LexiTopic: Aviation & Aircraft
The LexiConnexxions analysis has identified 111 words related to aviation and aircraft in the A-L portion of Spelling Bee lexicon, which comprises 63% of the entire lexicon.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
The entire list is shown below, followed by the topical analysis with definitions. The definition of each word has been confirmed in Merriam-Webster online (abridged), the online dictionary well-known to Spelling Bee players.
Words marked with an asterisk have been used in at least one Bee puzzle, then subsequently disallowed; they are retained here for historical interest.
Please review "Important Information about this Resource" at the LexiTopics master page, in particular as to why words may appear more than once in the list.
Words Related to AVIATION & AIRCRAFT in the Spelling Bee lexicon
AIRCRAFT a vehicle (such as an airplane or balloon) for traveling through the airAMPHIBIAN an amphibious vehicle, especially: an airplane designed to take off from and land on either land or waterBALLOON a bag that is filled with heated air or a gas lighter than air so as to rise and float in the atmosphere and that usually carries a suspended load (such as a gondola with passengers)BIPLANE an aircraft with two main supporting surfaces usually placed one above the otherBIRD a man-made object (such as an aircraft, rocket, or satellite) that resembles a bird especially by flying or being aloftBLIMP an airship that maintains its form by pressure from contained gasBOGEY an unidentified aircraft, especially: one not positively identified as friendly and so assumed to be hostileCANARD an airplane with horizontal stabilizing and control surfaces in front of supporting surfaces; also, a small airfoil in front of the wing of an aircraft that can increase the aircraft's performanceCRAFT aircraft or spacecraftFLEET a group (as of ships, planes, or trucks) operated under unified control
Airports and Ground Operations
AGROUND on the ground (e.g., planes aloft and aground)AIRPORT a place from which aircraft operate that usually has paved runways and maintenance facilities and often serves as a terminalAPRON the extensive paved part of an airport immediately adjacent to the terminal area or hangarsCONTROL an organization that directs a spaceflight (mission control)DEICE to rid or keep free of ice (deice an airplane's wings)DEICED to rid or keep free of ice (deice an airplane's wings)FIELD an airfieldGANTRY a movable structure with platforms at different levels used for erecting and servicing rockets before launchingGATE an area (as at a railroad station or an airport) for departure or arrivalHANGAR a covered and usually enclosed area for housing and repairing aircraftHELIPAD A heliport, a landing and takeoff place for a helicopterLIFT to move from one place to another (as by aircraft): to transport; also, an organized movement of people, equipment, or supplies by some form of transportation, especially an airliftLIMO a large vehicle for transporting passengers to and from an airport
Flight Operations and Navigation
ABORT the premature termination of a flight (as of an aircraft or spacecraft), a mission, or an action or procedure relating to a flightAIRFLOW the motion of air (as around parts of an airplane in flight) relative to the surface of a body immersed in itAIRLIFT a system of transporting cargo or passengers by aircraft often to or from an otherwise inaccessible areaAIRMAIL the system of transporting mail by aircraft; also: the mail thus transportedAIRWAY a designated route along which airplanes fly from airport to airportespecially: such a route equipped with navigational aids; also, an airlineALOFT in the air, especially: in flight (as in an airplane)APPROACH the descent of an aircraft toward a landing placeAVIATE to navigate the air (as in an airplane)AVIATED to navigate the air (as in an airplane)AVIATION the operation of aircraftBANK to incline an airplane laterallyBANKED to incline an airplane laterallyBANKING to incline an airplane laterallyBURN the firing of a rocket engine in flightBURNT the firing of a rocket engine in flightCEILING the height above the ground from which prominent objects on the ground can be seen and identifiedCORRIDOR a restricted lane for air trafficCRAB the angular difference between an aircraft's course and the heading necessary to make that course in the presence of a crosswindCYCLE a takeoff and landing of an airplaneDITCH to make a forced landing of (an airplane) on waterDITCHED to make a forced landing of (an airplane) on waterDIVE to descend in a diveDIVED to descend in a diveDIVING to descend in a diveDOCK to join (two spacecraft) mechanically while in spaceDOCKED to join (two spacecraft) mechanically while in spaceDRIFT the lateral motion of an aircraft due to air currentsENVELOPE a set of performance limits (as of an aircraft) that may not be safely exceeded; also: the set of operating parameters that exists within these limitsFLEW to operate or travel in an airplane or spacecraft; to operate (something, such as a balloon, aircraft, rocket, or spacecraft) in flight; to journey over or through by flying (flew the Atlantic); to transport by aircraft or spacecraft (supplies were flown in)FLIGHT a trip made by or in an airplane or spacecraft; or a scheduled airplane trip; or the airplane that is making a tripFLOAT a watertight structure giving an airplane buoyancy on waterFLOWN to operate or travel in an airplane or spacecraft; to operate (something, such as a balloon, aircraft, rocket, or spacecraft) in flight; to journey over or through by flying (flew the Atlantic); to transport by aircraft or spacecraft (supplies were flown in)FLYBY a prearranged usually low-altitude flight by one or more airplanes over a public gathering (such as an air show); also, a flight of a spacecraft past a celestial body (such as Mars) close enough to obtain scientific data; or a spacecraft that makes a flybyFLYING of or relating to the operation of aircraftGLIDE of an airplane: to descend gradually in controlled flight; also, to fly in a gliderGLIDING of an airplane: to descend gradually in controlled flight; also, to fly in a gliderGLIDING of an airplane: to descend gradually in controlled flight; also, to fly in a gliderGYRO a gyrocompass or a gyroscope, instruments used in navigation on ships and aircraftINJECTION the placing of an artificial satellite or a spacecraft into an orbit or on a trajectory; also: the time or place at which injection occursJETTED to travel by jet airplane; to move or progress by or as if by jet propulsionJOURNAL a log, the full record of a flight by an aircraftLAND to bring to a landing (land an airplane)LANDED to bring to a landing (land an airplane)LANDFALL a sighting of land after a voyage or flight; also, the land first sighted on a voyage or flight; also, a reaching of land (as by a traveler, craft, or storm)LANDING to bring to a landing (land an airplane)LANE an air lane: a path customarily followed by airplanesLEEWAY the angle between the heading and the track of an airplaneLETDOWN the descent of an aircraft or spacecraft to the point at which a landing approach is begunLIFT the component of the total aerodynamic force acting on an airplane or airfoil that is perpendicular to the relative wind and that for an airplane constitutes the upward force that opposes the pull of gravity; also, an updraft that can be used to increase altitude (as of a sailplane) (or hawk)LIFTOFF a vertical takeoff by an aircraft or a rocket vehicle or missileLOGBOOK a log: the full record of a flight by an aircraftLOGGED to sail a ship or fly an airplane for (an indicated distance or period of time) (to log x sailing or flying hours)LOGGING to sail a ship or fly an airplane for (an indicated distance or period of time) (to log x sailing or flying hours)LOOP a circular airplane maneuver executed in the vertical plane; also, to execute a loop in an airplane
Flight Personnel
AIRMAN a civilian or military pilot, aviator, or aviation technicianAVIATOR the operator or pilot of an aircraft and especially an airplaneCAPTAIN a senior pilot who commands the crew of an airplanCOPILOT a qualified pilot who assists or relieves the pilot but is not in commandGROUND to restrict to the ground, to ground a pilotJOCK a pilot, especially: a fighter pilot
On Board (Aircraft)
ABEAM* off to the side of a ship or plane especially at a right angle to the middle of the ship or plane's lengthAIRFOIL a body (such as an airplane wing or propeller blade) designed to provide a desired reaction force when in motion relative to the surrounding airBOOM a spar or outrigger connecting the tail surfaces and the main supporting structure of an aircraftCABIN the passenger or cargo compartment of a vehicle (such as an airplane or automobile); also c: the crew compartment of an exploratory vehicle (such as a spacecraft)CANOPY the transparent enclosure over an airplane cockpitCOACH coach seat: a class of passenger air transportation at a lower fare than first classCOLLECTIVE a helicopter control system governing liftCYCLIC a helicopter control that governs horizontal thrust by adjusting the pitch of individual rotor blades during their rotationENVELOPE the outer covering of an aerostat, a lighter-than-air aircraft (such as a balloon or blimp); the bag containing the gas in a balloon or airshipFLAP a movable auxiliary airfoil usually attached to an airplane wing's trailing edge to increase lift or dragGALLEY the kitchen and cooking apparatus especially of a ship or airplaneGONDOLA an elongated car attached to the underside of an airship; also, an often spherical airtight enclosure suspended from a balloon for carrying passengers or instrumentsGUNPORT an opening (as in a ship's side, a gun turret, a pillbox, or the nose, fuselage, or wing of an airplane) through which a gun can be firedHATCH a small door or opening (as in an airplane or spaceship)HOLD the cargo compartment of a planeHULL the main body of a usually large or heavy craft or vehicle (such as an airship or tank)LARBOARD* the left (port) side of a ship or aircraft looking forwardLOCK an air lock, an intermediate chamber with two airtight doors or openings to permit passage between two dissimilar spaces (such as two places of unequal atmospheric pressure)LUNAR designed for use on the moon (lunar vehicles)
AIRDROP delivery of cargo, emergency supplies, or personnel by parachute from an airplane in flightCANOPY the fabric part of a parachute that catches the airCHUTE short for parachuteDROP a descent by parachute; also: the people or equipment dropped by parachute; also, anything dropped by parachute
BOARD to go aboard (something, such as a ship, train, airplane, or bus), or to put aboard, or to get into or onto a means of transportation (such as an airplane, bus, ship, etc.), or to put or allow passengers into or onto such a means of transportationCONNECT to meet for the transference of passengers (connecting flights); to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination (passengers connecting with international flights)CONNECTED to meet for the transference of passengers (connecting flights); to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination (passengers connecting with international flights)CONNECTION to meet for the transference of passengers (connecting flights); to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination (passengers connecting with international flights)LIMO a large vehicle for transporting passengers to and from an airport
AIRCRAFT a vehicle (such as an airplane or balloon) for traveling through the airAMPHIBIAN an amphibious vehicle, especially: an airplane designed to take off from and land on either land or waterBALLOON a bag that is filled with heated air or a gas lighter than air so as to rise and float in the atmosphere and that usually carries a suspended load (such as a gondola with passengers)BIPLANE an aircraft with two main supporting surfaces usually placed one above the otherBIRD a man-made object (such as an aircraft, rocket, or satellite) that resembles a bird especially by flying or being aloftBLIMP an airship that maintains its form by pressure from contained gasBOGEY an unidentified aircraft, especially: one not positively identified as friendly and so assumed to be hostileCANARD an airplane with horizontal stabilizing and control surfaces in front of supporting surfaces; also, a small airfoil in front of the wing of an aircraft that can increase the aircraft's performanceCRAFT aircraft or spacecraftFLEET a group (as of ships, planes, or trucks) operated under unified control
Airports and Ground Operations
AGROUND on the ground (e.g., planes aloft and aground)AIRPORT a place from which aircraft operate that usually has paved runways and maintenance facilities and often serves as a terminalAPRON the extensive paved part of an airport immediately adjacent to the terminal area or hangarsCONTROL an organization that directs a spaceflight (mission control)DEICE to rid or keep free of ice (deice an airplane's wings)DEICED to rid or keep free of ice (deice an airplane's wings)FIELD an airfieldGANTRY a movable structure with platforms at different levels used for erecting and servicing rockets before launchingGATE an area (as at a railroad station or an airport) for departure or arrivalHANGAR a covered and usually enclosed area for housing and repairing aircraftHELIPAD A heliport, a landing and takeoff place for a helicopterLIFT to move from one place to another (as by aircraft): to transport; also, an organized movement of people, equipment, or supplies by some form of transportation, especially an airliftLIMO a large vehicle for transporting passengers to and from an airport
Flight Operations and Navigation
ABORT the premature termination of a flight (as of an aircraft or spacecraft), a mission, or an action or procedure relating to a flightAIRFLOW the motion of air (as around parts of an airplane in flight) relative to the surface of a body immersed in itAIRLIFT a system of transporting cargo or passengers by aircraft often to or from an otherwise inaccessible areaAIRMAIL the system of transporting mail by aircraft; also: the mail thus transportedAIRWAY a designated route along which airplanes fly from airport to airportespecially: such a route equipped with navigational aids; also, an airlineALOFT in the air, especially: in flight (as in an airplane)APPROACH the descent of an aircraft toward a landing placeAVIATE to navigate the air (as in an airplane)AVIATED to navigate the air (as in an airplane)AVIATION the operation of aircraftBANK to incline an airplane laterallyBANKED to incline an airplane laterallyBANKING to incline an airplane laterallyBURN the firing of a rocket engine in flightBURNT the firing of a rocket engine in flightCEILING the height above the ground from which prominent objects on the ground can be seen and identifiedCORRIDOR a restricted lane for air trafficCRAB the angular difference between an aircraft's course and the heading necessary to make that course in the presence of a crosswindCYCLE a takeoff and landing of an airplaneDITCH to make a forced landing of (an airplane) on waterDITCHED to make a forced landing of (an airplane) on waterDIVE to descend in a diveDIVED to descend in a diveDIVING to descend in a diveDOCK to join (two spacecraft) mechanically while in spaceDOCKED to join (two spacecraft) mechanically while in spaceDRIFT the lateral motion of an aircraft due to air currentsENVELOPE a set of performance limits (as of an aircraft) that may not be safely exceeded; also: the set of operating parameters that exists within these limitsFLEW to operate or travel in an airplane or spacecraft; to operate (something, such as a balloon, aircraft, rocket, or spacecraft) in flight; to journey over or through by flying (flew the Atlantic); to transport by aircraft or spacecraft (supplies were flown in)FLIGHT a trip made by or in an airplane or spacecraft; or a scheduled airplane trip; or the airplane that is making a tripFLOAT a watertight structure giving an airplane buoyancy on waterFLOWN to operate or travel in an airplane or spacecraft; to operate (something, such as a balloon, aircraft, rocket, or spacecraft) in flight; to journey over or through by flying (flew the Atlantic); to transport by aircraft or spacecraft (supplies were flown in)FLYBY a prearranged usually low-altitude flight by one or more airplanes over a public gathering (such as an air show); also, a flight of a spacecraft past a celestial body (such as Mars) close enough to obtain scientific data; or a spacecraft that makes a flybyFLYING of or relating to the operation of aircraftGLIDE of an airplane: to descend gradually in controlled flight; also, to fly in a gliderGLIDING of an airplane: to descend gradually in controlled flight; also, to fly in a gliderGLIDING of an airplane: to descend gradually in controlled flight; also, to fly in a gliderGYRO a gyrocompass or a gyroscope, instruments used in navigation on ships and aircraftINJECTION the placing of an artificial satellite or a spacecraft into an orbit or on a trajectory; also: the time or place at which injection occursJETTED to travel by jet airplane; to move or progress by or as if by jet propulsionJOURNAL a log, the full record of a flight by an aircraftLAND to bring to a landing (land an airplane)LANDED to bring to a landing (land an airplane)LANDFALL a sighting of land after a voyage or flight; also, the land first sighted on a voyage or flight; also, a reaching of land (as by a traveler, craft, or storm)LANDING to bring to a landing (land an airplane)LANE an air lane: a path customarily followed by airplanesLEEWAY the angle between the heading and the track of an airplaneLETDOWN the descent of an aircraft or spacecraft to the point at which a landing approach is begunLIFT the component of the total aerodynamic force acting on an airplane or airfoil that is perpendicular to the relative wind and that for an airplane constitutes the upward force that opposes the pull of gravity; also, an updraft that can be used to increase altitude (as of a sailplane) (or hawk)LIFTOFF a vertical takeoff by an aircraft or a rocket vehicle or missileLOGBOOK a log: the full record of a flight by an aircraftLOGGED to sail a ship or fly an airplane for (an indicated distance or period of time) (to log x sailing or flying hours)LOGGING to sail a ship or fly an airplane for (an indicated distance or period of time) (to log x sailing or flying hours)LOOP a circular airplane maneuver executed in the vertical plane; also, to execute a loop in an airplane
Flight Personnel
AIRMAN a civilian or military pilot, aviator, or aviation technicianAVIATOR the operator or pilot of an aircraft and especially an airplaneCAPTAIN a senior pilot who commands the crew of an airplanCOPILOT a qualified pilot who assists or relieves the pilot but is not in commandGROUND to restrict to the ground, to ground a pilotJOCK a pilot, especially: a fighter pilot
On Board (Aircraft)
ABEAM* off to the side of a ship or plane especially at a right angle to the middle of the ship or plane's lengthAIRFOIL a body (such as an airplane wing or propeller blade) designed to provide a desired reaction force when in motion relative to the surrounding airBOOM a spar or outrigger connecting the tail surfaces and the main supporting structure of an aircraftCABIN the passenger or cargo compartment of a vehicle (such as an airplane or automobile); also c: the crew compartment of an exploratory vehicle (such as a spacecraft)CANOPY the transparent enclosure over an airplane cockpitCOACH coach seat: a class of passenger air transportation at a lower fare than first classCOLLECTIVE a helicopter control system governing liftCYCLIC a helicopter control that governs horizontal thrust by adjusting the pitch of individual rotor blades during their rotationENVELOPE the outer covering of an aerostat, a lighter-than-air aircraft (such as a balloon or blimp); the bag containing the gas in a balloon or airshipFLAP a movable auxiliary airfoil usually attached to an airplane wing's trailing edge to increase lift or dragGALLEY the kitchen and cooking apparatus especially of a ship or airplaneGONDOLA an elongated car attached to the underside of an airship; also, an often spherical airtight enclosure suspended from a balloon for carrying passengers or instrumentsGUNPORT an opening (as in a ship's side, a gun turret, a pillbox, or the nose, fuselage, or wing of an airplane) through which a gun can be firedHATCH a small door or opening (as in an airplane or spaceship)HOLD the cargo compartment of a planeHULL the main body of a usually large or heavy craft or vehicle (such as an airship or tank)LARBOARD* the left (port) side of a ship or aircraft looking forwardLOCK an air lock, an intermediate chamber with two airtight doors or openings to permit passage between two dissimilar spaces (such as two places of unequal atmospheric pressure)LUNAR designed for use on the moon (lunar vehicles)
AIRDROP delivery of cargo, emergency supplies, or personnel by parachute from an airplane in flightCANOPY the fabric part of a parachute that catches the airCHUTE short for parachuteDROP a descent by parachute; also: the people or equipment dropped by parachute; also, anything dropped by parachute
BOARD to go aboard (something, such as a ship, train, airplane, or bus), or to put aboard, or to get into or onto a means of transportation (such as an airplane, bus, ship, etc.), or to put or allow passengers into or onto such a means of transportationCONNECT to meet for the transference of passengers (connecting flights); to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination (passengers connecting with international flights)CONNECTED to meet for the transference of passengers (connecting flights); to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination (passengers connecting with international flights)CONNECTION to meet for the transference of passengers (connecting flights); to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination (passengers connecting with international flights)LIMO a large vehicle for transporting passengers to and from an airport