LexiTopic: Belief Systems
The LexiConnexxions analysis has identified 447 words related to Belief Systems in the A-L portion of Spelling Bee lexicon, which comprises 63% of the entire lexicon.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Words Related to BELIEF SYSTEMS in the Spelling Bee lexicon
Beliefs and Nonbeliefs
ANGEL Christian Science: inspiration from GodATTRITION sorrow for one's sins that arises from a motive other than that of the love of GodBELIEF a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing; something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion: something believed; conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidenceBELIEVE to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion: to regard the existence of God as a factBELIEVING to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion: to regard the existence of God as a factCABALA M-W: variant of Kabbalah: a medieval and modern system of Jewish theosophy, mysticism, and thaumaturgy …CANT the insincere use of pious words (the cant of hypocrites); also, to talk hypocritically (canted about brotherly love)CANTING the insincere use of pious words (the cant of hypocrites); also, to talk hypocritically (canted about brotherly love); also, (adj.) affectedly pious or righteousCARNAL temporal (spiritual and eternal over the carnal); worldly (a carnal mind)CHAKRA any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophyCULT CULTIC DEVOTION religious fervor: pietyDOUBT DOUBTED ENLIGHTEN to give spiritual insight toENLIGHTENING to give spiritual insight toFAITH belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; firm belief in something for which there is no proofHEATHEN adj. old-fashioned + often disparaging: of or relating to people or nations that do not practice Christianity, Judaism, or Islam: of or relating to heathens, or noun old-fashioned + often disparaging: a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity; or noun old-fashioned + disapproving: a nonreligious or uncultured personHOLILY* exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousnessHOLY exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousnessIDEA Christian Science: an image in MindINNOCENCE freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil: blamelessnessINNOCENT free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil: blameless; a person free from sin: a young childKARMA often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeKARMIC often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeLAMP a source of intellectual or spiritual illuminationLIFE spiritual existence transcending physical death (life after death)LIGHT spiritual illumination; also, inner light: a divine presence held (as in Quaker doctrine) to enlighten and guide the soul; also, enlightenment: in Buddhism: a final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or sufferingLOVE a person's adoration of God; also, the fatherly concern of God for humankind
Doctrine, Dogma, Rules
ABOVE heaven; also, in or to heavenBELOW on earth, or in or to hades or hell; alsoBLAZE blazes plural: hell (go to blazes)CANON a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council; or a provision of canon lawCANONIC canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodoxCANONICAL conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodoxCANONICALLY conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodoxCANONIZATION to make canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodoxCANONIZATION to sanction by ecclesiastical authority; to attribute authoritative sanction or approval toCHURCHY marked by strict conformity or zealous adherence to the forms or beliefs of a churchCLAY the human body as distinguished from the spiritCOMITY avoidance of proselytizing members of another religious denominationDEBT sin, trespass (forgive us our debts.)DEVIL In Christian Science: the opposite of Truth: a belief in sin, sickness, and death: evil, errorDHARMA in Hinduism, an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law; or in Hinduism and Buddhism, the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence, divine law; or conformity to one's duty and natureFALL to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFALLEN to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFALLING to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFATWA a legal opinion or decree handed down by an Islamic religious leaderFELL to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFOUL morally or spiritually odiousFOULLY morally or spiritually odiousHALAL sanctioned by Islamic law, especially: ritually fit for useHARAM forbidden by Islamic lawHEAVEN a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God; also (often capitalized): the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed dead; also, in Christian Science: a state of thought in which sin is absent and the harmony of divine Mind is manifestHEAVENLY suggesting the blessed state of heaven: beatificHELL in Christian Science: error, that is, illusion about the nature of reality that is the cause of human suffering: the contradiction of truthHIGH stressing matters of doctrine and ceremony, specifically: high churchINDEX a list of restricted or prohibited material; specifically, Index: a formerly published list of books the reading of which was prohibited or restricted for Roman Catholics by the church authoritiesINFALLIBLE incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or moralsINTELLIGENCE Christian Science: the basic eternal quality of divine MindKOAN a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenmentLIMBO often capitalized: an abode of souls that are according to Roman Catholic theology barred from heaven because of not having received Christian baptismLIVE to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LIVED to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LIVING to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)
Ecclesiastical Buildings and Architecture
ABBEY an abbey churchALTAR a tablelike construction used in the Christian church in celebrating the EucharistCANOPY a baldachin: an ornamental structure resembling a canopy used especially over an altarCELL a small religious house dependent on a monastery or convent; also, a single room (as in a convent) usually for one personCHANCEL the part of a church containing the altar and seats for the clergy and choirCHOIR the part of a church occupied by the singers or by the clergy; also: the part of a church where the services are performedCHURCH a building for public and especially Christian worshipCHURCHYARD a yard that belongs to a church and is often used as a burial groundCRYPT a vault under the main floor of a churchDEDICATE to devote to the worship of a divine being; specifically: to set apart (a church) to sacred uses with solemn ritesDEDICATED to devote to the worship of a divine being; specifically: to set apart (a church) to sacred uses with solemn ritesLOFT a gallery in a church (a choir or organ loft)
Gods, Demons, and Angels
ANGEL a spiritual being serving as a divine messenger and intermediary and often as a special protector of an individual or nation; especially: one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchyANGELIC a spiritual being serving as a divine messenger and intermediary and often as a special protector of an individual or nation; especially: one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchyAVATAR the incarnation of a Hindu deity (such as Vishnu)BAMBINO* a representation of the infant Christ, especially in artCANONIZATION to declare (a deceased person) an officially recognized saintCHOIR a division of angelsDEICIDE the act of killing a divine being or a symbolic substitute of such a being, or the killer or destroyer of a godDEIFIED to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEIFY to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEIFYING to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEITY DEMON an evil spirit (e.g., angels and demons)DEVIL often capitalized: the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Christian belief as the tempter of humankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell. DIABOLIC of, relating to, or characteristic of the devilDIABOLICAL of, relating to, or characteristic of the devilDIVINE adj.: of, relating to, or proceeding directly from a god; being a deity; directed to a deityDOMINION Christianity: an order of angels in the celestial hierarchyEMBODIED to give a body to (a spirit): incarnateEPIPHANY an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being [Christian Epiphany is always capitalized]FIEND the devilGODHOOD* divinityGODLY divine; also, piousHELL the nether realm of the devil and the demons in which condemned people suffer everlasting punishment, often used in cursesHIGH Heaven (wisdom from on high)HORN a part like an animal's horn attributed especially to the devilINTELLIGENCE an intelligent entity, especially: an angelJUDICIAL arising from a judgment of GodLOVE a god (such as Cupid or Eros) or personification of love
Organizations and Congregations
ABBEY a monastery ruled by an abbot or a convent ruled by an abbessBETHEL* a hallowed spot, or a chapel for Nonconformists, or a place of worship for seamenCATHOLIC often capitalized: of, relating to, or forming the church universal; also, often capitalized: of, relating to, or forming the ancient undivided Christian church or a church claiming historical continuity from itCHURCH a body or organization of religious believers; denomination; congregationCIRCUIT a group of church congregations ministered to by one pastorCOMMUNION a body of Christians having a common faith and disciplineCONVENT a local community or house of a religious order or congregation, especially: an establishment of nunsCOVEN an assembly or band of usually 13 witchesFLOCK a group under the guidance of a leader, especially: a church congregationFOLD a group of people or institutions that share a common faith, belief, activity, or enthusiasmFRIARY a monastery of friarsLAIC variant of laical, of or relating to the laity: secularLAICAL of or relating to the laity: secularLAICALLY* of or relating to the laity: secularLAICIZE to reduce to lay status; to put under the direction of or open to the laityLAITY the people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergyLAYMAN a person who is not a member of the clergyLAYMEN a person who is not a member of the clergyLAYPEOPLE plural of layperson, a member of the laityLAYWOMAN a woman who is a member of the laity
Religions: Any Religion
ABOVE heaven; also, in or to heavenALTAR a table or place which serves as a center of worship or ritual; a usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else (sacrificed his family life on the altar of career advancement)AMEN used to express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion)ANGEL a spiritual being serving as a divine messenger and intermediary and often as a special protector of an individual or nation; especially: one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchyANGELIC a spiritual being serving as a divine messenger and intermediary and often as a special protector of an individual or nation; especially: one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchyANOINT to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony; also, to choose by or as if by divine election; also: to designate as if by a ritual anointmentANOINTING to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony; also, to choose by or as if by divine election; also: to designate as if by a ritual anointmentANTHEM a psalm or hymn sung antiphonally or responsively; also, a sacred vocal composition with words usually from the ScripturesBELIEF a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing; something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion: something believed; conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidenceBELIEVE to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion: to regard the existence of God as a factBELIEVING to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion: to regard the existence of God as a factBELOW on earth, or in or to hades or hell; alsoBLAZE blazes plural: hell (go to blazes)CALL an invitation to become the minister of a church; a divine vocation or strong inner promptingCANT the insincere use of pious words (the cant of hypocrites); also, to talk hypocritically (canted about brotherly love)CANTING the insincere use of pious words (the cant of hypocrites); also, to talk hypocritically (canted about brotherly love); also, (adj.) affectedly pious or righteousCARNAL temporal (spiritual and eternal over the carnal); worldly (a carnal mind)CELIBACY abstention by vow from marriageCELIBATE abstaining from marriage and sex especially because of a religious vow; one who abstains from marriage because of a religious vowCHANCEL the part of a church containing the altar and seats for the clergy and choirCHOIR a division of angelsCHURCH a body or organization of religious believers; denomination; congregationCHURCHY marked by strict conformity or zealous adherence to the forms or beliefs of a church; also, of or suggestive of a church or church servicesCLAY the human body as distinguished from the spiritCULT CULTIC DEBT sin, trespass (forgive us our debts.)DEDICATE to devote to the worship of a divine being; specifically: to set apart (a church) to sacred uses with solemn ritesDEDICATED to devote to the worship of a divine being; specifically: to set apart (a church) to sacred uses with solemn ritesDEICIDE the act of killing a divine being or a symbolic substitute of such a being, or the killer or destroyer of a godDEIFIED to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEIFY to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEIFYING to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEITY DEMON an evil spirit (e.g., angels and demons)DEVOTION religious fervor: piety; also, an act of prayer or private worship, used in plural; also a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregationDIVINE adj.: of, relating to, or proceeding directly from a god; being a deity; directed to a deityDOUBT DOUBTED EMBODIED to give a body to (a spirit): incarnateENLIGHTEN to give spiritual insight toENLIGHTENING to give spiritual insight toFAITH belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; firm belief in something for which there is no proofFALL to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFALLEN to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFALLING to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFELL to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFIEND the devilFOUL morally or spiritually odiousFOULLY morally or spiritually odiousGLORIFY to give glory to (as in worship); to elevate to celestial glory; to represent as glorious: extolGLORY worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgivingGODHOOD* divinityGODLY divine; also, piousHALO an indication (such as a circle) of radiant light or glory about the head of a drawn or sculptured divinity, saint, or sovereignHEAVENLY suggesting the blessed state of heaven: beatificHIGH Heaven (wisdom from on high)HOLILY* exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousnessHOLY exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousnessHORN a part like an animal's horn attributed especially to the devilIDOL a representation or symbol of an object of worshipINFALLIBLE incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or moralsINNOCENCE freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil: blamelessnessINNOCENT free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil: blameless; a person free from sinINTELLIGENCE an intelligent entity, especially: an angelJUDICIAL arising from a judgment of GodLAIC variant of laical, of or relating to the laity: secularLAICAL of or relating to the laity: secularLAICALLY* of or relating to the laity: secularLAICIZE to reduce to lay status; to put under the direction of or open to the laityLAITY the people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergyLAMP a source of intellectual or spiritual illuminationLAYMAN a person who is not a member of the clergyLAYMEN a person who is not a member of the clergyLAYPEOPLE plural of layperson, a member of the laityLAYWOMAN a woman who is a member of the laityLIFE spiritual existence transcending physical death (life after death)LIVE to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LIVED to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LIVING to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LOFT a gallery in a church (a choir or organ loft)LOVE a person's adoration of God; also, the fatherly concern of God for humankind; also, a god (such as Cupid or Eros) or personification of love
Religions: Buddhist
ARHAT a Buddhist who has reached the stage of enlightenmentCHAKRA any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophyDHARMA in Hinduism, an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law; or in Hinduism and Buddhism, the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence, divine law; or conformity to one's duty and natureKARMA often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeKARMIC often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeKOAN a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenmentLAMA a Tibetan Buddhist monkLIGHT spiritual illumination; also, inner light: a divine presence held (as in Quaker doctrine) to enlighten and guide the soul; also, enlightenment: in Buddhism: a final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or suffering
Religions: Christian Scientist
ANGEL Christian Science: inspiration from GodANGELIC Christian Science: inspiration from GodDEVIL Christian Science: the opposite of Truth: a belief in sin, sickness, and death: evil, errorHEAVEN Christian Science: a state of thought in which sin is absent and the harmony of divine Mind is manifestHELL Christian Science: error, that is, illusion about the nature of reality that is the cause of human suffering: the contradiction of truthIDEA Christian Science: an image in MindINTELLIGENCE Christian Science: the basic eternal quality of divine Mind
Religions: Christianity
ABBACY the office, dignity, jurisdiction, or tenure of an abbotABBATIAL* of or relating to an abbot, abbess, or abbeyABBEY an abbey church; also, a monastery ruled by an abbot or a convent ruled by an abbess; also, the superior of a monastery for menACOLYTE one who assists a member of the clergy in a liturgical service by performing minor dutiesAGAPE synonym for love feast: a meal eaten in common by a Christian congregation in token of brotherly love; unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of anotherALTAR a tablelike construction used in the Christian church in celebrating the EucharistANATHEMA one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority, or a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunicationATTRITION sorrow for one's sins that arises from a motive other than that of the love of God [as compared to contrition]AUXILIARY auxiliary bishop: a Roman Catholic titular bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and not having the right of successionBAMBINO* a representation of the infant Christ, especially in artBAND bands plural: a pair of strips hanging at the front of the neck as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dressBAPTIZE to administer baptism: a Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian community; or: a non-Christian rite using water for ritual purificationBEAD M-W’s first four definitions are related to prayer, probably from derivation of the word, meaning ‘to pray’BENEFICE an ecclesiastical office to which the revenue from an endowment is attachedBETHEL* a hallowed spot, or a chapel for Nonconformists, or a place of worship for seamenBIBLICAL of, relating to, or being in accord with the Bible, or a biblical passage; or suggestive of the Bible or Bible timesBIBLICALLY of, relating to, or being in accord with the Bible, or a biblical passage; or suggestive of the Bible or Bible timesBULL a solemn papal letter sealed with a bulla or with a red-ink imprint of the device on the bullaCANON a clergyman belonging to the chapter or the staff of a cathedral or collegiate church; also, a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council; or a provision of canon law; also, the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wine; also, an authoritative list of books accepted as Holy ScriptureCANONIC canonical: of or relating to a clergyman who is a canon; also, canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodox; also, canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONICAL of or relating to a clergyman who is a canon; also, canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodox; also, canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONICALLY of or relating to a clergyman who is a canon; also, canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodox; also, canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONIZATION to make canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodox; also; to make canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures); also, to sanction by ecclesiastical authority; to attribute authoritative sanction or approval to; also, to declare (a deceased person) an officially recognized saint; also, to make canonical: of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCANOPY a baldachin: an ornamental structure resembling a canopy used especially over an altarCARNIVAL a season or festival of merrymaking before LentCATHOLIC often capitalized: of, relating to, or forming the church universal; also, often capitalized: of, relating to, or forming the ancient undivided Christian church or a church claiming historical continuity from itCELL a small religious house dependent on a monastery or convent; also, a single room (as in a convent) usually for one personCHALICE the eucharistic cupCHANT plainsongCHOIR the part of a church occupied by the singers or by the clergy; also: the part of a church where the services are performedCHURCH a building for public and especially Christian worship; also, the clergy or officialdom of a religious body; also, a body or organization of religious believers; denomination; congregationCHURCHYARD a yard that belongs to a church and is often used as a burial groundCIRCUIT a group of church congregations ministered to by one pastor; also, a regular tour (as by a traveling preacher) around an assigned district or territory; also, the route traveled (His circuit took him to many towns in the county.)COIF in M-W 1st def. of coif: a hoodlike cap worn under a veil by nunsCOLLAR short for clerical collar: a narrow stiffly upright white collar worn buttoned at the back of the neck by members of the clergyCOLLECT M-W’s 1st def.: a short prayer comprising an invocation, petition, and conclusion, esp. one preceding the eucharistic Epistle and varying with the dayCOLLEGE M-W’s 1st def.: a body of clergy living together and supported by a foundationCOMITY avoidance of proselytizing members of another religious denominationCOMMON a religious service suitable for any of various festivalsCOMMUNION a body of Christians having a common faith and discipline; also, The Christian sacrament is always capitalized. Small-c communion is the act of receiving CommunionCONFIRM to administer the rite of confirmation toCONFOUND to damn, to condemn to a punishment or fate, especially: to condemn to hellCONFOUNDED to damn, to condemn to a punishment or fate, especially: to condemn to hellCONVENT a local community or house of a religious order or congregation, especially: an establishment of nunsCOPE a long enveloping ecclesiastical vestmentCOPED to cover or furnish with a copeCROOK a crosier, a staff resembling a shepherd's crook carried by bishops and abbots as a symbol of officeCRYPT a vault under the main floor of a churchCURACY the office or term of office of a curate (a member of the clergy in charge of a parish, or a member of the clergy serving as assistant (as to a rector) in a parish)DAMN DAMNATION DEACON a subordinate officer in a Christian churchDEAN the head of the chapter of a collegiate or cathedral church or a Roman Catholic priest who supervises one district of a dioceseDECADE Roman Catholicism: a division of the rosary that consists primarily of 10 Hail MarysDEVIL often capitalized: the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Christian belief as the tempter of humankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell. DIABOLIC of, relating to, or characteristic of the devilDIABOLICAL of, relating to, or characteristic of the devilDIVINE a clergyman or theologianDOCTOR M-W’s 1st def.: Christianity: an eminent theologian declared a sound expounder of doctrine by the Roman Catholic ChurchDOMINION Christianity: an order of angels in the celestial hierarchyELEMENT elements plural: the bread and wine used in the EucharistEMINENCE a person of high rank or attainments —often used as a title for a cardinalEPIPHANY an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being [Christian Epiphany is always capitalized]EXCELLENCE used as a title for high dignitaries of state (such as a governor or an ambassador) or church (such as a Roman Catholic archbishop or bishop)EXCELLENCY used as a title for high dignitaries of state (such as a governor or an ambassador) or church (such as a Roman Catholic archbishop or bishop)FLOCK a group under the guidance of a leader, especially: a church congregationFOLD a group of people or institutions that share a common faith, belief, activity, or enthusiasmFONT a receptacle for baptismal water or a receptacle for holy waterFONTAL related to a receptacle for baptismal water or a receptacle for holy waterFORMULA a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritualFRIAR a member of a mendicant order: a religious order (such as the Franciscans) combining monastic life and outside religious activity and originally owning neither personal nor community propertyFRIARY a monastery of friarsFROCK (verb) to make a cleric of; also, (noun) an outer garment worn by monks and friars: habitFRONTAL a cloth hanging over the front of an altarGODCHILD a person for whom another person becomes sponsor at baptismGRADUAL a pair of verses (as from the Psalms) proper after the Epistle in the Mass; also, a book containing the choral parts of the MassHABIT a nun’s habitHEATHEN adj. old-fashioned + often disparaging: of or relating to people or nations that do not practice Christianity, Judaism, or Islam: of or relating to heathens, or noun old-fashioned + often disparaging: a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity; or noun old-fashioned + disapproving: a nonreligious or uncultured personHEAVEN a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God; also (often capitalized): the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed deadHELL the nether realm of the devil and the demons in which condemned people suffer everlasting punishment, often used in cursesHIGH stressing matters of doctrine and ceremony, specifically: high churchHOUR a time or office for daily liturgical devotion, especially: a canonical hour, a time of day canonically appointed for an office of devotion, or one of the daily offices of devotion that compose the Divine Office and include matins with lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, and complineHYMN a song of praise to God; a metrical composition adapted for singing in a religious service. Here, “hymn” refers to the words. The music for a sung hymn is called a “hymn tune.”HYMNAL a collection of church hymnsHYMNARY a hymnal, a collection of church hymnsHYMNBOOK a hymnal, a collection of church hymnsICON in Eastern Orthodox Christianity: a representation (as in a mural, a mosaic, or a painting on wood) of sacred events or especially of a sacred individual (such as Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or a saint) used as an object of veneration or a tool for instructionINDEX a list of restricted or prohibited material; specifically, Index: a formerly published list of books the reading of which was prohibited or restricted for Roman Catholics by the church authoritiesINTENTION the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offeredINTROIT* a piece of music sung or played at the beginning of a worship service; also, often capitalized: the first part of the traditional proper of the Mass consisting of an antiphon, verse from a psalm, and the Gloria PatriLAUD lauds or Lauds plural in form but singular or plural in construction: an office of solemn praise to God forming with matins the first of the canonical; also, to praise, to extolLAUDED to praise, to extolLIMBO often capitalized: an abode of souls that are according to Roman Catholic theology barred from heaven because of not having received Christian baptismLITANY a prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications by the leader with alternate responses by the congregationLITURGY often capitalized: a eucharistic rite; also, (uncapitalized) a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship (a baptismal liturgy)LORD a bishop of the Church of England
Religions: Hinduism
AVATAR the incarnation of a Hindu deity (such as Vishnu)BINDI a mark (such as a red dot) or piece of jewelry worn on the middle of the forehead especially by Hindu womenCHAKRA any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophyDHARMA in Hinduism, an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law; or in Hinduism and Buddhism, the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence, divine law; or conformity to one's duty and natureGURU a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in HinduismHATHA M-W shows only an open compound, hatha yoga: a system of physical exercises for the control and perfection of the body that constitutes one of the four chief Hindu disciplinesKARMA often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeKARMIC often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's life
Religions: Islam
AYATOLLAH a religious leader among Shiite Muslims used as a title of respect especially for one who is not an imamFATWA a legal opinion or decree handed down by an Islamic religious leaderHADITH* a narrative record of the sayings or customs of Muhammad and his companions; also, the collective body of traditions relating to Muhammad and his companionsHALAL sanctioned by Islamic law, especially: ritually fit for useHARAM forbidden by Islamic lawHEATHEN adj. old-fashioned + often disparaging: of or relating to people or nations that do not practice Christianity, Judaism, or Islam: of or relating to heathens, or noun old-fashioned + often disparaging: a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity; or noun old-fashioned + disapproving: a nonreligious or uncultured personIMAM the prayer leader of a mosque; also, a Muslim leader of the line of Ali held by Shiites to be the divinely appointed, sinless, infallible successors of Muhammad; also, any of various rulers that claim descent from Muhammad and exercise spiritual and temporal leadership over a Muslim region
Religions: Judaism
CABALA M-W: variant of Kabbalah: a medieval and modern system of Jewish theosophy, mysticism, and thaumaturgy …CHALLAH egg-rich yeast-leavened bread that is usually braided or twisted before baking and is traditionally eaten by Jews on the Sabbath and holidaysCHUPPAH a canopy under which the bride and groom stand during a Jewish wedding ceremonyGELT chocolate candy in the shape of coins often given to Jewish children at HanukkahHEATHEN adj. old-fashioned + often disparaging: of or relating to people or nations that do not practice Christianity, Judaism, or Islam: of or relating to heathens, or noun old-fashioned + often disparaging: a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity; or noun old-fashioned + disapproving: a nonreligious or uncultured personKIPPA M-W: variant of kippah, a yarmulke, a skullcap worn especially by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish males in the synagogue and the home
Religions: Others
ANKH a cross having a loop for its upper vertical arm and serving especially in ancient Egypt as an emblem of lifeCOVEN an assembly or band of usually 13 witchesLIGHT spiritual illumination; also, inner light: a divine presence held (as in Quaker doctrine) to enlighten and guide the soul; also, enlightenment: in Buddhism: a final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or suffering
Religious Persons, Roles, and Offices
ABBACY the office, dignity, jurisdiction, or tenure of an abbotABBATIAL* of or relating to an abbot, abbess, or abbeyABBOT the superior of a monastery for menACOLYTE one who assists a member of the clergy in a liturgical service by performing minor dutiesARHAT a Buddhist who has reached the stage of enlightenmentAUXILIARY auxiliary bishop: a Roman Catholic titular bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and not having the right of successionAYATOLLAH a religious leader among Shiite Muslims used as a title of respect especially for one who is not an imamBENEFICE an ecclesiastical office to which the revenue from an endowment is attachedCALL an invitation to become the minister of a church; a divine vocation or strong inner promptingCANON a clergyman belonging to the chapter or the staff of a cathedral or collegiate churchCANONIC canonical: of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCANONICAL of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCANONICALLY of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCANONIZATION to make canonical: of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCELIBACY abstention by vow from marriageCELIBATE abstaining from marriage and sex especially because of a religious vow; one who abstains from marriage because of a religious vowCHURCH the clergy or officialdom of a religious bodyCIRCUIT a regular tour (as by a traveling preacher) around an assigned district or territory; also, the route traveled (His circuit took him to many towns in the county.)COLLEGE M-W’s 1st def.: a body of clergy living together and supported by a foundationCURACY the office or term of office of a curate (a member of the clergy in charge of a parish, or a member of the clergy serving as assistant (as to a rector) in a parish)DEACON a subordinate officer in a Christian churchDEAN the head of the chapter of a collegiate or cathedral church or a Roman Catholic priest who supervises one district of a dioceseDIVINE a clergyman or theologianDOCTOR M-W’s 1st def.: Christianity: an eminent theologian declared a sound expounder of doctrine by the Roman Catholic ChurchEMINENCE a person of high rank or attainments —often used as a title for a cardinalEXCELLENCE used as a title for high dignitaries of state (such as a governor or an ambassador) or church (such as a Roman Catholic archbishop or bishop)EXCELLENCY used as a title for high dignitaries of state (such as a governor or an ambassador) or church (such as a Roman Catholic archbishop or bishop)FRIAR a member of a mendicant order: a religious order (such as the Franciscans) combining monastic life and outside religious activity and originally owning neither personal nor community propertyFROCK (verb) to make a cleric ofGURU a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in HinduismIMAM the prayer leader of a mosque; also, a Muslim leader of the line of Ali held by Shiites to be the divinely appointed, sinless, infallible successors of Muhammad; also, any of various rulers that claim descent from Muhammad and exercise spiritual and temporal leadership over a Muslim regionLAMA a Tibetan Buddhist monkLORD a bishop of the Church of England
Rituals, Rites, Prayer, and Worship
AGAPE synonym for love feast: a meal eaten in common by a Christian congregation in token of brotherly love; unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of anotherALTAR a table or place which serves as a center of worship or ritual; a usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else (sacrificed his family life on the altar of career advancement)ANATHEMA one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority, or a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunicationANOINT to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony; also, to choose by or as if by divine election; also: to designate as if by a ritual anointmentANOINTING to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony; also, to choose by or as if by divine election; also: to designate as if by a ritual anointmentBAPTIZE to administer baptism: a Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian community; or: a non-Christian rite using water for ritual purificationBEAD M-W’s first four definitions are related to prayer, probably from derivation of the word, meaning ‘to pray’CANON the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wineCARNIVAL a season or festival of merrymaking before LentCHURCHY of or suggestive of a church or church servicesCOLLECT M-W’s 1st def.: a short prayer comprising an invocation, petition, and conclusion, esp. one preceding the eucharistic Epistle and varying with the dayCOMMON a religious service suitable for any of various festivalsCOMMUNION The Christian sacrament is always capitalized. Small-c communion is the act of receiving CommunionCONFIRM to administer the rite of confirmation toCONFOUND to damn, to condemn to a punishment or fate, especially: to condemn to hellCONFOUNDED to damn, to condemn to a punishment or fate, especially: to condemn to hellDAMN DAMNATION DECADE Roman Catholicism: a division of the rosary that consists primarily of 10 Hail MarysDEVOTION an act of prayer or private worship, used in plural; also a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregationELEMENT elements plural: the bread and wine used in the EucharistFORMULA a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritualGELT chocolate candy in the shape of coins often given to Jewish children at HanukkahGLORIFY to give glory to (as in worship); to elevate to celestial glory; to represent as glorious: extolGLORY worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgivingGODCHILD a person for whom another person becomes sponsor at baptismHATHA M-W shows only an open compound, hatha yoga: a system of physical exercises for the control and perfection of the body that constitutes one of the four chief Hindu disciplinesHOUR a time or office for daily liturgical devotion, especially: a canonical hour, a time of day canonically appointed for an office of devotion, or one of the daily offices of devotion that compose the Divine Office and include matins with lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, and complineINTENTION the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offeredLAUD lauds or Lauds plural in form but singular or plural in construction: an office of solemn praise to God forming with matins the first of the canonical; also, to praise, to extolLAUDED to praise, to extolLITANY a prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications by the leader with alternate responses by the congregationLITURGY often capitalized: a eucharistic rite; also, (uncapitalized) a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship (a baptismal liturgy)
Symbols, Objects, and Dress
ANKH a cross having a loop for its upper vertical arm and serving especially in ancient Egypt as an emblem of lifeBAND bands plural: a pair of strips hanging at the front of the neck as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dressBINDI a mark (such as a red dot) or piece of jewelry worn on the middle of the forehead especially by Hindu womenCHALICE the eucharistic cupCHALLAH egg-rich yeast-leavened bread that is usually braided or twisted before baking and is traditionally eaten by Jews on the Sabbath and holidaysCHUPPAH a canopy under which the bride and groom stand during a Jewish wedding ceremonyCOIF in M-W 1st def. of coif: a hoodlike cap worn under a veil by nunsCOLLAR short for clerical collar: a narrow stiffly upright white collar worn buttoned at the back of the neck by members of the clergyCOPE a long enveloping ecclesiastical vestmentCOPED to cover or furnish with a copeCROOK a crosier, a staff resembling a shepherd's crook carried by bishops and abbots as a symbol of officeFONT a receptacle for baptismal water or a receptacle for holy waterFONTAL related to a receptacle for baptismal water or a receptacle for holy waterFROCK (noun) an outer garment worn by monks and friars: habitFRONTAL a cloth hanging over the front of an altarHABIT a nun’s habitHALO an indication (such as a circle) of radiant light or glory about the head of a drawn or sculptured divinity, saint, or sovereignICON in Eastern Orthodox Christianity: a representation (as in a mural, a mosaic, or a painting on wood) of sacred events or especially of a sacred individual (such as Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or a saint) used as an object of veneration or a tool for instructionIDOL a representation or symbol of an object of worshipKIPPA M-W: variant of kippah, a yarmulke, a skullcap worn especially by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish males in the synagogue and the home
Words and Music
AMEN used to express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion)ANTHEM a psalm or hymn sung antiphonally or responsively; also, a sacred vocal composition with words usually from the ScripturesBIBLICAL of, relating to, or being in accord with the Bible, or a biblical passage; or suggestive of the Bible or Bible timesBIBLICALLY of, relating to, or being in accord with the Bible, or a biblical passage; or suggestive of the Bible or Bible timesBULL a solemn papal letter sealed with a bulla or with a red-ink imprint of the device on the bullaCANON an authoritative list of books accepted as Holy ScriptureCANONIC canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONICAL of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONICALLY of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONIZATION to make canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CHANT plainsongGRADUAL a pair of verses (as from the Psalms) proper after the Epistle in the Mass; also, a book containing the choral parts of the MassHADITH* a narrative record of the sayings or customs of Muhammad and his companions; also, the collective body of traditions relating to Muhammad and his companionsHYMN a song of praise to God; a metrical composition adapted for singing in a religious service. Here, “hymn” refers to the words. The music for a sung hymn is called a “hymn tune.”HYMNAL a collection of church hymnsHYMNARY a hymnal, a collection of church hymnsHYMNBOOK a hymnal, a collection of church hymnsINTROIT* a piece of music sung or played at the beginning of a worship service; also, often capitalized: the first part of the traditional proper of the Mass consisting of an antiphon, verse from a psalm, and the Gloria Patri
ANGEL Christian Science: inspiration from GodATTRITION sorrow for one's sins that arises from a motive other than that of the love of GodBELIEF a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing; something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion: something believed; conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidenceBELIEVE to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion: to regard the existence of God as a factBELIEVING to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion: to regard the existence of God as a factCABALA M-W: variant of Kabbalah: a medieval and modern system of Jewish theosophy, mysticism, and thaumaturgy …CANT the insincere use of pious words (the cant of hypocrites); also, to talk hypocritically (canted about brotherly love)CANTING the insincere use of pious words (the cant of hypocrites); also, to talk hypocritically (canted about brotherly love); also, (adj.) affectedly pious or righteousCARNAL temporal (spiritual and eternal over the carnal); worldly (a carnal mind)CHAKRA any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophyCULT CULTIC DEVOTION religious fervor: pietyDOUBT DOUBTED ENLIGHTEN to give spiritual insight toENLIGHTENING to give spiritual insight toFAITH belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; firm belief in something for which there is no proofHEATHEN adj. old-fashioned + often disparaging: of or relating to people or nations that do not practice Christianity, Judaism, or Islam: of or relating to heathens, or noun old-fashioned + often disparaging: a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity; or noun old-fashioned + disapproving: a nonreligious or uncultured personHOLILY* exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousnessHOLY exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousnessIDEA Christian Science: an image in MindINNOCENCE freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil: blamelessnessINNOCENT free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil: blameless; a person free from sin: a young childKARMA often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeKARMIC often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeLAMP a source of intellectual or spiritual illuminationLIFE spiritual existence transcending physical death (life after death)LIGHT spiritual illumination; also, inner light: a divine presence held (as in Quaker doctrine) to enlighten and guide the soul; also, enlightenment: in Buddhism: a final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or sufferingLOVE a person's adoration of God; also, the fatherly concern of God for humankind
Doctrine, Dogma, Rules
ABOVE heaven; also, in or to heavenBELOW on earth, or in or to hades or hell; alsoBLAZE blazes plural: hell (go to blazes)CANON a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council; or a provision of canon lawCANONIC canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodoxCANONICAL conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodoxCANONICALLY conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodoxCANONIZATION to make canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodoxCANONIZATION to sanction by ecclesiastical authority; to attribute authoritative sanction or approval toCHURCHY marked by strict conformity or zealous adherence to the forms or beliefs of a churchCLAY the human body as distinguished from the spiritCOMITY avoidance of proselytizing members of another religious denominationDEBT sin, trespass (forgive us our debts.)DEVIL In Christian Science: the opposite of Truth: a belief in sin, sickness, and death: evil, errorDHARMA in Hinduism, an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law; or in Hinduism and Buddhism, the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence, divine law; or conformity to one's duty and natureFALL to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFALLEN to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFALLING to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFATWA a legal opinion or decree handed down by an Islamic religious leaderFELL to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFOUL morally or spiritually odiousFOULLY morally or spiritually odiousHALAL sanctioned by Islamic law, especially: ritually fit for useHARAM forbidden by Islamic lawHEAVEN a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God; also (often capitalized): the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed dead; also, in Christian Science: a state of thought in which sin is absent and the harmony of divine Mind is manifestHEAVENLY suggesting the blessed state of heaven: beatificHELL in Christian Science: error, that is, illusion about the nature of reality that is the cause of human suffering: the contradiction of truthHIGH stressing matters of doctrine and ceremony, specifically: high churchINDEX a list of restricted or prohibited material; specifically, Index: a formerly published list of books the reading of which was prohibited or restricted for Roman Catholics by the church authoritiesINFALLIBLE incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or moralsINTELLIGENCE Christian Science: the basic eternal quality of divine MindKOAN a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenmentLIMBO often capitalized: an abode of souls that are according to Roman Catholic theology barred from heaven because of not having received Christian baptismLIVE to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LIVED to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LIVING to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)
Ecclesiastical Buildings and Architecture
ABBEY an abbey churchALTAR a tablelike construction used in the Christian church in celebrating the EucharistCANOPY a baldachin: an ornamental structure resembling a canopy used especially over an altarCELL a small religious house dependent on a monastery or convent; also, a single room (as in a convent) usually for one personCHANCEL the part of a church containing the altar and seats for the clergy and choirCHOIR the part of a church occupied by the singers or by the clergy; also: the part of a church where the services are performedCHURCH a building for public and especially Christian worshipCHURCHYARD a yard that belongs to a church and is often used as a burial groundCRYPT a vault under the main floor of a churchDEDICATE to devote to the worship of a divine being; specifically: to set apart (a church) to sacred uses with solemn ritesDEDICATED to devote to the worship of a divine being; specifically: to set apart (a church) to sacred uses with solemn ritesLOFT a gallery in a church (a choir or organ loft)
Gods, Demons, and Angels
ANGEL a spiritual being serving as a divine messenger and intermediary and often as a special protector of an individual or nation; especially: one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchyANGELIC a spiritual being serving as a divine messenger and intermediary and often as a special protector of an individual or nation; especially: one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchyAVATAR the incarnation of a Hindu deity (such as Vishnu)BAMBINO* a representation of the infant Christ, especially in artCANONIZATION to declare (a deceased person) an officially recognized saintCHOIR a division of angelsDEICIDE the act of killing a divine being or a symbolic substitute of such a being, or the killer or destroyer of a godDEIFIED to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEIFY to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEIFYING to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEITY DEMON an evil spirit (e.g., angels and demons)DEVIL often capitalized: the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Christian belief as the tempter of humankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell. DIABOLIC of, relating to, or characteristic of the devilDIABOLICAL of, relating to, or characteristic of the devilDIVINE adj.: of, relating to, or proceeding directly from a god; being a deity; directed to a deityDOMINION Christianity: an order of angels in the celestial hierarchyEMBODIED to give a body to (a spirit): incarnateEPIPHANY an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being [Christian Epiphany is always capitalized]FIEND the devilGODHOOD* divinityGODLY divine; also, piousHELL the nether realm of the devil and the demons in which condemned people suffer everlasting punishment, often used in cursesHIGH Heaven (wisdom from on high)HORN a part like an animal's horn attributed especially to the devilINTELLIGENCE an intelligent entity, especially: an angelJUDICIAL arising from a judgment of GodLOVE a god (such as Cupid or Eros) or personification of love
Organizations and Congregations
ABBEY a monastery ruled by an abbot or a convent ruled by an abbessBETHEL* a hallowed spot, or a chapel for Nonconformists, or a place of worship for seamenCATHOLIC often capitalized: of, relating to, or forming the church universal; also, often capitalized: of, relating to, or forming the ancient undivided Christian church or a church claiming historical continuity from itCHURCH a body or organization of religious believers; denomination; congregationCIRCUIT a group of church congregations ministered to by one pastorCOMMUNION a body of Christians having a common faith and disciplineCONVENT a local community or house of a religious order or congregation, especially: an establishment of nunsCOVEN an assembly or band of usually 13 witchesFLOCK a group under the guidance of a leader, especially: a church congregationFOLD a group of people or institutions that share a common faith, belief, activity, or enthusiasmFRIARY a monastery of friarsLAIC variant of laical, of or relating to the laity: secularLAICAL of or relating to the laity: secularLAICALLY* of or relating to the laity: secularLAICIZE to reduce to lay status; to put under the direction of or open to the laityLAITY the people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergyLAYMAN a person who is not a member of the clergyLAYMEN a person who is not a member of the clergyLAYPEOPLE plural of layperson, a member of the laityLAYWOMAN a woman who is a member of the laity
Religions: Any Religion
ABOVE heaven; also, in or to heavenALTAR a table or place which serves as a center of worship or ritual; a usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else (sacrificed his family life on the altar of career advancement)AMEN used to express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion)ANGEL a spiritual being serving as a divine messenger and intermediary and often as a special protector of an individual or nation; especially: one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchyANGELIC a spiritual being serving as a divine messenger and intermediary and often as a special protector of an individual or nation; especially: one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchyANOINT to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony; also, to choose by or as if by divine election; also: to designate as if by a ritual anointmentANOINTING to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony; also, to choose by or as if by divine election; also: to designate as if by a ritual anointmentANTHEM a psalm or hymn sung antiphonally or responsively; also, a sacred vocal composition with words usually from the ScripturesBELIEF a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing; something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion: something believed; conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidenceBELIEVE to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion: to regard the existence of God as a factBELIEVING to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion: to regard the existence of God as a factBELOW on earth, or in or to hades or hell; alsoBLAZE blazes plural: hell (go to blazes)CALL an invitation to become the minister of a church; a divine vocation or strong inner promptingCANT the insincere use of pious words (the cant of hypocrites); also, to talk hypocritically (canted about brotherly love)CANTING the insincere use of pious words (the cant of hypocrites); also, to talk hypocritically (canted about brotherly love); also, (adj.) affectedly pious or righteousCARNAL temporal (spiritual and eternal over the carnal); worldly (a carnal mind)CELIBACY abstention by vow from marriageCELIBATE abstaining from marriage and sex especially because of a religious vow; one who abstains from marriage because of a religious vowCHANCEL the part of a church containing the altar and seats for the clergy and choirCHOIR a division of angelsCHURCH a body or organization of religious believers; denomination; congregationCHURCHY marked by strict conformity or zealous adherence to the forms or beliefs of a church; also, of or suggestive of a church or church servicesCLAY the human body as distinguished from the spiritCULT CULTIC DEBT sin, trespass (forgive us our debts.)DEDICATE to devote to the worship of a divine being; specifically: to set apart (a church) to sacred uses with solemn ritesDEDICATED to devote to the worship of a divine being; specifically: to set apart (a church) to sacred uses with solemn ritesDEICIDE the act of killing a divine being or a symbolic substitute of such a being, or the killer or destroyer of a godDEIFIED to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEIFY to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEIFYING to make a god of, or to take as an object of worshipDEITY DEMON an evil spirit (e.g., angels and demons)DEVOTION religious fervor: piety; also, an act of prayer or private worship, used in plural; also a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregationDIVINE adj.: of, relating to, or proceeding directly from a god; being a deity; directed to a deityDOUBT DOUBTED EMBODIED to give a body to (a spirit): incarnateENLIGHTEN to give spiritual insight toENLIGHTENING to give spiritual insight toFAITH belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; firm belief in something for which there is no proofFALL to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFALLEN to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFALLING to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFELL to commit an immoral act (man fell into sin), especially: to lose one's chastityFIEND the devilFOUL morally or spiritually odiousFOULLY morally or spiritually odiousGLORIFY to give glory to (as in worship); to elevate to celestial glory; to represent as glorious: extolGLORY worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgivingGODHOOD* divinityGODLY divine; also, piousHALO an indication (such as a circle) of radiant light or glory about the head of a drawn or sculptured divinity, saint, or sovereignHEAVENLY suggesting the blessed state of heaven: beatificHIGH Heaven (wisdom from on high)HOLILY* exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousnessHOLY exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousnessHORN a part like an animal's horn attributed especially to the devilIDOL a representation or symbol of an object of worshipINFALLIBLE incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or moralsINNOCENCE freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil: blamelessnessINNOCENT free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil: blameless; a person free from sinINTELLIGENCE an intelligent entity, especially: an angelJUDICIAL arising from a judgment of GodLAIC variant of laical, of or relating to the laity: secularLAICAL of or relating to the laity: secularLAICALLY* of or relating to the laity: secularLAICIZE to reduce to lay status; to put under the direction of or open to the laityLAITY the people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergyLAMP a source of intellectual or spiritual illuminationLAYMAN a person who is not a member of the clergyLAYMEN a person who is not a member of the clergyLAYPEOPLE plural of layperson, a member of the laityLAYWOMAN a woman who is a member of the laityLIFE spiritual existence transcending physical death (life after death)LIVE to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LIVED to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LIVING to attain eternal life (though he die, yet shall he live—John 11:25)LOFT a gallery in a church (a choir or organ loft)LOVE a person's adoration of God; also, the fatherly concern of God for humankind; also, a god (such as Cupid or Eros) or personification of love
Religions: Buddhist
ARHAT a Buddhist who has reached the stage of enlightenmentCHAKRA any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophyDHARMA in Hinduism, an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law; or in Hinduism and Buddhism, the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence, divine law; or conformity to one's duty and natureKARMA often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeKARMIC often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeKOAN a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenmentLAMA a Tibetan Buddhist monkLIGHT spiritual illumination; also, inner light: a divine presence held (as in Quaker doctrine) to enlighten and guide the soul; also, enlightenment: in Buddhism: a final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or suffering
Religions: Christian Scientist
ANGEL Christian Science: inspiration from GodANGELIC Christian Science: inspiration from GodDEVIL Christian Science: the opposite of Truth: a belief in sin, sickness, and death: evil, errorHEAVEN Christian Science: a state of thought in which sin is absent and the harmony of divine Mind is manifestHELL Christian Science: error, that is, illusion about the nature of reality that is the cause of human suffering: the contradiction of truthIDEA Christian Science: an image in MindINTELLIGENCE Christian Science: the basic eternal quality of divine Mind
Religions: Christianity
ABBACY the office, dignity, jurisdiction, or tenure of an abbotABBATIAL* of or relating to an abbot, abbess, or abbeyABBEY an abbey church; also, a monastery ruled by an abbot or a convent ruled by an abbess; also, the superior of a monastery for menACOLYTE one who assists a member of the clergy in a liturgical service by performing minor dutiesAGAPE synonym for love feast: a meal eaten in common by a Christian congregation in token of brotherly love; unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of anotherALTAR a tablelike construction used in the Christian church in celebrating the EucharistANATHEMA one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority, or a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunicationATTRITION sorrow for one's sins that arises from a motive other than that of the love of God [as compared to contrition]AUXILIARY auxiliary bishop: a Roman Catholic titular bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and not having the right of successionBAMBINO* a representation of the infant Christ, especially in artBAND bands plural: a pair of strips hanging at the front of the neck as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dressBAPTIZE to administer baptism: a Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian community; or: a non-Christian rite using water for ritual purificationBEAD M-W’s first four definitions are related to prayer, probably from derivation of the word, meaning ‘to pray’BENEFICE an ecclesiastical office to which the revenue from an endowment is attachedBETHEL* a hallowed spot, or a chapel for Nonconformists, or a place of worship for seamenBIBLICAL of, relating to, or being in accord with the Bible, or a biblical passage; or suggestive of the Bible or Bible timesBIBLICALLY of, relating to, or being in accord with the Bible, or a biblical passage; or suggestive of the Bible or Bible timesBULL a solemn papal letter sealed with a bulla or with a red-ink imprint of the device on the bullaCANON a clergyman belonging to the chapter or the staff of a cathedral or collegiate church; also, a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council; or a provision of canon law; also, the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wine; also, an authoritative list of books accepted as Holy ScriptureCANONIC canonical: of or relating to a clergyman who is a canon; also, canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodox; also, canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONICAL of or relating to a clergyman who is a canon; also, canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodox; also, canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONICALLY of or relating to a clergyman who is a canon; also, canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodox; also, canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONIZATION to make canonical: conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure: orthodox; also; to make canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures); also, to sanction by ecclesiastical authority; to attribute authoritative sanction or approval to; also, to declare (a deceased person) an officially recognized saint; also, to make canonical: of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCANOPY a baldachin: an ornamental structure resembling a canopy used especially over an altarCARNIVAL a season or festival of merrymaking before LentCATHOLIC often capitalized: of, relating to, or forming the church universal; also, often capitalized: of, relating to, or forming the ancient undivided Christian church or a church claiming historical continuity from itCELL a small religious house dependent on a monastery or convent; also, a single room (as in a convent) usually for one personCHALICE the eucharistic cupCHANT plainsongCHOIR the part of a church occupied by the singers or by the clergy; also: the part of a church where the services are performedCHURCH a building for public and especially Christian worship; also, the clergy or officialdom of a religious body; also, a body or organization of religious believers; denomination; congregationCHURCHYARD a yard that belongs to a church and is often used as a burial groundCIRCUIT a group of church congregations ministered to by one pastor; also, a regular tour (as by a traveling preacher) around an assigned district or territory; also, the route traveled (His circuit took him to many towns in the county.)COIF in M-W 1st def. of coif: a hoodlike cap worn under a veil by nunsCOLLAR short for clerical collar: a narrow stiffly upright white collar worn buttoned at the back of the neck by members of the clergyCOLLECT M-W’s 1st def.: a short prayer comprising an invocation, petition, and conclusion, esp. one preceding the eucharistic Epistle and varying with the dayCOLLEGE M-W’s 1st def.: a body of clergy living together and supported by a foundationCOMITY avoidance of proselytizing members of another religious denominationCOMMON a religious service suitable for any of various festivalsCOMMUNION a body of Christians having a common faith and discipline; also, The Christian sacrament is always capitalized. Small-c communion is the act of receiving CommunionCONFIRM to administer the rite of confirmation toCONFOUND to damn, to condemn to a punishment or fate, especially: to condemn to hellCONFOUNDED to damn, to condemn to a punishment or fate, especially: to condemn to hellCONVENT a local community or house of a religious order or congregation, especially: an establishment of nunsCOPE a long enveloping ecclesiastical vestmentCOPED to cover or furnish with a copeCROOK a crosier, a staff resembling a shepherd's crook carried by bishops and abbots as a symbol of officeCRYPT a vault under the main floor of a churchCURACY the office or term of office of a curate (a member of the clergy in charge of a parish, or a member of the clergy serving as assistant (as to a rector) in a parish)DAMN DAMNATION DEACON a subordinate officer in a Christian churchDEAN the head of the chapter of a collegiate or cathedral church or a Roman Catholic priest who supervises one district of a dioceseDECADE Roman Catholicism: a division of the rosary that consists primarily of 10 Hail MarysDEVIL often capitalized: the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Christian belief as the tempter of humankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell. DIABOLIC of, relating to, or characteristic of the devilDIABOLICAL of, relating to, or characteristic of the devilDIVINE a clergyman or theologianDOCTOR M-W’s 1st def.: Christianity: an eminent theologian declared a sound expounder of doctrine by the Roman Catholic ChurchDOMINION Christianity: an order of angels in the celestial hierarchyELEMENT elements plural: the bread and wine used in the EucharistEMINENCE a person of high rank or attainments —often used as a title for a cardinalEPIPHANY an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being [Christian Epiphany is always capitalized]EXCELLENCE used as a title for high dignitaries of state (such as a governor or an ambassador) or church (such as a Roman Catholic archbishop or bishop)EXCELLENCY used as a title for high dignitaries of state (such as a governor or an ambassador) or church (such as a Roman Catholic archbishop or bishop)FLOCK a group under the guidance of a leader, especially: a church congregationFOLD a group of people or institutions that share a common faith, belief, activity, or enthusiasmFONT a receptacle for baptismal water or a receptacle for holy waterFONTAL related to a receptacle for baptismal water or a receptacle for holy waterFORMULA a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritualFRIAR a member of a mendicant order: a religious order (such as the Franciscans) combining monastic life and outside religious activity and originally owning neither personal nor community propertyFRIARY a monastery of friarsFROCK (verb) to make a cleric of; also, (noun) an outer garment worn by monks and friars: habitFRONTAL a cloth hanging over the front of an altarGODCHILD a person for whom another person becomes sponsor at baptismGRADUAL a pair of verses (as from the Psalms) proper after the Epistle in the Mass; also, a book containing the choral parts of the MassHABIT a nun’s habitHEATHEN adj. old-fashioned + often disparaging: of or relating to people or nations that do not practice Christianity, Judaism, or Islam: of or relating to heathens, or noun old-fashioned + often disparaging: a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity; or noun old-fashioned + disapproving: a nonreligious or uncultured personHEAVEN a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God; also (often capitalized): the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed deadHELL the nether realm of the devil and the demons in which condemned people suffer everlasting punishment, often used in cursesHIGH stressing matters of doctrine and ceremony, specifically: high churchHOUR a time or office for daily liturgical devotion, especially: a canonical hour, a time of day canonically appointed for an office of devotion, or one of the daily offices of devotion that compose the Divine Office and include matins with lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, and complineHYMN a song of praise to God; a metrical composition adapted for singing in a religious service. Here, “hymn” refers to the words. The music for a sung hymn is called a “hymn tune.”HYMNAL a collection of church hymnsHYMNARY a hymnal, a collection of church hymnsHYMNBOOK a hymnal, a collection of church hymnsICON in Eastern Orthodox Christianity: a representation (as in a mural, a mosaic, or a painting on wood) of sacred events or especially of a sacred individual (such as Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or a saint) used as an object of veneration or a tool for instructionINDEX a list of restricted or prohibited material; specifically, Index: a formerly published list of books the reading of which was prohibited or restricted for Roman Catholics by the church authoritiesINTENTION the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offeredINTROIT* a piece of music sung or played at the beginning of a worship service; also, often capitalized: the first part of the traditional proper of the Mass consisting of an antiphon, verse from a psalm, and the Gloria PatriLAUD lauds or Lauds plural in form but singular or plural in construction: an office of solemn praise to God forming with matins the first of the canonical; also, to praise, to extolLAUDED to praise, to extolLIMBO often capitalized: an abode of souls that are according to Roman Catholic theology barred from heaven because of not having received Christian baptismLITANY a prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications by the leader with alternate responses by the congregationLITURGY often capitalized: a eucharistic rite; also, (uncapitalized) a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship (a baptismal liturgy)LORD a bishop of the Church of England
Religions: Hinduism
AVATAR the incarnation of a Hindu deity (such as Vishnu)BINDI a mark (such as a red dot) or piece of jewelry worn on the middle of the forehead especially by Hindu womenCHAKRA any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophyDHARMA in Hinduism, an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law; or in Hinduism and Buddhism, the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence, divine law; or conformity to one's duty and natureGURU a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in HinduismHATHA M-W shows only an open compound, hatha yoga: a system of physical exercises for the control and perfection of the body that constitutes one of the four chief Hindu disciplinesKARMA often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's lifeKARMIC often capitalized: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence; broadly: such a force considered as affecting the events of one's life
Religions: Islam
AYATOLLAH a religious leader among Shiite Muslims used as a title of respect especially for one who is not an imamFATWA a legal opinion or decree handed down by an Islamic religious leaderHADITH* a narrative record of the sayings or customs of Muhammad and his companions; also, the collective body of traditions relating to Muhammad and his companionsHALAL sanctioned by Islamic law, especially: ritually fit for useHARAM forbidden by Islamic lawHEATHEN adj. old-fashioned + often disparaging: of or relating to people or nations that do not practice Christianity, Judaism, or Islam: of or relating to heathens, or noun old-fashioned + often disparaging: a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity; or noun old-fashioned + disapproving: a nonreligious or uncultured personIMAM the prayer leader of a mosque; also, a Muslim leader of the line of Ali held by Shiites to be the divinely appointed, sinless, infallible successors of Muhammad; also, any of various rulers that claim descent from Muhammad and exercise spiritual and temporal leadership over a Muslim region
Religions: Judaism
CABALA M-W: variant of Kabbalah: a medieval and modern system of Jewish theosophy, mysticism, and thaumaturgy …CHALLAH egg-rich yeast-leavened bread that is usually braided or twisted before baking and is traditionally eaten by Jews on the Sabbath and holidaysCHUPPAH a canopy under which the bride and groom stand during a Jewish wedding ceremonyGELT chocolate candy in the shape of coins often given to Jewish children at HanukkahHEATHEN adj. old-fashioned + often disparaging: of or relating to people or nations that do not practice Christianity, Judaism, or Islam: of or relating to heathens, or noun old-fashioned + often disparaging: a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity; or noun old-fashioned + disapproving: a nonreligious or uncultured personKIPPA M-W: variant of kippah, a yarmulke, a skullcap worn especially by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish males in the synagogue and the home
Religions: Others
ANKH a cross having a loop for its upper vertical arm and serving especially in ancient Egypt as an emblem of lifeCOVEN an assembly or band of usually 13 witchesLIGHT spiritual illumination; also, inner light: a divine presence held (as in Quaker doctrine) to enlighten and guide the soul; also, enlightenment: in Buddhism: a final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or suffering
Religious Persons, Roles, and Offices
ABBACY the office, dignity, jurisdiction, or tenure of an abbotABBATIAL* of or relating to an abbot, abbess, or abbeyABBOT the superior of a monastery for menACOLYTE one who assists a member of the clergy in a liturgical service by performing minor dutiesARHAT a Buddhist who has reached the stage of enlightenmentAUXILIARY auxiliary bishop: a Roman Catholic titular bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and not having the right of successionAYATOLLAH a religious leader among Shiite Muslims used as a title of respect especially for one who is not an imamBENEFICE an ecclesiastical office to which the revenue from an endowment is attachedCALL an invitation to become the minister of a church; a divine vocation or strong inner promptingCANON a clergyman belonging to the chapter or the staff of a cathedral or collegiate churchCANONIC canonical: of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCANONICAL of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCANONICALLY of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCANONIZATION to make canonical: of or relating to a clergyman who is a canonCELIBACY abstention by vow from marriageCELIBATE abstaining from marriage and sex especially because of a religious vow; one who abstains from marriage because of a religious vowCHURCH the clergy or officialdom of a religious bodyCIRCUIT a regular tour (as by a traveling preacher) around an assigned district or territory; also, the route traveled (His circuit took him to many towns in the county.)COLLEGE M-W’s 1st def.: a body of clergy living together and supported by a foundationCURACY the office or term of office of a curate (a member of the clergy in charge of a parish, or a member of the clergy serving as assistant (as to a rector) in a parish)DEACON a subordinate officer in a Christian churchDEAN the head of the chapter of a collegiate or cathedral church or a Roman Catholic priest who supervises one district of a dioceseDIVINE a clergyman or theologianDOCTOR M-W’s 1st def.: Christianity: an eminent theologian declared a sound expounder of doctrine by the Roman Catholic ChurchEMINENCE a person of high rank or attainments —often used as a title for a cardinalEXCELLENCE used as a title for high dignitaries of state (such as a governor or an ambassador) or church (such as a Roman Catholic archbishop or bishop)EXCELLENCY used as a title for high dignitaries of state (such as a governor or an ambassador) or church (such as a Roman Catholic archbishop or bishop)FRIAR a member of a mendicant order: a religious order (such as the Franciscans) combining monastic life and outside religious activity and originally owning neither personal nor community propertyFROCK (verb) to make a cleric ofGURU a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in HinduismIMAM the prayer leader of a mosque; also, a Muslim leader of the line of Ali held by Shiites to be the divinely appointed, sinless, infallible successors of Muhammad; also, any of various rulers that claim descent from Muhammad and exercise spiritual and temporal leadership over a Muslim regionLAMA a Tibetan Buddhist monkLORD a bishop of the Church of England
Rituals, Rites, Prayer, and Worship
AGAPE synonym for love feast: a meal eaten in common by a Christian congregation in token of brotherly love; unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of anotherALTAR a table or place which serves as a center of worship or ritual; a usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else (sacrificed his family life on the altar of career advancement)ANATHEMA one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority, or a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunicationANOINT to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony; also, to choose by or as if by divine election; also: to designate as if by a ritual anointmentANOINTING to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony; also, to choose by or as if by divine election; also: to designate as if by a ritual anointmentBAPTIZE to administer baptism: a Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian community; or: a non-Christian rite using water for ritual purificationBEAD M-W’s first four definitions are related to prayer, probably from derivation of the word, meaning ‘to pray’CANON the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wineCARNIVAL a season or festival of merrymaking before LentCHURCHY of or suggestive of a church or church servicesCOLLECT M-W’s 1st def.: a short prayer comprising an invocation, petition, and conclusion, esp. one preceding the eucharistic Epistle and varying with the dayCOMMON a religious service suitable for any of various festivalsCOMMUNION The Christian sacrament is always capitalized. Small-c communion is the act of receiving CommunionCONFIRM to administer the rite of confirmation toCONFOUND to damn, to condemn to a punishment or fate, especially: to condemn to hellCONFOUNDED to damn, to condemn to a punishment or fate, especially: to condemn to hellDAMN DAMNATION DECADE Roman Catholicism: a division of the rosary that consists primarily of 10 Hail MarysDEVOTION an act of prayer or private worship, used in plural; also a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate worship of a congregationELEMENT elements plural: the bread and wine used in the EucharistFORMULA a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritualGELT chocolate candy in the shape of coins often given to Jewish children at HanukkahGLORIFY to give glory to (as in worship); to elevate to celestial glory; to represent as glorious: extolGLORY worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgivingGODCHILD a person for whom another person becomes sponsor at baptismHATHA M-W shows only an open compound, hatha yoga: a system of physical exercises for the control and perfection of the body that constitutes one of the four chief Hindu disciplinesHOUR a time or office for daily liturgical devotion, especially: a canonical hour, a time of day canonically appointed for an office of devotion, or one of the daily offices of devotion that compose the Divine Office and include matins with lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, and complineINTENTION the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offeredLAUD lauds or Lauds plural in form but singular or plural in construction: an office of solemn praise to God forming with matins the first of the canonical; also, to praise, to extolLAUDED to praise, to extolLITANY a prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications by the leader with alternate responses by the congregationLITURGY often capitalized: a eucharistic rite; also, (uncapitalized) a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship (a baptismal liturgy)
Symbols, Objects, and Dress
ANKH a cross having a loop for its upper vertical arm and serving especially in ancient Egypt as an emblem of lifeBAND bands plural: a pair of strips hanging at the front of the neck as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dressBINDI a mark (such as a red dot) or piece of jewelry worn on the middle of the forehead especially by Hindu womenCHALICE the eucharistic cupCHALLAH egg-rich yeast-leavened bread that is usually braided or twisted before baking and is traditionally eaten by Jews on the Sabbath and holidaysCHUPPAH a canopy under which the bride and groom stand during a Jewish wedding ceremonyCOIF in M-W 1st def. of coif: a hoodlike cap worn under a veil by nunsCOLLAR short for clerical collar: a narrow stiffly upright white collar worn buttoned at the back of the neck by members of the clergyCOPE a long enveloping ecclesiastical vestmentCOPED to cover or furnish with a copeCROOK a crosier, a staff resembling a shepherd's crook carried by bishops and abbots as a symbol of officeFONT a receptacle for baptismal water or a receptacle for holy waterFONTAL related to a receptacle for baptismal water or a receptacle for holy waterFROCK (noun) an outer garment worn by monks and friars: habitFRONTAL a cloth hanging over the front of an altarHABIT a nun’s habitHALO an indication (such as a circle) of radiant light or glory about the head of a drawn or sculptured divinity, saint, or sovereignICON in Eastern Orthodox Christianity: a representation (as in a mural, a mosaic, or a painting on wood) of sacred events or especially of a sacred individual (such as Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or a saint) used as an object of veneration or a tool for instructionIDOL a representation or symbol of an object of worshipKIPPA M-W: variant of kippah, a yarmulke, a skullcap worn especially by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish males in the synagogue and the home
Words and Music
AMEN used to express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion)ANTHEM a psalm or hymn sung antiphonally or responsively; also, a sacred vocal composition with words usually from the ScripturesBIBLICAL of, relating to, or being in accord with the Bible, or a biblical passage; or suggestive of the Bible or Bible timesBIBLICALLY of, relating to, or being in accord with the Bible, or a biblical passage; or suggestive of the Bible or Bible timesBULL a solemn papal letter sealed with a bulla or with a red-ink imprint of the device on the bullaCANON an authoritative list of books accepted as Holy ScriptureCANONIC canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONICAL of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONICALLY of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CANONIZATION to make canonical: of, relating to, or forming a canon (canonical scriptures)CHANT plainsongGRADUAL a pair of verses (as from the Psalms) proper after the Epistle in the Mass; also, a book containing the choral parts of the MassHADITH* a narrative record of the sayings or customs of Muhammad and his companions; also, the collective body of traditions relating to Muhammad and his companionsHYMN a song of praise to God; a metrical composition adapted for singing in a religious service. Here, “hymn” refers to the words. The music for a sung hymn is called a “hymn tune.”HYMNAL a collection of church hymnsHYMNARY a hymnal, a collection of church hymnsHYMNBOOK a hymnal, a collection of church hymnsINTROIT* a piece of music sung or played at the beginning of a worship service; also, often capitalized: the first part of the traditional proper of the Mass consisting of an antiphon, verse from a psalm, and the Gloria Patri