Ins & Outs July 2023
In the month of July 2023, 30 words were added to the Bee lexicon, and 3 were removed, for a net gain of 27 words.
27 new words added that had never been used before, nor previously disallowed+ 3 new words added that had been previously disallowed-----30 total words added- 3 words that had been allowed, now disallowed -----27 words net gain
Words added, with no prior history in the Bee (IN) (27)appetitebaptizebeachcombbecomebrawncitifiedcommitteddecommitdecommitteddefectdefecteddeficientdeficitdevianteffectedfemininefemininitygrittinginfectednovellyrainbowtiringtrillingunevenlyunlovelywhippingwiping
Words added, previously disallowed (OUT-IN) (3)rowanlevellycortado
Words previously allowed, now disallowed (IN-OUT) (3)hokeincivilpapillary
27 new words added that had never been used before, nor previously disallowed+ 3 new words added that had been previously disallowed-----30 total words added- 3 words that had been allowed, now disallowed -----27 words net gain
Words added, with no prior history in the Bee (IN) (27)appetitebaptizebeachcombbecomebrawncitifiedcommitteddecommitdecommitteddefectdefecteddeficientdeficitdevianteffectedfemininefemininitygrittinginfectednovellyrainbowtiringtrillingunevenlyunlovelywhippingwiping
Words added, previously disallowed (OUT-IN) (3)rowanlevellycortado
Words previously allowed, now disallowed (IN-OUT) (3)hokeincivilpapillary