LexiTopic: Biology
The LexiConnexxions analysis has identified 93 words related to Biology in the A-L portion of Spelling Bee lexicon, which comprises 63% of the entire lexicon.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Words Related to BIOLOGY in the Spelling Bee lexicon
Evolution and Extinction
COEVOLVE : evolution involving successive changes in two or more ecologically interdependent species (as of a plant and its pollinators) that affect their interactionsEVOLVE : to produce by natural evolutionary processesEVOLVED : to produce by natural evolutionary processesEXTINCT : no longer existing: an extinct animalEXTINCTION : no longer existing: an extinct animalGROWTH : progressive development: evolutionLOWLY : low in a scale of evolution or development
ADENINE : a purine base C5H5N5 that codes hereditary information in the genetic code in DNA and RNAALLELE : any of the alternative forms of a gene that may occur at a given locus or either of a pair of alternative Mendelian charactersAMPLIFY : to cause (a gene or DNA sequence) to undergo amplification, a usually massive replication of genetic material and especially of a gene or DNA sequence (as in a polymerase chain reaction)BLOT : a usually nitrocellulose or nylon sheet that contains spots of immobilized macromolecules (as of DNA, RNA, or protein) or their fragments and is used to identify specific components of the spots by applying a molecular probe (such as a complementary nucleic acid or a radiolabeled antibody)CARRY : to possess a specified gene; specifically: to possess one copy of a specified recessive gene and be capable of transmitting it to offspringCARRYING : to possess a specified gene; specifically: to possess one copy of a specified recessive gene and be capable of transmitting it to offspringCHIP : a microarray, a supporting material (such as a glass or plastic slide) onto which numerous molecules or fragments usually of DNA or protein are attached in a regular pattern for use in biochemical or genetic analysis (DNA chips)CLONAL* : related to clones and cloningCLONE : the aggregate of genetically identical cells or organisms asexually produced by or from a single progenitor cell or organism; an individual grown from a single somatic cell or cell nucleus and genetically identical to it; a group of replicas of all or part of a macromolecule and especially DNA; also, to propagate a clone fromCLONED : to propagate a clone fromCODABLE : genetic code, the biochemical basis of heredity consisting of codons in DNA and RNA that determine the specific amino acid sequence in proteins and appear to be uniform for nearly all known forms of life; also, to specify the genetic code (e.g., a gene that codes for a protein)CODE : genetic code, the biochemical basis of heredity consisting of codons in DNA and RNA that determine the specific amino acid sequence in proteins and appear to be uniform for nearly all known forms of life; also, to specify the genetic code (e.g., a gene that codes for a protein)CODED : genetic code, the biochemical basis of heredity consisting of codons in DNA and RNA that determine the specific amino acid sequence in proteins and appear to be uniform for nearly all known forms of life; also, to specify the genetic code (e.g., a gene that codes for a protein)CODON : a specific sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code and that specifies a particular amino acid in a protein or starts or stops protein synthesis. Also called tripletDIPLOID : adj. having or involving two sets of homologous chromosomes or noun a single cell, individual, or generation characterized by two complete sets of chromosomesDOMINANT : genetics: a character or factor that exerts genetic dominanceDYAD : genetics: a meiotic chromosome after separation of the two homologous members of a tetradFACTOR : a gene: a specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located usually on a chromosome and that is the functional unit of inheritance…GENE : a specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located usually on a chromosome and that is the functional unit of inheritance… GENETIC : relating to or determined by the origin, development, or causal antecedents of something; or of, relating to, or involving genetics; or of, relating to, caused by, or controlled by genesGENOME : one haploid set of chromosomes with the genes they contain; broadly: the genetic material of an organismGENOTYPE : all or part of the genetic constitution of an individual or groupLETHAL : an abnormality of genetic origin causing the death of the organism possessing it; also, a lethal gene: a gene that in some (such as homozygous) conditions may prevent development or cause the death of an organism or its germ cellsLIGATE : to join together (something, such as DNA or protein chains) by a chemical processLIGATING : to join together (something, such as DNA or protein chains) by a chemical processLINEAL : consisting of or being in a direct male or female line of ancestry; relating to or derived from ancestors: hereditary; descended in a direct line; belonging to one lineage (lineal relatives); of, relating to, or dealing with a lineageLINEALLY : consisting of or being in a direct male or female line of ancestry; relating to or derived from ancestors: hereditary; descended in a direct line; belonging to one lineage (lineal relatives); of, relating to, or dealing with a lineageLOAD : genetic load: the decrease in fitness of the average individual in a population relative to the fittest genotype due to the presence of deleterious genes in the gene poolLOCI : plural of locus: the position in a chromosome of a particular gene or allele
ANALOG : an organ or part similar in function to an organ or part of another animal or plant but different in structure and originANALOGY : evolutionary biology: correspondence or similarity in form or function between parts (such as the wings of birds and insects) of unrelated or distantly related species that is the result of convergent evolutionANATOMY : a branch of morphology that deals with the structure of organismsANNULI : plural of annulus: a growth ring (as on the scale of a fish) that is used in estimating ageBULB : a rounded or swollen anatomical structureCELL : a small usually microscopic mass of protoplasm bounded externally by a semipermeable membrane, usually including one or more nuclei and various other organelles with their products, capable alone or interacting with other cells of performing all the fundamental functions of life, and forming the smallest structural unit of living matter capable of functioning independentlyCELLED : M-W defines as having (such or so many) cells, used in combination (e.g., single-celled organisms)CELLULE : A small cellDEFINITIVE : biology: fully differentiated or developedDOCK : the combining site of a molecular receptor (a chemical group or molecule (such as a protein) on the cell surface or in the cell interior that has an affinity for a specific chemical group, molecule, or virus)DOMINANT : biology: being the one of a pair of bodily structures (hand, eye, etc.) that is the more effective or predominant in actionENVELOPE : a natural enclosing covering (such as a membrane, shell, or integument); or a lipoprotein unit membrane that forms the outer layer of some virionsEPICENE : having characteristics typical of the other sex; effeminate; lacking characteristics of either sexHOMOGENY : correspondence between parts or organs due to descent from the same ancestral typeHOMOLOGY : in evolutionary biology: correspondence or similarity in form or function between parts (such as the wing of a bat and the human arm) of different species resulting from modification of a trait possessed by a common ancestor: similarity of traits reflecting common descent and ancestry
Reproduction and Development
ANTENATAL : M-W’s only definition: Chiefly British: occurring, existing, performed, or used before birthBIRTH : the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent; to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young; the act or process of bringing forth young from the wombCAPACITATE* : to cause (sperm) to undergo capacitation: the change undergone by sperm in the female reproductive tract that enables them to penetrate and fertilize an eggCAUL : the inner fetal membrane of higher vertebrates especially when covering the head at birthCONCEIVE : CONCEIVED : DIVIDE : to undergo replication, multiplication, fission, or separation into partsDIVIDED : to undergo replication, multiplication, fission, or separation into partsDIVIDING : to undergo replication, multiplication, fission, or separation into partsEFFETE : no longer fertileFECUND : fruitful in offspring or vegetation: prolificFETAL : of, relating to, or being a fetusFLOW : to menstruate; also, the menstrual flowFLOWED : to menstruate; also, the menstrual flowFLOWING : to menstruate; also, the menstrual flowGAMETE : a mature male or female germ cell usually possessing a haploid chromosome set and capable of initiating formation of a new diploid individual by fusion with a gamete of the opposite sexGONAD : a reproductive gland (such as an ovary or testis) that produces gametesIMMORTAL : able or tending to divide indefinitely (e.g., immortal cell lines produced in culture)INACTIVE : biologically inert especially because of the loss of some quality (such as infectivity or antigenicity)INCEPT* : anlage (the foundation of a subsequent development)INDUCTION : the process by which the fate of embryonic cells is determined (as by the action of adjacent cells) and morphogenetic differentiation brought aboutINITIAL : anlage (the foundation of a subsequent development) or precursor (a substance, cell, or cellular component from which another substance, cell, or cellular component is formed); specifically: a meristematic cell
AFFINITY : a relation between biological groups involving resemblance in structural plan and indicating a common originALLY : a plant or animal linked to another by genetic or taxonomic proximityCLADE : a group of biological taxa (such as species) that includes all descendants of one common ancestorCOMMON : of the best known or most frequently seen kind —used especially of plants and animals (common loon)DOMAIN : biology: the highest taxonomic category in biological classification ranking above the kingdomECOTYPE : a population of a species that survives as a distinct group through environmental selection and isolation and that is comparable with a taxonomic subspeciesFAMILY : a group of related plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order and usually comprising several to many generaFLAVOR : variety: any of various groups of plants or animals ranking below a species: subspeciesGENOTYPE : the species of a genus with which the generic name is permanently associatedGROUP : an assemblage of related organisms —often used to avoid taxonomic connotations when the kind or degree of relationship is not clearly definedHOMONYM : biology: a taxonomic designation rejected as invalid because the identical term has been used to designate another group of the same rank
Words about Biology
BIOCIDE : a substance (such as an algicide or fungicide) that destroys or inhibits the growth or activity of living organismsBIOLOGICAL : of or relating to biology or to life and living processes; also, used in or produced by applied biologyBIOTIC : of, relating to, or caused by living organismsBROTH : a fluid culture mediumEMBED : to prepare (a microscopy specimen) for sectioning by infiltrating with and enclosing in a supporting substanceEMBEDDED : to prepare (a microscopy specimen) for sectioning by infiltrating with and enclosing in a supporting substanceFIXED : to kill, harden, and preserve for microscopic studyLAWN : a relatively even layer of bacteria covering the surface of a culture mediumLIFE : an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction; also, living beings (as of a particular kind or environment) (forest life)
Evolution and Extinction
COEVOLVE : evolution involving successive changes in two or more ecologically interdependent species (as of a plant and its pollinators) that affect their interactionsEVOLVE : to produce by natural evolutionary processesEVOLVED : to produce by natural evolutionary processesEXTINCT : no longer existing: an extinct animalEXTINCTION : no longer existing: an extinct animalGROWTH : progressive development: evolutionLOWLY : low in a scale of evolution or development
ADENINE : a purine base C5H5N5 that codes hereditary information in the genetic code in DNA and RNAALLELE : any of the alternative forms of a gene that may occur at a given locus or either of a pair of alternative Mendelian charactersAMPLIFY : to cause (a gene or DNA sequence) to undergo amplification, a usually massive replication of genetic material and especially of a gene or DNA sequence (as in a polymerase chain reaction)BLOT : a usually nitrocellulose or nylon sheet that contains spots of immobilized macromolecules (as of DNA, RNA, or protein) or their fragments and is used to identify specific components of the spots by applying a molecular probe (such as a complementary nucleic acid or a radiolabeled antibody)CARRY : to possess a specified gene; specifically: to possess one copy of a specified recessive gene and be capable of transmitting it to offspringCARRYING : to possess a specified gene; specifically: to possess one copy of a specified recessive gene and be capable of transmitting it to offspringCHIP : a microarray, a supporting material (such as a glass or plastic slide) onto which numerous molecules or fragments usually of DNA or protein are attached in a regular pattern for use in biochemical or genetic analysis (DNA chips)CLONAL* : related to clones and cloningCLONE : the aggregate of genetically identical cells or organisms asexually produced by or from a single progenitor cell or organism; an individual grown from a single somatic cell or cell nucleus and genetically identical to it; a group of replicas of all or part of a macromolecule and especially DNA; also, to propagate a clone fromCLONED : to propagate a clone fromCODABLE : genetic code, the biochemical basis of heredity consisting of codons in DNA and RNA that determine the specific amino acid sequence in proteins and appear to be uniform for nearly all known forms of life; also, to specify the genetic code (e.g., a gene that codes for a protein)CODE : genetic code, the biochemical basis of heredity consisting of codons in DNA and RNA that determine the specific amino acid sequence in proteins and appear to be uniform for nearly all known forms of life; also, to specify the genetic code (e.g., a gene that codes for a protein)CODED : genetic code, the biochemical basis of heredity consisting of codons in DNA and RNA that determine the specific amino acid sequence in proteins and appear to be uniform for nearly all known forms of life; also, to specify the genetic code (e.g., a gene that codes for a protein)CODON : a specific sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code and that specifies a particular amino acid in a protein or starts or stops protein synthesis. Also called tripletDIPLOID : adj. having or involving two sets of homologous chromosomes or noun a single cell, individual, or generation characterized by two complete sets of chromosomesDOMINANT : genetics: a character or factor that exerts genetic dominanceDYAD : genetics: a meiotic chromosome after separation of the two homologous members of a tetradFACTOR : a gene: a specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located usually on a chromosome and that is the functional unit of inheritance…GENE : a specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located usually on a chromosome and that is the functional unit of inheritance… GENETIC : relating to or determined by the origin, development, or causal antecedents of something; or of, relating to, or involving genetics; or of, relating to, caused by, or controlled by genesGENOME : one haploid set of chromosomes with the genes they contain; broadly: the genetic material of an organismGENOTYPE : all or part of the genetic constitution of an individual or groupLETHAL : an abnormality of genetic origin causing the death of the organism possessing it; also, a lethal gene: a gene that in some (such as homozygous) conditions may prevent development or cause the death of an organism or its germ cellsLIGATE : to join together (something, such as DNA or protein chains) by a chemical processLIGATING : to join together (something, such as DNA or protein chains) by a chemical processLINEAL : consisting of or being in a direct male or female line of ancestry; relating to or derived from ancestors: hereditary; descended in a direct line; belonging to one lineage (lineal relatives); of, relating to, or dealing with a lineageLINEALLY : consisting of or being in a direct male or female line of ancestry; relating to or derived from ancestors: hereditary; descended in a direct line; belonging to one lineage (lineal relatives); of, relating to, or dealing with a lineageLOAD : genetic load: the decrease in fitness of the average individual in a population relative to the fittest genotype due to the presence of deleterious genes in the gene poolLOCI : plural of locus: the position in a chromosome of a particular gene or allele
ANALOG : an organ or part similar in function to an organ or part of another animal or plant but different in structure and originANALOGY : evolutionary biology: correspondence or similarity in form or function between parts (such as the wings of birds and insects) of unrelated or distantly related species that is the result of convergent evolutionANATOMY : a branch of morphology that deals with the structure of organismsANNULI : plural of annulus: a growth ring (as on the scale of a fish) that is used in estimating ageBULB : a rounded or swollen anatomical structureCELL : a small usually microscopic mass of protoplasm bounded externally by a semipermeable membrane, usually including one or more nuclei and various other organelles with their products, capable alone or interacting with other cells of performing all the fundamental functions of life, and forming the smallest structural unit of living matter capable of functioning independentlyCELLED : M-W defines as having (such or so many) cells, used in combination (e.g., single-celled organisms)CELLULE : A small cellDEFINITIVE : biology: fully differentiated or developedDOCK : the combining site of a molecular receptor (a chemical group or molecule (such as a protein) on the cell surface or in the cell interior that has an affinity for a specific chemical group, molecule, or virus)DOMINANT : biology: being the one of a pair of bodily structures (hand, eye, etc.) that is the more effective or predominant in actionENVELOPE : a natural enclosing covering (such as a membrane, shell, or integument); or a lipoprotein unit membrane that forms the outer layer of some virionsEPICENE : having characteristics typical of the other sex; effeminate; lacking characteristics of either sexHOMOGENY : correspondence between parts or organs due to descent from the same ancestral typeHOMOLOGY : in evolutionary biology: correspondence or similarity in form or function between parts (such as the wing of a bat and the human arm) of different species resulting from modification of a trait possessed by a common ancestor: similarity of traits reflecting common descent and ancestry
Reproduction and Development
ANTENATAL : M-W’s only definition: Chiefly British: occurring, existing, performed, or used before birthBIRTH : the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent; to bring forth or be brought forth as a child or young; the act or process of bringing forth young from the wombCAPACITATE* : to cause (sperm) to undergo capacitation: the change undergone by sperm in the female reproductive tract that enables them to penetrate and fertilize an eggCAUL : the inner fetal membrane of higher vertebrates especially when covering the head at birthCONCEIVE : CONCEIVED : DIVIDE : to undergo replication, multiplication, fission, or separation into partsDIVIDED : to undergo replication, multiplication, fission, or separation into partsDIVIDING : to undergo replication, multiplication, fission, or separation into partsEFFETE : no longer fertileFECUND : fruitful in offspring or vegetation: prolificFETAL : of, relating to, or being a fetusFLOW : to menstruate; also, the menstrual flowFLOWED : to menstruate; also, the menstrual flowFLOWING : to menstruate; also, the menstrual flowGAMETE : a mature male or female germ cell usually possessing a haploid chromosome set and capable of initiating formation of a new diploid individual by fusion with a gamete of the opposite sexGONAD : a reproductive gland (such as an ovary or testis) that produces gametesIMMORTAL : able or tending to divide indefinitely (e.g., immortal cell lines produced in culture)INACTIVE : biologically inert especially because of the loss of some quality (such as infectivity or antigenicity)INCEPT* : anlage (the foundation of a subsequent development)INDUCTION : the process by which the fate of embryonic cells is determined (as by the action of adjacent cells) and morphogenetic differentiation brought aboutINITIAL : anlage (the foundation of a subsequent development) or precursor (a substance, cell, or cellular component from which another substance, cell, or cellular component is formed); specifically: a meristematic cell
AFFINITY : a relation between biological groups involving resemblance in structural plan and indicating a common originALLY : a plant or animal linked to another by genetic or taxonomic proximityCLADE : a group of biological taxa (such as species) that includes all descendants of one common ancestorCOMMON : of the best known or most frequently seen kind —used especially of plants and animals (common loon)DOMAIN : biology: the highest taxonomic category in biological classification ranking above the kingdomECOTYPE : a population of a species that survives as a distinct group through environmental selection and isolation and that is comparable with a taxonomic subspeciesFAMILY : a group of related plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order and usually comprising several to many generaFLAVOR : variety: any of various groups of plants or animals ranking below a species: subspeciesGENOTYPE : the species of a genus with which the generic name is permanently associatedGROUP : an assemblage of related organisms —often used to avoid taxonomic connotations when the kind or degree of relationship is not clearly definedHOMONYM : biology: a taxonomic designation rejected as invalid because the identical term has been used to designate another group of the same rank
Words about Biology
BIOCIDE : a substance (such as an algicide or fungicide) that destroys or inhibits the growth or activity of living organismsBIOLOGICAL : of or relating to biology or to life and living processes; also, used in or produced by applied biologyBIOTIC : of, relating to, or caused by living organismsBROTH : a fluid culture mediumEMBED : to prepare (a microscopy specimen) for sectioning by infiltrating with and enclosing in a supporting substanceEMBEDDED : to prepare (a microscopy specimen) for sectioning by infiltrating with and enclosing in a supporting substanceFIXED : to kill, harden, and preserve for microscopic studyLAWN : a relatively even layer of bacteria covering the surface of a culture mediumLIFE : an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction; also, living beings (as of a particular kind or environment) (forest life)