2024 Annual Summary
There were 366 Spelling Bee puzzles in 2024 (a leap year). Here's a summary of which words came and went, along with a few notes about the pangrams, the daily word lists, the rates at which the dreaded/adored -ED and -ING suffixes appeared, how often the BINGO characteristic appeared, center letter distribution, and more.
In 2024, 508 words were added to the Spelling Bee lexicon, and 39 words were discontinued, for a net gain of 469 words.
462 new words were added that had never been used before, nor previously disallowed (IN) 38 words were added that had been previously disallowed (OUT-IN) 8 words that had been earlier allowed, then disallowed, were allowed again (IN-OUT-IN) 00 words that had been disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed, then allowed again (OUT-IN-OUT-IN)-----508 total words added
- 35 words that had been previously allowed, now disallowed (IN-OUT)- 3 words that had been disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed again (OUT-IN-OUT)- 1 words that had been allowed, then disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed again (IN-OUT-IN-OUT)- 00 words that had been disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed (OUT-IN-OUT-IN-OUT)------ 39 total words removed
Net gain: 469 words In and out monthly averages: 42.33 words added per month (2023: 59.25) 3.25 words removed per month (2023: 3.66) 39.92 net words added per month (2023: 55.58)
Re: Total words added per month: Mean [average]: 42.33 (2023: 59.25] Median: 40.5 [central number in the range] (2023: 58) Fewest: 21 (2023: 30) Most: 69 (2023: 91)
Re: Net words added per month: Mean: [average] 39.08 (2023: 55.58) Median: [central number in range] 38 (2023: 53) Fewest: 15 (2023: 27) Most: 66 (2023: 87)
The complete lists of affected words are below.
In 2024, 508 words were added to the Spelling Bee lexicon, and 39 words were discontinued, for a net gain of 469 words.
462 new words were added that had never been used before, nor previously disallowed (IN) 38 words were added that had been previously disallowed (OUT-IN) 8 words that had been earlier allowed, then disallowed, were allowed again (IN-OUT-IN) 00 words that had been disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed, then allowed again (OUT-IN-OUT-IN)-----508 total words added
- 35 words that had been previously allowed, now disallowed (IN-OUT)- 3 words that had been disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed again (OUT-IN-OUT)- 1 words that had been allowed, then disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed again (IN-OUT-IN-OUT)- 00 words that had been disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed (OUT-IN-OUT-IN-OUT)------ 39 total words removed
Net gain: 469 words In and out monthly averages: 42.33 words added per month (2023: 59.25) 3.25 words removed per month (2023: 3.66) 39.92 net words added per month (2023: 55.58)
Re: Total words added per month: Mean [average]: 42.33 (2023: 59.25] Median: 40.5 [central number in the range] (2023: 58) Fewest: 21 (2023: 30) Most: 69 (2023: 91)
Re: Net words added per month: Mean: [average] 39.08 (2023: 55.58) Median: [central number in range] 38 (2023: 53) Fewest: 15 (2023: 27) Most: 66 (2023: 87)
The complete lists of affected words are below.
15,645 total words were used in 366 Bee puzzles
Highest: 76 Lowest: 16 Average (Mean): 42.75 Median: 42 Mode: 47
The BINGO characteristic was present in 161 of 366 puzzles (43.99%)The -ED SUFFIX was present in 54 of 366 puzzles (14.76%)The -ING SUFFIX was present in 52 of 366 puzzles (14.21%)
15,645 total words were used in 366 Bee puzzles
Highest: 76 Lowest: 16 Average (Mean): 42.75 Median: 42 Mode: 47
The BINGO characteristic was present in 161 of 366 puzzles (43.99%)The -ED SUFFIX was present in 54 of 366 puzzles (14.76%)The -ING SUFFIX was present in 52 of 366 puzzles (14.21%)
23 different center letters were used during 2024. Q and X were not used, and of course S is never used.
J was the center letter for the first time on July 4, 2024. A summary of all center letters in Bee history may be seen HERE.
23 different center letters were used during 2024. Q and X were not used, and of course S is never used.
J was the center letter for the first time on July 4, 2024. A summary of all center letters in Bee history may be seen HERE.
All center letters of 2024, in order by frequency of use:
34 O [O was the center letter in 34 Bees]28 T27 C26 A26 N20 I20 R19 B19 L19 M18 E18 H17 P15 F12 U10 D9 G9 V8 W5 Y3 K1 J1 Z0 Q0 X
34 O [O was the center letter in 34 Bees]28 T27 C26 A26 N20 I20 R19 B19 L19 M18 E18 H17 P15 F12 U10 D9 G9 V8 W5 Y3 K1 J1 Z0 Q0 X
All center letters of 2024, in alphabetical order:
A 26 [A was the center letter in 26 Bees]B 19C 27D 10E 18F 15G 9H 18I 20J 1K 3L 19M 19N 26O 34P 17Q 0R 20T 28U 12V 9W 8X 0Y 5Z 1
Yearly total: 536 pangrams in 366 puzzlesMonthly average: 44.67 pangrams per monthDaily average: 1.46 pangrams per puzzle Daily pangram numbers for 366 Bee puzzles: 7 pangrams in 1 puzzle (0.03%) 6 in 2 puzzles (0.05%) 5 in 4 puzzles (1.09%) 4 in 5 puzzles (1.37%) 3 in 24 puzzles (6.56%) 2 in 77 puzzles (21.04%) 1 in 253 puzzles (69.12%)
Of the 366 Bee puzzles in 2024:
73 (19.95%) were based on pangrams and letter sets that had never been used before. These 73 puzzles added new words to the Bee lexicon at a rate of 5.35 new words per puzzle.
293 (80.05%) were based on pangrams and letter sets that had been used before. These 293 puzzles added new words to the Bee lexicon at a rate of 0.45 new words per puzzle.
Of the 293 puzzles with repeat letter sets and repeat pangrams: 099 letter sets were used for the second time 093 letter sets were used for the third time 067 letter sets were used for the fourth time 034 letter sets were used for the fifth time
The average “age” of all pangrams and letter sets in 2024: 2.69The average “age” of all the recycled pangrams and letter sets in 2024: 3.12
Yearly total: 536 pangrams in 366 puzzlesMonthly average: 44.67 pangrams per monthDaily average: 1.46 pangrams per puzzle Daily pangram numbers for 366 Bee puzzles: 7 pangrams in 1 puzzle (0.03%) 6 in 2 puzzles (0.05%) 5 in 4 puzzles (1.09%) 4 in 5 puzzles (1.37%) 3 in 24 puzzles (6.56%) 2 in 77 puzzles (21.04%) 1 in 253 puzzles (69.12%)
Of the 366 Bee puzzles in 2024:
73 (19.95%) were based on pangrams and letter sets that had never been used before. These 73 puzzles added new words to the Bee lexicon at a rate of 5.35 new words per puzzle.
293 (80.05%) were based on pangrams and letter sets that had been used before. These 293 puzzles added new words to the Bee lexicon at a rate of 0.45 new words per puzzle.
Of the 293 puzzles with repeat letter sets and repeat pangrams: 099 letter sets were used for the second time 093 letter sets were used for the third time 067 letter sets were used for the fourth time 034 letter sets were used for the fifth time
The average “age” of all pangrams and letter sets in 2024: 2.69The average “age” of all the recycled pangrams and letter sets in 2024: 3.12
The lists of words added to or removed from the Bee lexicon are shown below, arranged with smaller lists first, and the largest list (new words) at the bottom.
The words that moved OUT of the lexicon, or came back IN after having been OUT, are included in the master lists that are summarized and linked HERE.
Words allowed, then disallowed, then allowed again (IN-OUT-IN) (8)
Words disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed, then allowed again (OUT-IN-OUT-IN) (0)
none in 2024
none in 2024
Words disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed again (OUT-IN-OUT) (3)
Words allowed, then disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed again (IN-OUT-IN-OUT) (1)
Words disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed, then allowed, then disallowedOUT-IN-OUT-IN-OUT (0)
none in 2024
none in 2024
Words added, previously disallowed (OUT-IN) (38)
Words previously allowed, now disallowed (IN-OUT) (35)
Words added, not previously disallowed (NEW WORDS) (462)