Welcome to LexiConnexxions, a unique, free resource that offers data, topical analyses, and contextual insights about the words that appear in The New York Times Spelling Bee, as well as solving tips, a comprehensive bibliography of resources about this fascinating puzzle, and much, much more.
Subject analysis of the 10,000+ words in the Spelling Bee lexicon, with complete word lists and definitions. Start exploring HERE.
How the Spelling Bee puzzle works, with solving tips and tricks, guides to navigating the Spelling Bee forum, and more. Get started HERE.
How and when words move in and out of the Spelling Bee lexicon, with up-to-date data and word lists. Dig in HERE.
A comprehensive compilation of articles, podcasts, reviews, and resources, including interviews with the Spelling Bee editor. Catch up HERE.
Notes on Bee puzzles of particular interest, how design intersects with solving and gameplay, and more. Read more HERE.
A guide to the frequently-used dictionaries and etymology sources used by Spelling Bee solvers. Dive in HERE.
Spelling Bee Puzzle: Trifles & Trivia
Coming soon! Foofaraws, farragoes, and doodads.
Spelling Bee Words: Etymologies & Explorations
Coming soon! Backgrounders on words that have Bee solvers scratching their heads: Motorways, thruways, Mach, flatfeet, and more!
Spelling Bee Words: Wordplay
Fun or frustrating? Abandoned accents, variant spellings, eponyms, toponyms, reduplications, and much more from the Spelling Bee lexicon. Take a look HERE.