wineBACCHIC: of, relating to, or suggestive of Bacchus or the Bacchanalia: bacchanalian; named for Bacchus, the Greek god of wineBAKED: slang: under the influence of a drug and especially marijuanaBENT: chiefly us slang: intoxicated, drunkBLIND: intoxicated; blind drunkBLOTTO: slang: drunkBOOZING: intoxicating drink, especially: hard liquor; also, to drink intoxicating liquor especially to excessCANDYMAN: M-W does not list this either as a closed compound or open compound or a hyphenated word. A drug dealer.DABBED: dab, verb: to inhale the vapors of a heated concentrate of cannabis (slang)DABBING: dab, verb: to inhale the vapors of a heated concentrate of cannabis (slang)DEPENDENT: affected with a drug dependenceDETOX: short for detoxified, to free (someone, such as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or an addictive substance in the body or from dependence on or addiction to such a substance; also, to remove a harmful substance (such as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such fromDETOXED: short for detoxified, to free (someone, such as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or an addictive substance in the body or from dependence on or addiction to such a substance; also, to remove a harmful substance (such as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such fromDETOXIFIED: to free (someone, such as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or an addictive substance in the body or from dependence on or addiction to such a substanceDOPED: informal: an illicit drug (such as heroin or cocaine) used for its intoxicating or euphoric effects especially: marijuana; or to take such a drug; or to give a narcotic or intoxicating drug to, or to surreptitiously put a sedating drug intoDOPEY: dulled by alcohol or a narcoticDOPING: informal: an illicit drug (such as heroin or cocaine) used for its intoxicating or euphoric effects especially: marijuana; or to take such a drug; or to give a narcotic or intoxicating drug to, or to surreptitiously put a sedating drug intoDOPY: dulled by alcohol or a narcoticDRUGGY: less common spelling of druggie: a person who habitually uses drugsFUDDruDLE: to make drunk: intoxicateFUDDLED: to make drunk: intoxicateHABIT: addiction (a drug habit)HIGH: intoxicated by or as if by a drug or alcoholIMBIBE: to drink alcoholic beveragesIMBIBED: to drink alcoholic beveragesIMBIBING: to drink alcoholic beveragesKICK: to free oneself of (something, such as a drug habit)KICKED: to free oneself of (something, such as a drug habit)KICKING: to free oneself of (something, such as a drug habit)LIGHTWEIGHT: a person who becomes inebriated after consuming relatively small amounts of alcohol or drugsLOAD: slang: an intoxicating amount of liquor drunkLOADED: chiefly US slang: intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, especially: drunk