Welcome to LexiConnexxions
LexiConnexxions is a unique, independent, free resource that offers data, topical analyses, and contextual insights about the words that appear in the New York Times Spelling Bee, as well as solving tips, some Spelling Bee history, a comprehensive up-to-date bibliography of resources about this fascinating puzzle, and much, much more.
LexiConnexxions is grateful to sbsolver.com for making available a complete history of Spelling Bee words, along with statistics and other interesting information. In turn, LexiConnexxions has made our analyses, many of which draw on the resources at sbsolver.com, freely available at this site.
If you use information from any LexiConnexxions report, please give appropriate credit and a link to the relevant page. Thank you.
LexiConnexxions is not affiliated with The New York Times or with any other resource related to the Spelling Bee puzzle.