LexiTopic: Colors & Words about Color
The LexiConnexxions analysis has identified 112 color names and words about colors in the A-L portion of Spelling Bee lexicon, which comprises 63% of the entire lexicon.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest. Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest. Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Color Names
ACID: of color: piercingly intense and often jarring, e.g., acid yellowALMOND: “a buttery shade of light brown”AMARANTH: a pinkish or rosy red or a red azo dye from any of a large genus (Amaranthus of the family Amaranthaceae, the amaranth family) of coarse annual herbs with clusters of small green, dark pink, red, or purplish flowersAPRICOT: a variable color averaging a moderate orangeAQUA: a light greenish-blue color, from aqua = waterAUBURN: of the color auburn; of a reddish-brown color; a moderate brownBEIGE: a variable color averaging light grayish-yellowish brown: a pale to grayish yellow … the color of natural woolBLACK: having the very dark color of the night sky or the eye's pupil: of the color black; the achromatic color of least lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that neither reflect nor transmit light; also, to become black: blacken; to make black (probably to Latin flagrare to burn)BLACKEN: to become black: to make black (probably to Latin flagrare to burn)BLANCH: to take the color out ofBLAZE: a dazzling display (a blaze of color); also, to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent (fields blazing with flowers)BLEACH: to remove color fromBLOND: of a flaxen, golden, light auburn, or pale yellowish-brown color; of a light colorBLONDE: of a flaxen, golden, light auburn, or pale yellowish-brown color; of a light colorBLUE: a color whose hue is that of the clear sky or that of the portion of the color spectrum lying between green and violetBONE: a light beigeBRONZING: a bronze coloring or discoloration (as of leaves)BROWN: (adj.) having the color of wood or chocolate, especially: of the color brown; also (noun) any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue, of medium to low lightness, and of moderate to low saturationBUFF: a moderate orange yellow, or a light to moderate yellow, from Middle French buffle wild ox, from Old Italian bufaloCALICO: a blotched or spotted animal, especially: one that is predominantly white with red and black patches. Named for Calicut, IndiaCAMEL: a light yellowish brownCAMO: made in colors or patterns typical of camouflageCANARY: a light to a moderate or vivid yellow; Middle French canarie, from Old Spanish canario, from Islas Canarias Canary IslandsCANDID: white … from Sanskrit candati it shinesCARROTY*: resembling carrots in colorCHOCOLATE: a brownish grayCHROMA: chromatic purity, or a quality of color combining hue and saturationCINNABAR: a deep vivid red, from a red mineral consisting of native mercuric sulfide HgS that is the only important ore of mercuryCINNAMON: a light yellowish brown, from the tan to dark brown spice that is prepared from cinnamon barkCOAL: COBALT: cobalt blue: a greenish-blue pigment consisting essentially of cobalt oxide and alumina; a strong greenish blue; from a magnetic metallic elementCOCOA: a medium brown colorCOFFEE: CORAL: a deep pinkCYAN: a greenish-blue color used in photography and color printing of one of the primary colors. Wiki: from the Ancient Greek kyanos (κύανος), meaning "dark blue enamel, Lapis lazuli.” [The color name] can be further traced back to a dye produced from the cornflower (Centaurea cyanus).DRAB: a light olive brownDRABLY: EBON: black as ebony, a hard heavy blackish wood yielded by various tropical chiefly southeast Asian trees (genus Diospyros of the family Ebenaceae, the ebony family)EBON: black as ebony, a hard heavy blackish wood yielded by various tropical chiefly southeast Asian trees (genus Diospyros of the family Ebenaceae, the ebony family)EBONY: black as ebony, a hard heavy blackish wood yielded by various tropical chiefly southeast Asian trees (genus Diospyros of the family Ebenaceae, the ebony family)EGGPLANT: a dark grayish or blackish purpleFALLOW: of a light yellowish-brown color, from Middle English falwe, falew, falow "sallow, dusky, faded, yellow tending toward red or brown (of a horse)FAWN: a light grayish brownFLAME: a strong reddish-orange colorFOXED: tinged with a fox-like colorGILD: to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of goldGILDED: to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of goldGILDING: to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of goldGILT: covered with gold or gilt: of the color of goldGLOW: brightness or warmth of color, especially: redness; to have a rich warm typically ruddy colorGLOWING: brightness or warmth of color, especially: redness; to have a rich warm typically ruddy colorGOLD: a variable color averaging deep yellowGRAY: any of a series of neutral colors ranging between black and white; also, dull in colorHYACINTH: a light violet to moderate purpleINDIGO: a deep reddish blue; also, a blue vat dye obtained from plants (such as indigo plants); also, the principal coloring matter C16H10N2O2 of natural indigo usually synthesized as a blue powder with a coppery lusterINKY: dark, especially black, or with characteristics of the colored usually liquid material for writing and printingIVORY: a variable color averaging a pale yellow; from the hard creamy-white modified dentine that composes the tusks of a tusked mammal (such as an elephant, walrus, or narwhal)JADE: a color, jade greenJETTY: deep black in color: jet-black; from jet, Middle English, from Anglo-French jaiet, from Latin gagates, from Greek gagatēs, from Gagas, town and river in Asia MinorKEEL: chiefly dialectal: red ocher, a red earthy hematite used as a pigmentKHAKI: a light yellowish-brown: Hindi & Urdu khākī dust-colored, from khāk dust, from PersianLAKE: carmine: a rich red to crimson pigment made from cochineal (a red dye consisting of the dried bodies of female cochineal insects); a vivid red; also, a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal; also, any of numerous usually bright translucent organic pigments composed essentially of a soluble dye absorbed on or combined with an inorganic carrierLEADEN: of the color of lead: dull grayLEMON: lemon yellow, a brilliant greenish yellow colorLILAC: a variable color averaging a moderate purpleLIVID: reddishLIVIDLY: reddishMAGENTA: a deep purplish red, named for Magenta, Italy; also, synonym for fuchsin, a dye that is produced by oxidation of a mixture of aniline and toluidines and yields a brilliant bluish redMAHOGANY: a moderate reddish brown
Words about Color
LIGHT: a color of notable lightness: a light or pale color; not intense in color, coloring, or pigmentation: not dark: pale; of colors: medium in saturation and high in lightnessACID: of color: piercingly intense and often jarring, e.g., acid yellowBLANCH: to take the color out ofBLAZE: a dazzling display (a blaze of color); also, to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent (fields blazing with flowers)BLEACH: to remove color fromBLOND: of a flaxen, golden, light auburn, or pale yellowish-brown color; of a light colorBLONDE: of a flaxen, golden, light auburn, or pale yellowish-brown color; of a light colorCAMO: made in colors or patterns typical of camouflageCHROMA: chromatic purity, or a quality of color combining hue and saturationCLARITY: the quality of being easily seen throughCOLOR: COLORANT: a substance used for coloring a material: dye, pigmentCOLORFUL: COLORFULLY: COLORIFIC: COLOUR*: chiefly British spelling of colorCOOL: of a color: producing an impression of being cool; specifically: of a hue in the range violet through blue to greenCORK: to blacken with burnt corkCORKING: to blacken with burnt corkDAPPLE: any of numerous usually cloudy and rounded spots or patches of a color or shade different from their backgroundDAPPLED: any of numerous usually cloudy and rounded spots or patches of a color or shade different from their backgroundDARK: of a color: of low or very low lightnessDEEP: of color: high in saturation and low in lightnessDEPTH: the degree of intensity (depth of a color)DRAB: a light olive brownDRABLY: DULL: of a color: low in saturation and low in lightnessDULLY: of a color: low in saturation and low in lightnessDYEABLE: DYED: DYEING: FADE: to lose freshness, strength, or vitalityFADED: to lose freshness, strength, or vitalityFADING: to lose freshness, strength, or vitalityFAIR: having very little color, coloring, or pigmentation: very lightGRAY: any of a series of neutral colors ranging between black and white; also, dull in colorHUED: colored; having color; usually used in combination (e.g., rosy-hued)INKY: dark, especially black, or with characteristics of the colored usually liquid material for writing and printingLACE: to mark with streaks of color (laced with green)LACED: to mark with streaks of color (laced with green)LACING: to mark with streaks of color (laced with green)LIGHTEN: to make (something, such as a color) lighterLIGHTENING: to make (something, such as a color) lighterLIVE: of bright vivid color
ACID: of color: piercingly intense and often jarring, e.g., acid yellowALMOND: “a buttery shade of light brown”AMARANTH: a pinkish or rosy red or a red azo dye from any of a large genus (Amaranthus of the family Amaranthaceae, the amaranth family) of coarse annual herbs with clusters of small green, dark pink, red, or purplish flowersAPRICOT: a variable color averaging a moderate orangeAQUA: a light greenish-blue color, from aqua = waterAUBURN: of the color auburn; of a reddish-brown color; a moderate brownBEIGE: a variable color averaging light grayish-yellowish brown: a pale to grayish yellow … the color of natural woolBLACK: having the very dark color of the night sky or the eye's pupil: of the color black; the achromatic color of least lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that neither reflect nor transmit light; also, to become black: blacken; to make black (probably to Latin flagrare to burn)BLACKEN: to become black: to make black (probably to Latin flagrare to burn)BLANCH: to take the color out ofBLAZE: a dazzling display (a blaze of color); also, to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent (fields blazing with flowers)BLEACH: to remove color fromBLOND: of a flaxen, golden, light auburn, or pale yellowish-brown color; of a light colorBLONDE: of a flaxen, golden, light auburn, or pale yellowish-brown color; of a light colorBLUE: a color whose hue is that of the clear sky or that of the portion of the color spectrum lying between green and violetBONE: a light beigeBRONZING: a bronze coloring or discoloration (as of leaves)BROWN: (adj.) having the color of wood or chocolate, especially: of the color brown; also (noun) any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue, of medium to low lightness, and of moderate to low saturationBUFF: a moderate orange yellow, or a light to moderate yellow, from Middle French buffle wild ox, from Old Italian bufaloCALICO: a blotched or spotted animal, especially: one that is predominantly white with red and black patches. Named for Calicut, IndiaCAMEL: a light yellowish brownCAMO: made in colors or patterns typical of camouflageCANARY: a light to a moderate or vivid yellow; Middle French canarie, from Old Spanish canario, from Islas Canarias Canary IslandsCANDID: white … from Sanskrit candati it shinesCARROTY*: resembling carrots in colorCHOCOLATE: a brownish grayCHROMA: chromatic purity, or a quality of color combining hue and saturationCINNABAR: a deep vivid red, from a red mineral consisting of native mercuric sulfide HgS that is the only important ore of mercuryCINNAMON: a light yellowish brown, from the tan to dark brown spice that is prepared from cinnamon barkCOAL: COBALT: cobalt blue: a greenish-blue pigment consisting essentially of cobalt oxide and alumina; a strong greenish blue; from a magnetic metallic elementCOCOA: a medium brown colorCOFFEE: CORAL: a deep pinkCYAN: a greenish-blue color used in photography and color printing of one of the primary colors. Wiki: from the Ancient Greek kyanos (κύανος), meaning "dark blue enamel, Lapis lazuli.” [The color name] can be further traced back to a dye produced from the cornflower (Centaurea cyanus).DRAB: a light olive brownDRABLY: EBON: black as ebony, a hard heavy blackish wood yielded by various tropical chiefly southeast Asian trees (genus Diospyros of the family Ebenaceae, the ebony family)EBON: black as ebony, a hard heavy blackish wood yielded by various tropical chiefly southeast Asian trees (genus Diospyros of the family Ebenaceae, the ebony family)EBONY: black as ebony, a hard heavy blackish wood yielded by various tropical chiefly southeast Asian trees (genus Diospyros of the family Ebenaceae, the ebony family)EGGPLANT: a dark grayish or blackish purpleFALLOW: of a light yellowish-brown color, from Middle English falwe, falew, falow "sallow, dusky, faded, yellow tending toward red or brown (of a horse)FAWN: a light grayish brownFLAME: a strong reddish-orange colorFOXED: tinged with a fox-like colorGILD: to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of goldGILDED: to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of goldGILDING: to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of goldGILT: covered with gold or gilt: of the color of goldGLOW: brightness or warmth of color, especially: redness; to have a rich warm typically ruddy colorGLOWING: brightness or warmth of color, especially: redness; to have a rich warm typically ruddy colorGOLD: a variable color averaging deep yellowGRAY: any of a series of neutral colors ranging between black and white; also, dull in colorHYACINTH: a light violet to moderate purpleINDIGO: a deep reddish blue; also, a blue vat dye obtained from plants (such as indigo plants); also, the principal coloring matter C16H10N2O2 of natural indigo usually synthesized as a blue powder with a coppery lusterINKY: dark, especially black, or with characteristics of the colored usually liquid material for writing and printingIVORY: a variable color averaging a pale yellow; from the hard creamy-white modified dentine that composes the tusks of a tusked mammal (such as an elephant, walrus, or narwhal)JADE: a color, jade greenJETTY: deep black in color: jet-black; from jet, Middle English, from Anglo-French jaiet, from Latin gagates, from Greek gagatēs, from Gagas, town and river in Asia MinorKEEL: chiefly dialectal: red ocher, a red earthy hematite used as a pigmentKHAKI: a light yellowish-brown: Hindi & Urdu khākī dust-colored, from khāk dust, from PersianLAKE: carmine: a rich red to crimson pigment made from cochineal (a red dye consisting of the dried bodies of female cochineal insects); a vivid red; also, a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal; also, any of numerous usually bright translucent organic pigments composed essentially of a soluble dye absorbed on or combined with an inorganic carrierLEADEN: of the color of lead: dull grayLEMON: lemon yellow, a brilliant greenish yellow colorLILAC: a variable color averaging a moderate purpleLIVID: reddishLIVIDLY: reddishMAGENTA: a deep purplish red, named for Magenta, Italy; also, synonym for fuchsin, a dye that is produced by oxidation of a mixture of aniline and toluidines and yields a brilliant bluish redMAHOGANY: a moderate reddish brown
Words about Color
LIGHT: a color of notable lightness: a light or pale color; not intense in color, coloring, or pigmentation: not dark: pale; of colors: medium in saturation and high in lightnessACID: of color: piercingly intense and often jarring, e.g., acid yellowBLANCH: to take the color out ofBLAZE: a dazzling display (a blaze of color); also, to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent (fields blazing with flowers)BLEACH: to remove color fromBLOND: of a flaxen, golden, light auburn, or pale yellowish-brown color; of a light colorBLONDE: of a flaxen, golden, light auburn, or pale yellowish-brown color; of a light colorCAMO: made in colors or patterns typical of camouflageCHROMA: chromatic purity, or a quality of color combining hue and saturationCLARITY: the quality of being easily seen throughCOLOR: COLORANT: a substance used for coloring a material: dye, pigmentCOLORFUL: COLORFULLY: COLORIFIC: COLOUR*: chiefly British spelling of colorCOOL: of a color: producing an impression of being cool; specifically: of a hue in the range violet through blue to greenCORK: to blacken with burnt corkCORKING: to blacken with burnt corkDAPPLE: any of numerous usually cloudy and rounded spots or patches of a color or shade different from their backgroundDAPPLED: any of numerous usually cloudy and rounded spots or patches of a color or shade different from their backgroundDARK: of a color: of low or very low lightnessDEEP: of color: high in saturation and low in lightnessDEPTH: the degree of intensity (depth of a color)DRAB: a light olive brownDRABLY: DULL: of a color: low in saturation and low in lightnessDULLY: of a color: low in saturation and low in lightnessDYEABLE: DYED: DYEING: FADE: to lose freshness, strength, or vitalityFADED: to lose freshness, strength, or vitalityFADING: to lose freshness, strength, or vitalityFAIR: having very little color, coloring, or pigmentation: very lightGRAY: any of a series of neutral colors ranging between black and white; also, dull in colorHUED: colored; having color; usually used in combination (e.g., rosy-hued)INKY: dark, especially black, or with characteristics of the colored usually liquid material for writing and printingLACE: to mark with streaks of color (laced with green)LACED: to mark with streaks of color (laced with green)LACING: to mark with streaks of color (laced with green)LIGHTEN: to make (something, such as a color) lighterLIGHTENING: to make (something, such as a color) lighterLIVE: of bright vivid color