LexiTopic: Buildings & Architecture
The LexiConnexxions analysis has identified 214 words related to Buildings and Architecture in the A-L portion of Spelling Bee lexicon, which comprises 63% of the entire lexicon.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Architectural Elements
ABACI: plural of abacus, a slab that forms the uppermost member or division of the capital of a columnARCH: a typically curved structural member spanning an opening and serving as a support (as for the wall or other weight above the opening)BEAK: a continuous slight architectural projection ending in an arrisBELL: the part of the capital of a column between the abacus and neck moldingCAPITAL: the uppermost member of a column or pilaster crowning the shaft and taking the weight of the entablatureCOLUMN: a supporting pillar, especially: one consisting of a usually round shaft, a capital, and a baseCORDON: a stringcourse: a horizontal band (as of bricks) in a building forming a part of the designCORONA: the projecting part of a classic corniceCOVE: a recessed place: concavity: such as an architectural member with a concave cross section or a trough for concealed lighting at the upper part of a wallCURTAIN: the part of a bastioned front that connects two neighboring bastions; a similar stretch of plain wall or a nonbearing exterior wallDRIP: a part of a cornice or other member that projects to throw off rainwater; also: an overlapping metal strip or an underneath groove for the same purposeDRUM: any of the cylindrical blocks that form the shaft of a column, or a round wall or structure that supports a domeFANTAIL: an architectural part resembling a fanFILLET: a narrow flat architectural member: a flat molding separating others or the space between two flutings in a shaftFINIAL: a usually foliated ornament forming an upper extremity especially in Gothic architectureFLUTE: a rounded groove, specifically: one of the vertical parallel grooves on a classical architectural columnFLUTED: having flutesFOIL: an indentation between cusps in Gothic traceryFRONT: short for frontispiece, the principal front of a building, or a decorated pediment over a portico or windowFRONTAL: a façade, the front of a building; also: any face of a building given special architectural treatmentGLYPH: an ornamental vertical groove especially in a Doric friezeGROIN: the projecting curved line along which two intersecting vaults meet, or a rib that covers this edgeHAUNCH: either side of an arch between the springing and the crownJAMB: an upright piece or surface forming the side of an opening (as for a door, window, or fireplace); also, a projecting columnar part or massJOINT: the junction of two or more members of a framed structureKNEE: a piece of timber naturally or artificially bent for use in supporting structures coming together at an angle (such as the deck beams of a ship); a knee brace, a bracing member of a structure that is placed diagonally from one to another of two adjoining principal membersKNUCKLE: the meeting of two surfaces at a sharp angle (as in a roof), or a pivotal pointLANCET: a lancet window or a lancet archLEAFAGE*: the representation of leafage (as in architecture)LEDGE: a raised or projecting edge or molding intended to protect or check (a window ledge)LINTEL: a horizontal architectural member spanning and usually carrying the load above an openingLUNETTE: an opening in a vault especially for a window; also, the surface at the upper part of a wall that is partly surrounded by a vault which the wall intersects and that is often filled by windows or by mural painting
Building Materials and Processes
ADOBE: a brick or building material of sun-dried earth and straw; or, a structure made of adobe bricksBACKFILL: to refill (something, such as an excavation) usually with excavated materialBALK: a beam or rafterBATTEN: a thin narrow strip of lumber used especially to seal or reinforce a joint; also, to to furnish with battens, or to fasten with or as if with battens, often used with downBEAM: a long piece of heavy often squared timber suitable for use in construction; also, one of the principal horizontal supporting members (as of a building or ship); also: boom, spar (e.g., the beam of a crane); also, to support with beamsBEAMED: to support with beamsBENCH: a shelf or ridge formed in working an open excavation on more than one levelBOARD: a piece of sawed lumber of little thickness and a length greatly exceeding its width; also, to cover or seal off with lumber: to cover or seal off with boards (e.g., board up a window)BOND: masonry: the systematic lapping (of brick in a wall; also, to lap (a building material, such as brick) for solidity of constructionBONDING: masonry: the systematic lapping (of brick in a wall; also, to lap (a building material, such as brick) for solidity of constructionBRICK: a handy-sized unit of building or paving material typically being rectangular and about 2¹/₄ × 3³/₄ × 8 inches (57 × 95 × 203 millimeters) and made of moist clay hardened by heat; also, to close, face, or pave with bricks —usually used with up, in, or over (brick up a doorway)BRICKWORK: work of or with bricks and mortarBUILD: to form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole: construct; to cause to be constructed; to engage in buildingBUILT: to form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole: construct; to cause to be constructed; to engage in buildingBUTT: to abut —used with on or against (floorboards butt against each other); to place end to end or side to side without overlapping (butt the boards together)BUTTED: to abut —used with on or against (floorboards butt against each other); to place end to end or side to side without overlapping (butt the boards together)BUTTING: to abut —used with on or against (floorboards butt against each other); to place end to end or side to side without overlapping (butt the boards together)CAGE: a framework serving as support, such as the steel cage of a skyscraperCANT: having canted corners or sides (a cant molding); also, to give a cant or oblique edge to: bevel (cant off a corner)CANTING: having canted corners or sides (a cant molding); also, to give a cant or oblique edge to: bevel (cant off a corner)CEMENT: a powder of alumina, silica, lime, iron oxide, and magnesium oxide burned together in a kiln and finely pulverized and used as an ingredient of mortar and concreteCLAP: to improvise or build hastily (a hut clapped together from old plywood)COPE: to shape (a structural member) to fit a coping or conform to the shape of another memberCOPING: the covering course of a wall usually with a sloping topCRAMP: a usually iron device bent at the ends and used to hold timbers or blocks of stone togetherCUTDOWN: M-W has the open compound cut down meaning to remodel by removing extras or unwanted furnishings and fittings; to remake in a smaller sizeDAPPED: dap, verb: to cut and form a recess in (timbers) for making a jointDAPPING: dap, verb: to cut and form a recess in (timbers) for making a jointDAUB: to cover or coat with soft adhesive matter: plaster; also, material used to daub walls; also, an act or instance of daubingDIGGING: to hollow out or form by removing earth: to excavate (dig a hole, dig a tunnel)DOORNAIL: a large-headed nail —used chiefly in the phrase “dead as a doornail”DOWEL: a pin fitting into a hole in an abutting piece to prevent motion or slipping; also: a round rod or stick used especially for cutting up into dowels; also, a piece of wood driven into a wall so that other pieces can be nailed to it; also, to fasten by or furnish with dowelsDRYWALL: a board made of several plies of fiberboard, paper, or felt bonded to a hardened gypsum plaster core and used especially as wallboardFACELIFT: an alteration, restoration, or restyling (as of a building) intended especially to modernizeFELT: a material resembling felt: such as: a heavy paper of organic or asbestos fibers impregnated with asphalt and used in building construction; or semirigid pressed fiber insulation used in buildingFLOORBOARD: a board in a floorFRAMING: [providing the] underlying constructional system or structure that gives shape or strength (as to a building)GAUGED: of masonry: dressed to sizeGROUT: thin mortar used for filling spaces (such as the joints in masonry); also: any of various other materials (such as a mixture of cement and water or chemicals that solidify) used for a similar purposeGUTTED: to destroy the inside of, such as in preparation for renovationGUTTING: to destroy the inside of, such as in preparation for renovationHEMP: the fiber of hemp (used to produce paper and construction materials), or a fiber (such as jute) from a plant other than the true hempHEWABLE* : M-W does not have an entry for hewable, meaning able to be hewedHEWED: cut with blows of a heavy cutting instrumentHEWING: cutting with blows of a heavy cutting instrumentHEWN: cut with blows of a heavy cutting instrumentHOARD: a temporary board fence put around a building being erected or repairedINFILL: material that fills in something (such as a hole or the spaces between a building's structural members)INFILLING: material that fills in something (such as a hole or the spaces between a building's structural members)INLAID: of linoleum: having a design that goes all the way through to the backingLAPPED: to join (things, such as two boards) by a lap joint (a joint made by overlapping two ends or edges and fastening them together)LAPPING: to join (things, such as two boards) by a lap joint (a joint made by overlapping two ends or edges and fastening them together)LATH: a thin narrow strip of wood nailed to rafters, joists, or studding as a groundwork for slates, tiles, or plaster; also, a building material in sheets used as a base for plaster; also, a quantity of lathsLATTICE: a framework or structure of crossed wood or metal stripsLIME: a caustic highly infusible solid that consists of calcium oxide often together with magnesium oxide, that is obtained by calcining forms of calcium carbonate (such as shells or limestone), and that is used in building (as in mortar and plaster) and in agriculture; called also quicklimeLOAM: a mixture (as for plastering) composed chiefly of moistened clay; also, a coarse molding sand used in foundingLOAMY: a mixture (as for plastering) composed chiefly of moistened clay; also, a coarse molding sand used in founding
Building Types
AIRPORT: a place from which aircraft operate that usually has paved runways and maintenance facilities and often serves as a terminalALCAZAR: a Spanish fortress or palaceBARN: a large building for the housing of a fleet of vehicles (such as trolley cars or trucks)BARRACK: a structure resembling a shed or barn that provides temporary housingBATH: a building containing an apartment or a series of rooms designed for bathing; also, a spa (Used in Plural, baths): a mineral spring; a resort with mineral springsBOATEL: a waterside hotel equipped with docks to accommodate persons traveling by boat (or a boat or ship with sleeping accommodations that is used as a hotel)BOWL: a bowl-shaped structure, especially: an athletic stadiumCABANA: a lightweight structure with living facilities or a tentlike shelter usually with an open side facing a beach or swimming poolCABIN: a small one-story dwelling usually of simple constructionCAGE: a large building containing an area for practicing outdoor sports and often adapted for indoor eventsCAPITOL: a building in which a state legislative body meets, or a group of buildings in which the functions of state government are carried out; from Latin Capitolium, temple of Jupiter at Rome on the Capitoline hillCARPARK: M-W ‘s only entry is an open compound: car park chiefly British: a lot or garage for parkingCARPORT: an open-sided automobile shelter by the side of a buildingCLUB: the meeting place of a clubCOMPLEX: a building or group of buildings housing related unitsCOMPOUND: a fenced or walled-in area containing a group of buildings and especially residencesCONDO: individual ownership of a unit in a multiunit structure (such as an apartment building) or on land owned in common (such as a town house complex); also: a unit so owned, or a building containing condominiumsCONDOMINIUM: individual ownership of a unit in a multiunit structure (such as an apartment building) or on land owned in common (such as a town house complex); also: a unit so owned, or a building containing condominiumsCOTTAGE: the dwelling of a farm laborer or small farmer; also, a usually small frame one-family house; also, a small detached dwelling unit at an institution; also, a usually small house for vacation useCOURT: a manor house or large building surrounded by usually enclosed groundsCRIB: a building for storage; a small narrow room or dwelling: hut, shack; a room or shack used for prostitutionDACHA: a Russian country cottage used especially in the summerDAIRY: a room, building, or establishment where milk is kept and butter or cheese is madeDANCEHALL: M-W shows as open compound dance hall, a large room set aside or suitable for dances, especially: a public hall offering facilities for dancingDEPOT: a place for storing goods or motor vehicles or a building for railroad or bus passengers or freightDOME: a roofed sports stadiumDOMICILE: a dwelling place: place of residence: homeDORM: a dormitoryDORMITORY: a room for sleeping; especially: a large room containing numerous beds; a residence hall providing rooms for individuals or for groups usually without private bathsEDIFICE: a building, especially: a large or massive structureFACILITY: something (such as a hospital) that is built, installed, or established to serve a particular purposeFACTORY: a building or set of buildings with facilities for manufacturingFARM: an area containing a number of similar structures or objects (such as radio antennas or storage tanks)FOLLY: an often extravagant picturesque building erected to suit a fanciful tasteHALL: a large usually imposing building for public or semipublic purposes; also, a place used for public entertainmentHOGAN: a Navajo Indian dwelling usually made of logs and mud with a door traditionally facing eastHOME: one's place of residence: a domicile; also, a houseHOOCH: slang: a usually thatched hut; broadly: a dwellingHOOTCH* : M-W: slang: variant of hooch a usually thatched hut; broadly: a dwellingHOTEL: an establishment that provides lodging and usually meals, entertainment, and various personal services for the publicHUTCH: a shack or shantyIGLOO: a usually dome-shaped dwelling of arctic regions that is usually made of blocks of snow or ice when built for temporary purposes or of sod, wood, or stone when permanent …; also, a building or structure shaped like a domeIRONWORK: ironworks plural in form but singular or plural in construction: a mill or building where iron or steel is smelted or heavy iron or steel products are madeLANDMARK: a structure (such as a building) of unusual historical and usually aesthetic interest, especially: one that is officially designated and set aside for preservationLODGE: a house set apart for residence in a particular season (such as the hunting season); a resort hotel: an inn; a house on an estate originally for the use of a gamekeeper, caretaker, or porter; s shelter for an employee (such as a gatekeeper); also, a wigwam; also (chiefly dialectal) a rude shelter or abode
Exterior Spaces and Grounds
ALLEY: a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushesANNEX: a building that is attached to or near a larger building and usually used as part of itARBOR: a shelter of vines or branches or of latticework covered with climbing shrubs or vinesBACKYARD: an area at the rear of a house; located or occurring in a backyardBALCONY: platform that projects from the wall of a building and is enclosed by a parapet or railing; or an interior projecting gallery in a public building (such as a theater)DECK: a flat floored roofless area adjoining a house, or a story or tier of a building (such as a sports stadium)DOORYARD: a yard next to the door of a houseFENCE: a barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion or to mark a boundaryFENCED: a barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion or to mark a boundaryFENCING: a barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion or to mark a boundaryGATE: an opening in a wall or fence; a means of entrance or exit; the frame or door that closes a gateGATE: to supply with a gate; to control with a gate; also, having or controlled by a gate; designed to restrict entrance usually by means of physical barriers, a private security force, and a controlled gateGATED: to supply with a gate; to control with a gate; also, having or controlled by a gate; designed to restrict entrance usually by means of physical barriers, a private security force, and a controlled gateGATING: to supply with a gate; to control with a gate; also, having or controlled by a gate; designed to restrict entrance usually by means of physical barriers, a private security force, and a controlled gateGROTTO: an artificial recess or structure made to resemble a natural caveGROUND: grounds plural: the area around and belonging to a house or other building, or an area used for a particular purpose (e.g., picnic grounds)HEDGE: to enclose or protect with or as if with a hedge; also, to plant, form, or trim a hedgeHEDGED: to enclose or protect with or as if with a hedge; also, to plant, form, or trim a hedgeINFILL: new buildings constructed in the space available between existing structuresLANAI: a roofed porch: a verandaLAWN: ground (as around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with grass and is kept mowed LOGGIA: a roofed open gallery especially at an upper story overlooking an open court
Interior Spaces and Rooms
ATRIA: plural of atrium, the central room of a Roman house, then a rectangular open patio around which a house is built, or a many-storied court in a building (such as a hotel) usually with a skylightATRIAL: related to atrium, the central room of a Roman house, then a rectangular open patio around which a house is built, or a many-storied court in a building (such as a hotel) usually with a skylightATRIUM: the central room of a Roman house, then a rectangular open patio around which a house is built, or a many-storied court in a building (such as a hotel) usually with a skylightATTIC: Attic in classical architecture meant "a small, square decorative column of the type often used in a low story above a building's main facade," a feature associated with the region around Athens (that is, Attic). The word then was applied by architects to "a low decorative facade above the main story of a building" (1690s in English), and it then came to mean the space enclosed by such a structure.BALLROOM: a large room used for dancesBATH: a bathroomBATHROOM: a room containing a bathtub or shower and usually a sink and toilet; also, a lavatory, a room with conveniences for washing and usually with one or more toiletsBOARDROOM: a room that is designated for meetings of a boardBODY: architecture: the nave of a churchBOOTH: a small enclosure affording privacy for one person at a time (telephone booth, polling booths); a small enclosure that isolates its occupant especially from patrons or customers (a ticket booth)CATACOMB: something resembling a catacomb: such as an underground passageway or group of passagewaysCEILING: the overhead inside lining of a roomCLOAKROOM: a room in which outdoor clothing may be placed during one's stay; a checkroom, a room at which baggage, parcels, or clothing can be left for safekeepingCOATROOM: a cloakroom or checkroomCORRIDOR: a passageway (as in a hotel or office building) into which compartments or rooms openCRYPT: a chamber (such as a vault) wholly or partly undergroundCUBE: cubicle: an office cubeDINETTE: a small space usually off a kitchen used for informal diningDOGTROT: chiefly Southern US and Midland US: a roofed passage similar to a breezeway, especially: one connecting two parts of a cabinFACILITY: lavatory, often used in plural: a room with conveniences for washing and usually with one or more toiletsFLIGHT: a continuous series of stairs from one landing or floor to another FLOOR: the level base of a room, or a structure dividing a building into stories; a storyHALL: the entrance room of a building: a lobby; also, a corridor or passage in a building; also, a large room for assembly: an auditoriumHALLWAY: an entrance hall or corridorHATCH: an opening in the floor or roof of a building; also, the covering for such an opening; also, a hatchway, a passage giving access usually by a ladder or stairs to an enclosed space (such as a cellar)INBUILT: M-W’s only entry: inbuilt, chiefly British: built-in: forming an integral part of a structure or object, especially: constructed as or in a recess in a wall (e.g., a built-in bookshelf)INDOOR: of or relating to the interior of a buildingKITCHEN: a place (such as a room) with cooking facilitiesKITCHENETTE: a small kitchen or an alcove containing cooking facilitiesLAUNDRY: a room for doing the family wash LAVATORY: a room with conveniences for washing and usually with one or more toiletsLOBBY: a corridor or hall connected with a larger room or series of rooms and used as a passageway or waiting room; also, a large hall serving as a foyer (as of a hotel or theater)LOFT: an upper room or floor: an attic; also, one of the upper floors of a warehouse or business building especially when not partitioned; also, a gallery in a church or hall; also, to place, house, or store in a loftLOGE: a small compartment: a booth (the doorkeeper's loge); also, a small partitioned areaLOGGIA: a roofed open gallery especially at an upper story overlooking an open court
Roofs, Eaves, etc.
CHIMNEY: a vertical structure incorporated into a building and enclosing a flue or flues that carry off smoke, especially: the part of such a structure extending above a roof; a smokestackCOWL: a chimney covering designed to improve the draftDOME: a large hemispherical roof or ceiling, or a natural formation or structure that resembles the dome or cupola of a buildingDOMED: having a dome, or covered by a domeEAVE: the lower border of a roof that overhangs the wallEAVED: having eaves especially of an indicated kindGABLE: the vertical triangular end of a building from cornice or eaves to ridge; or the similar end of a gambrel roof; or the end wall of a building
Windows, Doors, Awnings, etc.
APRON: the lower member under the sill of the interior casing of a windowAWNING: a rooflike cover extending over or in front of a place (as over the deck or in front of a door or window) as a shelterBLIND: having no opening for light or passage: blank (a blind wall)CAME: a slender grooved lead rod used to hold together panes of glass especially in a stained-glass windowCANOPY: an awning or marqueeDOOR: a usually swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and openedDOORJAMB: an upright piece forming the side of a door openingDOORWAY: the opening that a door closes; especially: an entrance into a building or roomGLAZE: to furnish or fit with glassGLAZED: to furnish or fit with glassGLAZING: to furnish or fit with glassLANCET: a lancet window or a lancet archLATTICE: a window, door, or gate having a latticeLIGHT: a medium (such as a window) through which light is admittedLOOPHOLE: a small opening to admit light and air or to permit observation; also, to make loopholes inLUNETTE: an opening in a vault especially for a window; also, the surface at the upper part of a wall that is partly surrounded by a vault which the wall intersects and that is often filled by windows or by mural painting
Architectural Elements
ABACI: plural of abacus, a slab that forms the uppermost member or division of the capital of a columnARCH: a typically curved structural member spanning an opening and serving as a support (as for the wall or other weight above the opening)BEAK: a continuous slight architectural projection ending in an arrisBELL: the part of the capital of a column between the abacus and neck moldingCAPITAL: the uppermost member of a column or pilaster crowning the shaft and taking the weight of the entablatureCOLUMN: a supporting pillar, especially: one consisting of a usually round shaft, a capital, and a baseCORDON: a stringcourse: a horizontal band (as of bricks) in a building forming a part of the designCORONA: the projecting part of a classic corniceCOVE: a recessed place: concavity: such as an architectural member with a concave cross section or a trough for concealed lighting at the upper part of a wallCURTAIN: the part of a bastioned front that connects two neighboring bastions; a similar stretch of plain wall or a nonbearing exterior wallDRIP: a part of a cornice or other member that projects to throw off rainwater; also: an overlapping metal strip or an underneath groove for the same purposeDRUM: any of the cylindrical blocks that form the shaft of a column, or a round wall or structure that supports a domeFANTAIL: an architectural part resembling a fanFILLET: a narrow flat architectural member: a flat molding separating others or the space between two flutings in a shaftFINIAL: a usually foliated ornament forming an upper extremity especially in Gothic architectureFLUTE: a rounded groove, specifically: one of the vertical parallel grooves on a classical architectural columnFLUTED: having flutesFOIL: an indentation between cusps in Gothic traceryFRONT: short for frontispiece, the principal front of a building, or a decorated pediment over a portico or windowFRONTAL: a façade, the front of a building; also: any face of a building given special architectural treatmentGLYPH: an ornamental vertical groove especially in a Doric friezeGROIN: the projecting curved line along which two intersecting vaults meet, or a rib that covers this edgeHAUNCH: either side of an arch between the springing and the crownJAMB: an upright piece or surface forming the side of an opening (as for a door, window, or fireplace); also, a projecting columnar part or massJOINT: the junction of two or more members of a framed structureKNEE: a piece of timber naturally or artificially bent for use in supporting structures coming together at an angle (such as the deck beams of a ship); a knee brace, a bracing member of a structure that is placed diagonally from one to another of two adjoining principal membersKNUCKLE: the meeting of two surfaces at a sharp angle (as in a roof), or a pivotal pointLANCET: a lancet window or a lancet archLEAFAGE*: the representation of leafage (as in architecture)LEDGE: a raised or projecting edge or molding intended to protect or check (a window ledge)LINTEL: a horizontal architectural member spanning and usually carrying the load above an openingLUNETTE: an opening in a vault especially for a window; also, the surface at the upper part of a wall that is partly surrounded by a vault which the wall intersects and that is often filled by windows or by mural painting
Building Materials and Processes
ADOBE: a brick or building material of sun-dried earth and straw; or, a structure made of adobe bricksBACKFILL: to refill (something, such as an excavation) usually with excavated materialBALK: a beam or rafterBATTEN: a thin narrow strip of lumber used especially to seal or reinforce a joint; also, to to furnish with battens, or to fasten with or as if with battens, often used with downBEAM: a long piece of heavy often squared timber suitable for use in construction; also, one of the principal horizontal supporting members (as of a building or ship); also: boom, spar (e.g., the beam of a crane); also, to support with beamsBEAMED: to support with beamsBENCH: a shelf or ridge formed in working an open excavation on more than one levelBOARD: a piece of sawed lumber of little thickness and a length greatly exceeding its width; also, to cover or seal off with lumber: to cover or seal off with boards (e.g., board up a window)BOND: masonry: the systematic lapping (of brick in a wall; also, to lap (a building material, such as brick) for solidity of constructionBONDING: masonry: the systematic lapping (of brick in a wall; also, to lap (a building material, such as brick) for solidity of constructionBRICK: a handy-sized unit of building or paving material typically being rectangular and about 2¹/₄ × 3³/₄ × 8 inches (57 × 95 × 203 millimeters) and made of moist clay hardened by heat; also, to close, face, or pave with bricks —usually used with up, in, or over (brick up a doorway)BRICKWORK: work of or with bricks and mortarBUILD: to form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole: construct; to cause to be constructed; to engage in buildingBUILT: to form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole: construct; to cause to be constructed; to engage in buildingBUTT: to abut —used with on or against (floorboards butt against each other); to place end to end or side to side without overlapping (butt the boards together)BUTTED: to abut —used with on or against (floorboards butt against each other); to place end to end or side to side without overlapping (butt the boards together)BUTTING: to abut —used with on or against (floorboards butt against each other); to place end to end or side to side without overlapping (butt the boards together)CAGE: a framework serving as support, such as the steel cage of a skyscraperCANT: having canted corners or sides (a cant molding); also, to give a cant or oblique edge to: bevel (cant off a corner)CANTING: having canted corners or sides (a cant molding); also, to give a cant or oblique edge to: bevel (cant off a corner)CEMENT: a powder of alumina, silica, lime, iron oxide, and magnesium oxide burned together in a kiln and finely pulverized and used as an ingredient of mortar and concreteCLAP: to improvise or build hastily (a hut clapped together from old plywood)COPE: to shape (a structural member) to fit a coping or conform to the shape of another memberCOPING: the covering course of a wall usually with a sloping topCRAMP: a usually iron device bent at the ends and used to hold timbers or blocks of stone togetherCUTDOWN: M-W has the open compound cut down meaning to remodel by removing extras or unwanted furnishings and fittings; to remake in a smaller sizeDAPPED: dap, verb: to cut and form a recess in (timbers) for making a jointDAPPING: dap, verb: to cut and form a recess in (timbers) for making a jointDAUB: to cover or coat with soft adhesive matter: plaster; also, material used to daub walls; also, an act or instance of daubingDIGGING: to hollow out or form by removing earth: to excavate (dig a hole, dig a tunnel)DOORNAIL: a large-headed nail —used chiefly in the phrase “dead as a doornail”DOWEL: a pin fitting into a hole in an abutting piece to prevent motion or slipping; also: a round rod or stick used especially for cutting up into dowels; also, a piece of wood driven into a wall so that other pieces can be nailed to it; also, to fasten by or furnish with dowelsDRYWALL: a board made of several plies of fiberboard, paper, or felt bonded to a hardened gypsum plaster core and used especially as wallboardFACELIFT: an alteration, restoration, or restyling (as of a building) intended especially to modernizeFELT: a material resembling felt: such as: a heavy paper of organic or asbestos fibers impregnated with asphalt and used in building construction; or semirigid pressed fiber insulation used in buildingFLOORBOARD: a board in a floorFRAMING: [providing the] underlying constructional system or structure that gives shape or strength (as to a building)GAUGED: of masonry: dressed to sizeGROUT: thin mortar used for filling spaces (such as the joints in masonry); also: any of various other materials (such as a mixture of cement and water or chemicals that solidify) used for a similar purposeGUTTED: to destroy the inside of, such as in preparation for renovationGUTTING: to destroy the inside of, such as in preparation for renovationHEMP: the fiber of hemp (used to produce paper and construction materials), or a fiber (such as jute) from a plant other than the true hempHEWABLE* : M-W does not have an entry for hewable, meaning able to be hewedHEWED: cut with blows of a heavy cutting instrumentHEWING: cutting with blows of a heavy cutting instrumentHEWN: cut with blows of a heavy cutting instrumentHOARD: a temporary board fence put around a building being erected or repairedINFILL: material that fills in something (such as a hole or the spaces between a building's structural members)INFILLING: material that fills in something (such as a hole or the spaces between a building's structural members)INLAID: of linoleum: having a design that goes all the way through to the backingLAPPED: to join (things, such as two boards) by a lap joint (a joint made by overlapping two ends or edges and fastening them together)LAPPING: to join (things, such as two boards) by a lap joint (a joint made by overlapping two ends or edges and fastening them together)LATH: a thin narrow strip of wood nailed to rafters, joists, or studding as a groundwork for slates, tiles, or plaster; also, a building material in sheets used as a base for plaster; also, a quantity of lathsLATTICE: a framework or structure of crossed wood or metal stripsLIME: a caustic highly infusible solid that consists of calcium oxide often together with magnesium oxide, that is obtained by calcining forms of calcium carbonate (such as shells or limestone), and that is used in building (as in mortar and plaster) and in agriculture; called also quicklimeLOAM: a mixture (as for plastering) composed chiefly of moistened clay; also, a coarse molding sand used in foundingLOAMY: a mixture (as for plastering) composed chiefly of moistened clay; also, a coarse molding sand used in founding
Building Types
AIRPORT: a place from which aircraft operate that usually has paved runways and maintenance facilities and often serves as a terminalALCAZAR: a Spanish fortress or palaceBARN: a large building for the housing of a fleet of vehicles (such as trolley cars or trucks)BARRACK: a structure resembling a shed or barn that provides temporary housingBATH: a building containing an apartment or a series of rooms designed for bathing; also, a spa (Used in Plural, baths): a mineral spring; a resort with mineral springsBOATEL: a waterside hotel equipped with docks to accommodate persons traveling by boat (or a boat or ship with sleeping accommodations that is used as a hotel)BOWL: a bowl-shaped structure, especially: an athletic stadiumCABANA: a lightweight structure with living facilities or a tentlike shelter usually with an open side facing a beach or swimming poolCABIN: a small one-story dwelling usually of simple constructionCAGE: a large building containing an area for practicing outdoor sports and often adapted for indoor eventsCAPITOL: a building in which a state legislative body meets, or a group of buildings in which the functions of state government are carried out; from Latin Capitolium, temple of Jupiter at Rome on the Capitoline hillCARPARK: M-W ‘s only entry is an open compound: car park chiefly British: a lot or garage for parkingCARPORT: an open-sided automobile shelter by the side of a buildingCLUB: the meeting place of a clubCOMPLEX: a building or group of buildings housing related unitsCOMPOUND: a fenced or walled-in area containing a group of buildings and especially residencesCONDO: individual ownership of a unit in a multiunit structure (such as an apartment building) or on land owned in common (such as a town house complex); also: a unit so owned, or a building containing condominiumsCONDOMINIUM: individual ownership of a unit in a multiunit structure (such as an apartment building) or on land owned in common (such as a town house complex); also: a unit so owned, or a building containing condominiumsCOTTAGE: the dwelling of a farm laborer or small farmer; also, a usually small frame one-family house; also, a small detached dwelling unit at an institution; also, a usually small house for vacation useCOURT: a manor house or large building surrounded by usually enclosed groundsCRIB: a building for storage; a small narrow room or dwelling: hut, shack; a room or shack used for prostitutionDACHA: a Russian country cottage used especially in the summerDAIRY: a room, building, or establishment where milk is kept and butter or cheese is madeDANCEHALL: M-W shows as open compound dance hall, a large room set aside or suitable for dances, especially: a public hall offering facilities for dancingDEPOT: a place for storing goods or motor vehicles or a building for railroad or bus passengers or freightDOME: a roofed sports stadiumDOMICILE: a dwelling place: place of residence: homeDORM: a dormitoryDORMITORY: a room for sleeping; especially: a large room containing numerous beds; a residence hall providing rooms for individuals or for groups usually without private bathsEDIFICE: a building, especially: a large or massive structureFACILITY: something (such as a hospital) that is built, installed, or established to serve a particular purposeFACTORY: a building or set of buildings with facilities for manufacturingFARM: an area containing a number of similar structures or objects (such as radio antennas or storage tanks)FOLLY: an often extravagant picturesque building erected to suit a fanciful tasteHALL: a large usually imposing building for public or semipublic purposes; also, a place used for public entertainmentHOGAN: a Navajo Indian dwelling usually made of logs and mud with a door traditionally facing eastHOME: one's place of residence: a domicile; also, a houseHOOCH: slang: a usually thatched hut; broadly: a dwellingHOOTCH* : M-W: slang: variant of hooch a usually thatched hut; broadly: a dwellingHOTEL: an establishment that provides lodging and usually meals, entertainment, and various personal services for the publicHUTCH: a shack or shantyIGLOO: a usually dome-shaped dwelling of arctic regions that is usually made of blocks of snow or ice when built for temporary purposes or of sod, wood, or stone when permanent …; also, a building or structure shaped like a domeIRONWORK: ironworks plural in form but singular or plural in construction: a mill or building where iron or steel is smelted or heavy iron or steel products are madeLANDMARK: a structure (such as a building) of unusual historical and usually aesthetic interest, especially: one that is officially designated and set aside for preservationLODGE: a house set apart for residence in a particular season (such as the hunting season); a resort hotel: an inn; a house on an estate originally for the use of a gamekeeper, caretaker, or porter; s shelter for an employee (such as a gatekeeper); also, a wigwam; also (chiefly dialectal) a rude shelter or abode
Exterior Spaces and Grounds
ALLEY: a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushesANNEX: a building that is attached to or near a larger building and usually used as part of itARBOR: a shelter of vines or branches or of latticework covered with climbing shrubs or vinesBACKYARD: an area at the rear of a house; located or occurring in a backyardBALCONY: platform that projects from the wall of a building and is enclosed by a parapet or railing; or an interior projecting gallery in a public building (such as a theater)DECK: a flat floored roofless area adjoining a house, or a story or tier of a building (such as a sports stadium)DOORYARD: a yard next to the door of a houseFENCE: a barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion or to mark a boundaryFENCED: a barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion or to mark a boundaryFENCING: a barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion or to mark a boundaryGATE: an opening in a wall or fence; a means of entrance or exit; the frame or door that closes a gateGATE: to supply with a gate; to control with a gate; also, having or controlled by a gate; designed to restrict entrance usually by means of physical barriers, a private security force, and a controlled gateGATED: to supply with a gate; to control with a gate; also, having or controlled by a gate; designed to restrict entrance usually by means of physical barriers, a private security force, and a controlled gateGATING: to supply with a gate; to control with a gate; also, having or controlled by a gate; designed to restrict entrance usually by means of physical barriers, a private security force, and a controlled gateGROTTO: an artificial recess or structure made to resemble a natural caveGROUND: grounds plural: the area around and belonging to a house or other building, or an area used for a particular purpose (e.g., picnic grounds)HEDGE: to enclose or protect with or as if with a hedge; also, to plant, form, or trim a hedgeHEDGED: to enclose or protect with or as if with a hedge; also, to plant, form, or trim a hedgeINFILL: new buildings constructed in the space available between existing structuresLANAI: a roofed porch: a verandaLAWN: ground (as around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with grass and is kept mowed LOGGIA: a roofed open gallery especially at an upper story overlooking an open court
Interior Spaces and Rooms
ATRIA: plural of atrium, the central room of a Roman house, then a rectangular open patio around which a house is built, or a many-storied court in a building (such as a hotel) usually with a skylightATRIAL: related to atrium, the central room of a Roman house, then a rectangular open patio around which a house is built, or a many-storied court in a building (such as a hotel) usually with a skylightATRIUM: the central room of a Roman house, then a rectangular open patio around which a house is built, or a many-storied court in a building (such as a hotel) usually with a skylightATTIC: Attic in classical architecture meant "a small, square decorative column of the type often used in a low story above a building's main facade," a feature associated with the region around Athens (that is, Attic). The word then was applied by architects to "a low decorative facade above the main story of a building" (1690s in English), and it then came to mean the space enclosed by such a structure.BALLROOM: a large room used for dancesBATH: a bathroomBATHROOM: a room containing a bathtub or shower and usually a sink and toilet; also, a lavatory, a room with conveniences for washing and usually with one or more toiletsBOARDROOM: a room that is designated for meetings of a boardBODY: architecture: the nave of a churchBOOTH: a small enclosure affording privacy for one person at a time (telephone booth, polling booths); a small enclosure that isolates its occupant especially from patrons or customers (a ticket booth)CATACOMB: something resembling a catacomb: such as an underground passageway or group of passagewaysCEILING: the overhead inside lining of a roomCLOAKROOM: a room in which outdoor clothing may be placed during one's stay; a checkroom, a room at which baggage, parcels, or clothing can be left for safekeepingCOATROOM: a cloakroom or checkroomCORRIDOR: a passageway (as in a hotel or office building) into which compartments or rooms openCRYPT: a chamber (such as a vault) wholly or partly undergroundCUBE: cubicle: an office cubeDINETTE: a small space usually off a kitchen used for informal diningDOGTROT: chiefly Southern US and Midland US: a roofed passage similar to a breezeway, especially: one connecting two parts of a cabinFACILITY: lavatory, often used in plural: a room with conveniences for washing and usually with one or more toiletsFLIGHT: a continuous series of stairs from one landing or floor to another FLOOR: the level base of a room, or a structure dividing a building into stories; a storyHALL: the entrance room of a building: a lobby; also, a corridor or passage in a building; also, a large room for assembly: an auditoriumHALLWAY: an entrance hall or corridorHATCH: an opening in the floor or roof of a building; also, the covering for such an opening; also, a hatchway, a passage giving access usually by a ladder or stairs to an enclosed space (such as a cellar)INBUILT: M-W’s only entry: inbuilt, chiefly British: built-in: forming an integral part of a structure or object, especially: constructed as or in a recess in a wall (e.g., a built-in bookshelf)INDOOR: of or relating to the interior of a buildingKITCHEN: a place (such as a room) with cooking facilitiesKITCHENETTE: a small kitchen or an alcove containing cooking facilitiesLAUNDRY: a room for doing the family wash LAVATORY: a room with conveniences for washing and usually with one or more toiletsLOBBY: a corridor or hall connected with a larger room or series of rooms and used as a passageway or waiting room; also, a large hall serving as a foyer (as of a hotel or theater)LOFT: an upper room or floor: an attic; also, one of the upper floors of a warehouse or business building especially when not partitioned; also, a gallery in a church or hall; also, to place, house, or store in a loftLOGE: a small compartment: a booth (the doorkeeper's loge); also, a small partitioned areaLOGGIA: a roofed open gallery especially at an upper story overlooking an open court
Roofs, Eaves, etc.
CHIMNEY: a vertical structure incorporated into a building and enclosing a flue or flues that carry off smoke, especially: the part of such a structure extending above a roof; a smokestackCOWL: a chimney covering designed to improve the draftDOME: a large hemispherical roof or ceiling, or a natural formation or structure that resembles the dome or cupola of a buildingDOMED: having a dome, or covered by a domeEAVE: the lower border of a roof that overhangs the wallEAVED: having eaves especially of an indicated kindGABLE: the vertical triangular end of a building from cornice or eaves to ridge; or the similar end of a gambrel roof; or the end wall of a building
Windows, Doors, Awnings, etc.
APRON: the lower member under the sill of the interior casing of a windowAWNING: a rooflike cover extending over or in front of a place (as over the deck or in front of a door or window) as a shelterBLIND: having no opening for light or passage: blank (a blind wall)CAME: a slender grooved lead rod used to hold together panes of glass especially in a stained-glass windowCANOPY: an awning or marqueeDOOR: a usually swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and openedDOORJAMB: an upright piece forming the side of a door openingDOORWAY: the opening that a door closes; especially: an entrance into a building or roomGLAZE: to furnish or fit with glassGLAZED: to furnish or fit with glassGLAZING: to furnish or fit with glassLANCET: a lancet window or a lancet archLATTICE: a window, door, or gate having a latticeLIGHT: a medium (such as a window) through which light is admittedLOOPHOLE: a small opening to admit light and air or to permit observation; also, to make loopholes inLUNETTE: an opening in a vault especially for a window; also, the surface at the upper part of a wall that is partly surrounded by a vault which the wall intersects and that is often filled by windows or by mural painting