LexiTopic: Dance
The LexiConnexxions analysis has identified 47 words related to Dance in the Spelling Bee lexicon.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Words Related to DANCE in the Spelling Bee lexicon
Dance Events and Venues
BALL: a large formal gathering for social dancing
BALLROOM: a large room used for dances
COMPANY: an organization of performing artists, such as a company of dancers
COTILLION: a ballroom dance for couples that resembles the quadrille; or an elaborate dance with frequent changing of partners carried out under the leadership of one couple at formal balls; or a formal ball
DANCE: a social gathering for dancing (a high school dance)
DANCEHALL: M-W shows as open compound dance hall, a large room set aside or suitable for dances, especially: a public hall offering facilities for dancing BUT SEE dancehall, the music genre
HOEDOWN: a square dance, a dance for four couples who form the sides of a square
Dance Genres, Forms, and Styles
BALLET: a theatrical art form using dancing, music, and scenery to convey a story, theme, or atmosphere; also, dancing in which conventional poses and steps are combined with light flowing figures (such as leaps and turns); also, a group that performs ballets
BALLETIC: of or relating to ballet
BOOGALOO: a genre of Latino popular music of especially New York in the 1960s influenced by soul and rhythm and blues
BOOGIE: to dance to rock music
BOOGIED: to dance to rock music
BOOGIEING: to dance to rock music
CANCAN: a woman's dance of French origin characterized by high kicking usually while holding up the front of a full ruffled skirt
CARIOCA: a variation of the samba, or the music for this dance
CAROL: an old round dance with singing
CLOG: to dance a clog dance, a dance in which the performer wears clogs and beats out a clattering rhythm on the floor
CONGA: a Cuban dance of African origin involving three steps followed by a kick and performed by a group usually in single file; American Spanish, probably from feminine of congo, meaning black person, from Congo, region in Africa
CONGAED: M-W does not include conga as a verb. Danced the conga.
DABBED: dab, verb, to perform a dab, a dance move originating in hip-hop
DABBING: dab, verb, to perform a dab, a dance move originating in hip-hop
DANCE: a series of rhythmic and patterned bodily movements usually performed to music (the waltz is a type of dance); also, the art of dancing (studied dance in college)
FRUG: M-W does not include this word, a vigorous dance to pop music, popular in the mid-1960s.
GALOP: a lively dance in duple measure; also: the music of a galop
GAVOTTE: a dance of French peasant origin marked by the raising rather than sliding of the feet
HAKA: a traditional Maori dance that is typically performed in a group and involves rhythmic usually vigorous movements (such as foot stamping, body slapping, and swaying), intimidating postures and facial expressions, and loud chanting and that is expressive especially of pride, strength, and unity
HORA: a circle dance of Romania and Israel
HULA: a sinuous Polynesian dance characterized by rhythmic movement of the hips and mimetic gestures with the hands and often accompanied by chants and rhythmic drumming
JIGGING: to dance a jig; to dance in the rapid lively manner of a jig
JIVE: swing music or the dancing performed to it; also, to dance to or play jive or swing
LIMBO: a dance or contest that involves bending over backwards and passing under a horizontal pole lowered slightly for each successive pass
Dance Moves and Steps
ADAGIO: a ballet duet by a man and woman or a mixed trio displaying difficult feats of balance, lifting, or spinning
BATTEMENT: a ballet movement in which the foot is extended in any direction usually followed by a beat against the supporting foot
BEAT: dance: an accented stroke (as of one leg or foot against the other)
CALL: a direction or a succession of directions for a square dance rhythmically called to the dancers, or to give the calls for a square dance
CALLED: a direction or a succession of directions for a square dance rhythmically called to the dancers, or to give the calls for a square dance
CALLING: a direction or a succession of directions for a square dance rhythmically called to the dancers, or to give the calls for a square dance
DANCE: to move one's body rhythmically usually to music: to engage in or perform a dance; to perform or take part in as a dancer (dance the waltz); also, an act or instance of dancing (may I have this dance?); also, to bring into a specified condition by dancing (danced his way into her heart)
DANCED: to move one's body rhythmically usually to music: to engage in or perform a dance; to perform or take part in as a dancer (dance the waltz); also, an act or instance of dancing (may I have this dance?); also, to bring into a specified condition by dancing (danced his way into her heart)
DANCING: to move one's body rhythmically usually to music: to engage in or perform a dance; to perform or take part in as a dancer (dance the waltz); also, an act or instance of dancing (may I have this dance?); also, to bring into a specified condition by dancing (danced his way into her heart)
FOOT: to dance
HOLD: a sudden motionless posture at the end of a dance
HONOR: to salute with a bow in square dancing
HOOF: to move on the feet, especially: to dance
HOOFED: danced
JETE: M-W has only jeté: a springing jump in ballet made from one foot to the other in any direction
LIFT: the lifting up (as of a dancer) usually by a partner
BALL: a large formal gathering for social dancing
BALLROOM: a large room used for dances
COMPANY: an organization of performing artists, such as a company of dancers
COTILLION: a ballroom dance for couples that resembles the quadrille; or an elaborate dance with frequent changing of partners carried out under the leadership of one couple at formal balls; or a formal ball
DANCE: a social gathering for dancing (a high school dance)
DANCEHALL: M-W shows as open compound dance hall, a large room set aside or suitable for dances, especially: a public hall offering facilities for dancing BUT SEE dancehall, the music genre
HOEDOWN: a square dance, a dance for four couples who form the sides of a square
Dance Genres, Forms, and Styles
BALLET: a theatrical art form using dancing, music, and scenery to convey a story, theme, or atmosphere; also, dancing in which conventional poses and steps are combined with light flowing figures (such as leaps and turns); also, a group that performs ballets
BALLETIC: of or relating to ballet
BOOGALOO: a genre of Latino popular music of especially New York in the 1960s influenced by soul and rhythm and blues
BOOGIE: to dance to rock music
BOOGIED: to dance to rock music
BOOGIEING: to dance to rock music
CANCAN: a woman's dance of French origin characterized by high kicking usually while holding up the front of a full ruffled skirt
CARIOCA: a variation of the samba, or the music for this dance
CAROL: an old round dance with singing
CLOG: to dance a clog dance, a dance in which the performer wears clogs and beats out a clattering rhythm on the floor
CONGA: a Cuban dance of African origin involving three steps followed by a kick and performed by a group usually in single file; American Spanish, probably from feminine of congo, meaning black person, from Congo, region in Africa
CONGAED: M-W does not include conga as a verb. Danced the conga.
DABBED: dab, verb, to perform a dab, a dance move originating in hip-hop
DABBING: dab, verb, to perform a dab, a dance move originating in hip-hop
DANCE: a series of rhythmic and patterned bodily movements usually performed to music (the waltz is a type of dance); also, the art of dancing (studied dance in college)
FRUG: M-W does not include this word, a vigorous dance to pop music, popular in the mid-1960s.
GALOP: a lively dance in duple measure; also: the music of a galop
GAVOTTE: a dance of French peasant origin marked by the raising rather than sliding of the feet
HAKA: a traditional Maori dance that is typically performed in a group and involves rhythmic usually vigorous movements (such as foot stamping, body slapping, and swaying), intimidating postures and facial expressions, and loud chanting and that is expressive especially of pride, strength, and unity
HORA: a circle dance of Romania and Israel
HULA: a sinuous Polynesian dance characterized by rhythmic movement of the hips and mimetic gestures with the hands and often accompanied by chants and rhythmic drumming
JIGGING: to dance a jig; to dance in the rapid lively manner of a jig
JIVE: swing music or the dancing performed to it; also, to dance to or play jive or swing
LIMBO: a dance or contest that involves bending over backwards and passing under a horizontal pole lowered slightly for each successive pass
Dance Moves and Steps
ADAGIO: a ballet duet by a man and woman or a mixed trio displaying difficult feats of balance, lifting, or spinning
BATTEMENT: a ballet movement in which the foot is extended in any direction usually followed by a beat against the supporting foot
BEAT: dance: an accented stroke (as of one leg or foot against the other)
CALL: a direction or a succession of directions for a square dance rhythmically called to the dancers, or to give the calls for a square dance
CALLED: a direction or a succession of directions for a square dance rhythmically called to the dancers, or to give the calls for a square dance
CALLING: a direction or a succession of directions for a square dance rhythmically called to the dancers, or to give the calls for a square dance
DANCE: to move one's body rhythmically usually to music: to engage in or perform a dance; to perform or take part in as a dancer (dance the waltz); also, an act or instance of dancing (may I have this dance?); also, to bring into a specified condition by dancing (danced his way into her heart)
DANCED: to move one's body rhythmically usually to music: to engage in or perform a dance; to perform or take part in as a dancer (dance the waltz); also, an act or instance of dancing (may I have this dance?); also, to bring into a specified condition by dancing (danced his way into her heart)
DANCING: to move one's body rhythmically usually to music: to engage in or perform a dance; to perform or take part in as a dancer (dance the waltz); also, an act or instance of dancing (may I have this dance?); also, to bring into a specified condition by dancing (danced his way into her heart)
FOOT: to dance
HOLD: a sudden motionless posture at the end of a dance
HONOR: to salute with a bow in square dancing
HOOF: to move on the feet, especially: to dance
HOOFED: danced
JETE: M-W has only jeté: a springing jump in ballet made from one foot to the other in any direction
LIFT: the lifting up (as of a dancer) usually by a partner